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The Chinese Exclusion Act decreased Chinese Immigration
What is a 'pull' factor Exmples? something that pulls an immigrant to America
What is a push factor Examples? something that causes an immigrant to LEAVE their home country
Who started working in factories in the 1880's? immigrants from Italy, Germany, Russia and Ireland
What was it like to travel in steerage it was stuffy crowded and diseased
What is stereotyping the belief that all people of a certain group are all the same
What is nativism The belief that immigrants should adopt American culture and forget their own
who was the Immigrant Restriction League? A group that limited or restricted immigration
What is Cultural Pluralism? Keeping your language and traditions while also adopting American culture
What is a quota? A limit on the number of immigrants, from each country, allowed in America
What is melting pot theory ? All immigrants bring valuable culture to America and can blend with American society
What is Eugenics? The belief that Americans were superior to immigrants, and immigrants should be limited.
What was The Gentleman's agreement? An attempt to limit the number of Asian immigrants from entering the US
What was Angel Island? How long were immigrants held there and what were the conditions like? It was a detention center that held Chinese immigrants for weeks or months at a time.
What pulled Emma Lazarus to America? Religious Freedom
What was an open door policy? America had no restrictions on immigration
What were some problems in NYC in the late 19th century slums, dirty streets, pollution, overcrowding, disease poor ventilation, unsafe conditions
What did Jacob Riis' photos reveal to America? the conditions of tenement life in America
Who was Jane Addams helping the poor through settlement houses
What was the progressive movement? wanted to correct the problems caused by industrialization
Created by: andersonkristina
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