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Modern LA Final
Terms & Names
Term | Definition |
Dedazo | Mexican Presidents are handed power by PRI under genteel successions |
Ejido | Distribution of rural lands to farmers by the state |
ISI | Mexican Revolution: Import Substitution Industrialization (domestic>imports) |
Meguel Aleman (1946-52) | More ISI, Pro-worker, but more pro-order, attacked labor union (CTM) |
The Gorilla Ordaz (1968) | Supressing PAN (liberal) movement, orders massacre of students at Tlatelolco |
Lopez Portillo (1976-82) | Hikes up oil prices against U.S., leverages, loses huge loans, $$$ loss in 1978 oil crash |
De la Madrid (1982-88) | Promises of improvement, allow PAN victories, 1985 earthquake shows gov't = inept |
Salinas Gortari (1988) | Election fraud, agrees to NAFTA, allows private property (article 27), increase capitalism |
Zedillo | More int'l trade, U.S. trade, IMF austerity, Clinton's loan, more democratic |
Vicente Fokes (2000) | First liberal, non-PRI president elected w/o fraud |
Don Figueres (1948) | COSTA RICA - Leads revolutionary army, coup of dictator, new republic, voting, rights, social welfare, no fraud, less nt'l guard |
Arevalo (1944) | Guatemala - Elected after Ubico dictatorship, labor laws, populism, disability benefits |
Arbenz (1950) | Guatemala - Econ independence, communism, agrarian reform act (1952), U.S. persuaded by UFCO to overthrow Arbenz -> return to oligarchic control |
Duvalier (1957) | Haiti - terror, army, cult of personality, oppression of opposition, no elections |
Tonton Macoutes | Militia used by Duvalier in Haiti |
Baby Doc Duvalier (1971) | Haiti - Less harsh than dad, U.S. relations, still poverty |
Carter-Torrijos Treaty (1977-99) | Panama gains control of canal in 1999 but U.S can permanently defend canal |
Batista (1952-58) | Anti-communist, pro-U.S., mafiacracy, military strength, no popular support |
Moncada Raid (1953) | Castro attacks military barracks and armory, defeated, but rallied ppl to cause |
Granma forces (1956) | 2 days late, given up by student rebellion, 80->15 rebels left (M-26) |
M-26 | Revolutionary forces in Cuba, started in countryside poor, hit & run, victory (1959), brutal force to suppress ideologies and increase socialism |
Fidel Castro (1959) | Urban and Agrarian reform - Can't own >1000 acres, 2 houses, wage laws, utility regulation,, luxury tax (400%) |
Cordobazo (1969) | Argentina - Resistance Group: kidnappings, bombings, chaos, disrupting system |
Night of Canes (1966) | Beating of professors in Universities who spoke out against security state |
AAA | Argentina - Gestapo-like para-military group to suppress ppl -> Dirty War |
Videla General Group (1976) | 10,000-30,000 ppl disappear/die |
Malvinas-Falkland Island War (1982) | Argentina vs. Britain to gain control, UK Crushes Argentina w/ Navy, down with the state |
Cassação (1964) | Brazil - Forcibly removing congressmen, dismantling social welfare, austerity |
General Giesel (1974) | Brazil - Dirty War general, suppression, disappearances, censorship |
João Figueiredo (1979) | Brazil - Denied turn to democracy, voted out in 1985 |
Tancredo Neves-Sarney (1985) | Brazil - Elected Prez |
Alessandri (1958) | Chile - Free/U.S. trade, but sputtering economy, left rising |
Eduardo Frei (1964) | Chile - Capitalist/Socialist compromise, some socialism w/o state-siezing (land reform, mine nationalization) |
Allende (1970) | Chile - Capitalism & in-betweens don't effect change, need more/slow socialism, nationalization: mines, finances, trade, monopolies; 3 properties: state, private, blend; redistribution of wealth ->MORE socialism |
Lost Decade | 1980s - Struggle for stable economies by any gov't system (even security states failing) |
Fernando Baluande | Peru - Free market, pro-business, democratization, liberalism, personal greed=good for economy, efficiency |
Raul Alfonsin (1983) | Argentina - Plan Austral: peg currency to dollar, laissez faire economics, pro-business |
Sarney (1985) | Brazil - Cruzado (II, novo) plan: freeze wages and prices, trying to stop inflation, failing, removing zeros from currency |
Fernando Collor (1989) | Brazil - privatization, curb inflation, impeached (1992) |
Carlos Menem (1989) | Argentina - austerity, privatization, liberalism |