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The Road to Revolution: 1754-1775 - Quiz 1-3

Thomas Paine's Common Sense was? blamed George III for the colonies' problems and urged Americans to declare their independence.
A historian compared tax lists for the years 1687 and 1771. What changes do you think he found in the Boston of 1771 compared to the Boston of 1687? a more stratified social structure.
Benjamin Franklin epitomized which movement in colonial America? the Enlightenment.
Colonial Committees of Correspondence were created to? publicize grievances against England.
The Intolerable Acts of 1774 included all of the following EXCEPT? new taxes on glass, tea, lead, and paper.
The ideology of revolutionary republicanism? borrowed ideas from a variety of former Whig and Enlightenment thinkers.
The Stamp Act Congress was significant because it? marked an important step toward the unity of the colonies.
What is typical of the role that colonial women played during the Townshend crisis? organizing spinning bees.
What is the French and Indian War also refereed to? Seven Years War
What did the Proclamation of 1763 state? settlers were prohibited from crossing the Appalachians.
What were the Sons of Liberty (Created in 1765)? It was a inter-colonial association was created by the elite in an attempt to channel crowd action into acceptable forms of resistance.
England passed the Stamp Act in 1765 to? raise money to reduce England's national debt.
A accomplishment of the First Continental Congress was to? petition the king to recognize the colonists' rights.
During the early 1770s, the patriots sought freedom from parliamentary authority but continued to pledge allegiance to the king. This patriot position was difficult for the British to understand because? in the British mind the king was part of Parliament and the two could not be separated.
Which of the following had the least significance in providing experience and concepts that were used by the colonists in their arguments and fight for independence? the development by the colonists of crops for export.
Which of the following states the principle of virtual representation, as it was argued during the 18c? all English subjects, including those who are not allowed to vote, are represented in Parliament.
what did the the Declaratory Act of 1766 state? it stated that parliament had the power to make laws binding on the colonies.
The Molasses Act was intended to enforce England's mercantilist policies by? forcing the colonists to buy sugar from other British colonies rather than from foreign producers.
What was the writ of assistance? allowed the British to ransack a colonial merchant's house in search of illegal goods.
The most important consequence of the Boston Tea Party was the? enactment by Parliament of the Coercive Act.
The British response to the American claim of no taxation without representation was that? members of Parliament represented the interests of all people in the British Empire.
Events in the late 1760s and early 1770s helped to bring about a new consensus in the colonies. What was the consensus? that Parliament had no lawmaking authority over the colonies except for the right to regulate imperial commerce.
During the 1760s and 1770s the most effective American tactic in gaining the repeal of the Stamp and Townshend Acts was? boycotting British goods.
A general search warrant used by the British customs officials to hunt for smuggled goods. writ of assistance
Colonial radicals formed these groups in each town and colony to spread the word of any new English aggression. Committees of Correspondence
This pre-1763 British policy overlooked colonial violations of Britain's trade laws and allowed the colonies to govern themselves. Salutary Neglet
The ability of colonial legislatures in the 18c to initiate money bills, specifying the amount to be raised and its uses. Power of the Purse
This law passed in Parliament was specifically designed to regulate American trade. Navigation Act
Created by: jap2015sgt
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