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Pre-Omnibus Semester 1 study guide
Question | Answer |
Nimrod | A man who was rebellious toward God, and is believed to be leader of building the tower of babel. |
Pharaoh Menes | The first pharaoh to unite both the north and the south part of Egypt. |
Hagar | The handmaid of Sarah, and the wife of Abraham. |
Joseph | The second in command of all Egypt. |
Abraham | A man that loved God so much he would kill his only son for him. |
Hammurabbi | A man who spread lots of rules like the ten commandments across his kingdom. |
Taharka | A prince that didn't want to become pharaoh but didn't have a choice. |
Shepnusut | The half brother of Taharka who wanted to be pharaoh, and should of been but didn't get to. |
Hatshepsut | A girl who had to be high priest but wanted to be normal and marry Taharka who wore a fake beard for power. |
Thutmose I | |
Amenhotep IV | |
Pharoah Tutankhamon | The first pharaohs tomb to be discovered before grave robers. He died at about 18 years old. |
David | A great king who loved God with all his heart. |
King Solomon | A man who started his life out loving God, then his lust for women overtook his life and he turned away from God. |
Alexander the Great | One of the Wold's greatest conquers who had a twisted neck, which made him appear to always be gazing upwards |
Cleopatra | A women who who was an Egyptian pharaoh who married Mark Antony and had a child with Julius Caesar. |
Helen | A girl who ran away with Paris causing a fight between Greece's and the Trojans known as the Trojan War. |
Paris | The man who stole Helen from Greece and took her to Troy. |
Agamemnom | |
Polyphemus | The cyclops who tried to kill Odysseus and his men when they went in his cave seeking help and food. |
Romulus and Remus | Two boys who were said to be raised by wolfs who grew up and started the roman empire. |
Herodotus | The man who wrote the Homer and the Aeneid, Also a very confusing writer. |
Plato | |
Julius Caesar | |
Caesar Agustus | A man who improved roads and sewer systems in the Roman empire who was the nephew of Julius Caesar. |
John the Babtist | The for runner for Christ who baptized lots of people. |
Nero | One of the worst emperors known for persecuting Christians. |
Titus | |
Diocletian | |
Monica | The mother of St. Augustine who never stopped praying for him while he was young and rebellious. |
St. Benedict | |
Mohammed | The man who started the Islamic empire. He said he was told by Gabriel in a dream to go and spread the new religion |
Justenian | |
Alfred the Great | |
Otto I | The first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. |
St. Francis | |
Beowolf | A man known for his strength who killed the terrible monsters Grendel, Grendel's mother, and the fire breathing dragon. |
Grendel | A terrible monster who killed the Geats by eating them. |
Hrothgar | King over the Geats who asked Beowulf for help to kill Grendel. |
Charlemagne | A man that scientists named but his real name in German was Karl. |
Who was the "seed" God promised to send to crush Satan? | Jesus is the promised seed God sent to crush Satan. |
Who was the first known Egyptian Pharaoh? What important feat did he accomplish? | Pharaoh Menes is the first known Egyptian pharaoh and he united both the upper and the lower parts of Egypt. |
What was God’s promise to Abraham? | God's promise to Abraham was to give him as many descendants as the stars of the sky. |
What eventually happened to Joseph and his family? | Joseph and his family got back together and they lived with Joseph in Egypt. |
What was Moses safe from because he lived as the son of a princess? | He was safe to enter pharaoh's house and demand that pharaoh let God's people go. |
What was the relationship between the plagues and Egyptian gods? | Each plague sent by God was a direct attack on the Egyptian gods. |
What was the largest archeological finds in history, made on November 4, 1922 and who made the discovery? | The largest find is king Tutankhamen's tomb, made by Howard Carter. |
Why did Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide? | They committed suicide because they wanted to die with honor, and they had just lost a battle. |
How did the Greeks defeat the Trojans? | The Greeks defeated the Trojans by making a wooden horse, putting soldiers in it, and then acting like they were leaving, but after it got dark the soldiers jumped out and killed the Trojans. |