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government exam1

Government mid-term exam

what di they do to the man who John Hancock shamed in front of his ship? tar and feathered him
which amendement established income tax? sixteenth
of the thousands of amendments that have been proposed, how many have actually been ratified? 27
who was the first governour of the Puritans in massachussets? john winthrop
catholicism was given priveleged status in the region from the Great Lakes to the Ohio River as a result of what legislation/ intolerable acts
what collage was founded in 1701 as an alternative to the increasingly worldly Harvard? Yale
what was not one of the three major contributions of Christianity to American Government? seasoned society
which of the following carried the gospel to the Indians of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania? david Brainard
which of the following was an English preacher who made seven evangelistic toursof america? George Whitefield
what collage was founded to educate Christian indians? Dartmouth
what did the great awakening not affect? immigration
which of the following led a revival in North Hampton, Massachussets? Johnathan Edwards
The first collage in America was? harvard
Harvard was founded in ? 1636
what New England law required parents to provide for the education of their children? Act of 1642
which was established last in New ENgland Society schools
what was the first written constitution in the new world fundamental orders of connecticut
In what year did the pilgrams arrive in America 1620
what is blind,unquestioning devotion to one's country? jingoism
what is the name for the command for man to reflect the glories of the Maker across creation, back to one another, and finally back to God? creation Mandate
what is anarchy government rule by one
what is a system of public rule or authority? government
for the most part, the church stayed univolved int he AMerican Revolution false
in the 1700s the minister was often the best-educated man in his community? true
From its founding in the mid- 1700s until the early tewntieth century, princeton was known for its spiritual character and leadership. true
early americans brought wit them from europe a tradition of moral dissent which encouraged them to protestagainst the abuses of governmnental authority? true
most of the Ivy League schools were originally established to train lawyers and merchants false
in early massachusetts, only church members could vote true
christianity has ggreatly influenced the development of the United States government true
man is a unique being called to exercise dominion over the world true
"power corrupts'; therefor , no christian can be involved in government without being corrupted by its power false
its easier for believers in america to participate in government than it was for believers during the Roman Empire to participate in government true
there was a hierachy of authority in the garden of eden true
it is natural for men to do good false
god eexpects christians to abandon all participation in government and leave it to unbelievers false
the scriptures record priciples upon which governments may be built true
what was the real fear that was created by Shay's Rebellion that farmers would lose all of their land
which of the following was not handled with compromise at the constitutional convention federalism
who earned the title " father of the Constitution"? James Madison
as a result of the Boston Tea Party, Britain passed what legislation? intolerable acts
what is an act of protest in which many refuse to patronize certain businesses? boycott
what law did the 1765 Stamp Act Violate? Petition of Right
whose writings in Second Treatise Civil Government_ greatly influenced the founding fathers John Locke
which of the following was not an english influence on colonial government? federalism
In what city did the Constitutional Convention meet? Philadelphia, pennsylvania
what year was the first legislative assembly organized in the New World? 1619
what king ascended to the throne of England in 1760? George III
a trade dispute between Virginia and Maryland, as well a shays Rebellion, highlighted the weakness of what document? Articles of Confederation
what were the published essays that defended the Constitution called? _The_Federalst_Papers_
who did most of the writing in defense of the Constitution? Alexander Hamilton
who led an uprising among farmers in Massachusetts who feared prison sentences for indebtedness? Daniel Shays
What country was the world's first constitutional democracy? United States
What are the division of counties called? municipalities
Which of the following is_not_ an example of unitary form of government? Brazil
what is the overriding characteristics of a direct or pure democracy? Every citizen has a directed voice in governmental decisions
what government system allows for public participation Popular Government
powers not granted to the national government and not prohibited from the states are called what? reserved powers
which state has unicameral legislature? Nebraska
where are the steps to statehood found? Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Which branch of government interprets the laws? Judicial
What is the heart of America Government? Constitution
WHo is the executive officer of the United States? President
Which Amendment gave african americans the right to vote? fifteenth Amendment
Which amendment extended the protections of the Constitution to all citizens? fourteenth Amendment
What changed the legal voting age from twenty-one to 18 twenty-sixth Amendment
which form of government divides power among different levels such as national, state, and local levels? Federal
Under which form of government does the national government have few, if any, power? Confederate
Which of the following is not on of the three major governmental systems? oligarchy
which of the following governmental bodies is elected by popular vote? Congress
what is not one of the main branches of the federal government? military
an oligarchy is an example of rule by one false
Federalism works well in large countries consisting of people with differing goals and needs. true
all members of the European Union use the offical currency, the euro. false
the nation had a unicameral legislature under the Articles of Confederation true
The New Jersey Plan called for a strong central government and executive branch. true
Every state had at least one representative at the Annapolis Convention false
Beginning with the Magna Carta, the British Believed that the power of government should be limited. true
Thomas Jefferson was responsible for most of the writing of the Declaration of independence. true
Thomas Jefferson's writings were greatly influenced by the work of John Locke true
The Articles of Confederation were ratified two months after they were introduced false
the ratification of the Articles of Confederation required unanimous consent true
when the Barbary pirates seized AMerican ships and Crews, the Confederation Congress could not raise ransom demands or a navy to fight them true
the small states wanted representation on the national legislature to be based on population false
Under the Great Compromise each slave would equal three-fifths of a person for representation and taxation purposes false
the south was particularly concerned about the central government's power over commerce true
Under the Articles of Confederation Congress had the power to levy taxes false
Patrick opposed the Constitution because of its restrictions on state power over commerce true
all of the delegates eagerly signed the Constitution false
Govuvernour Morris was responsible for the writing style of the constitution true
Southern states wanted to count slaves for representation purpose true
at the time of writing of the constitution the northern states had abolished slavery false
the Federal system is the most common form of government in use today throughout the world true
THe European Union is a modern-day example of a confederacy true
AN example of direct democracy is a New England town meeting true
sometimes differences in policy between the branches of government in a presidential system result in stalemates that slow down or even stop the governing process true
Anarchy's underlying theory is that people do not need a superior force to ensure that the live together in peace true
a system of government in which the people participate is called dictatorship false
pure democracy is practical only in a small setting false
The Presidential system is more widely used than the parliamentary system false
a king is the head of a parliamentary government true
under the parliamentary system the majority party selects the person to head the government true
WHat did the farmers of the constitution include in Article 1 that has enabled the power of government to develop along with the growth of the United states? necessary and proper clause
what is the idea that people are the ultimate source of their governments power? popular sovereignty
what is the division of power between national and state levels of government called? federalism
which branch of government holds the power of checks and balances over the others? Executive
Which branch of government interprets the laws? Judicial
which branch of government make the laws legislative
what is the only amendment tot the constitution to be ratified by state conventions twenty-first
What article of the Constitution makes provisions for amending the constitution? Article V
which of the following was used to prevent minorities form voting prior to the Fifteenth Amendment? Grandfather clauses, white primaries and poll taxes
which is on of the five freedoms found in the First Amendment? Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Press, and Freedom of petition
trying a person twice in the same court is what? double Jeopardy
Which of the following is a qualification o be president of the United States? Natural Born citizen
which branch of government enforces the laws? Executive
ann ex post facto law allows for what? for the laws to be retroactive
a bill of attainder is illegal because it allows for punishment without a trial
what branch of the government has the power according to the constitution to raise an army and navy? Legislative
What is the right to use the postal service without charge? franking privilege
of the thousands of amendments that have been proposed, how many have been ratified? 27
what is written deformation which attacks an individual's reputation? libel
what is written deformation which attacks an individual's reputation? slander
what is the introduction to the constitution preamble
which article of the constitution outlines the duties and limitations of the legislature? Article 1
Where was the constitutional convention held? Philidelphia
Which president broke the two-term precedent set by George Washington? Franklin Roosevelt
What court case do some use to support the notion that americans have the right to privacy in matters of abortion and homosexual rights? _Griwold_v._Connecticut_
What country has the oldest written constitution in effect today? United States
What group holds the belief that the Constitution is open for extensive interpretation broad constructionists
Which Supreme Court case established the right of judicial review? _Marbury_v._Madison_
a subpoena is an order to appear in court true
A pocket veto occurs when the presidential does not sign a bill within ten days of receiving it and congress adjourns within that time true
Because the District of Columbia is not a state, it has no voice in the election of the president false
states are free to enter into alliances with one another and with other countries false
all bills relating to funding must ornate in the senate false
a census must be taken every ten years according to the constitution true
the United States has a bicameral legislature true
the separation of powers is the same as checks and balances false
one of the framers' main objection to Britain system of government at that time was that parliament was above the law true
because the law is written , the bounds of authority are not subject to the whims of leaders true
the free exercise clause allows the freedom to practice religion to the extent of the law true
gridlock is an example of an advantage of the checks and balances system false
THe french Constitution of 1792 demonstrates man's acknowledgement of his sin nature false
THe Second Amendment guarantees freedom of religion false
what is an an assembly of party representatives who nominate candidates for president and vice president caucus
who ran for the "Bull Moose" party Theodore roosevelt
what political party grew up in opposition to Andrew jackson whig
which was the first political party to hold a national nominating convention? Anti-masons
who was the leader of the Federalist Party Andrew Hamilton
who was the leader of the Anti- Federalist party? Thomas Jefferson
which president warned against political parties in his farewell address George Washington
which of the following is an example of a splinter party "Bull Moose" party
What Speaker of the house was called the "king maker"? Henry Clay
which amendment called for the direct election of senators seventeenth
which amendment made the election of the president and Vice President separate from the election for the president? twelfth Amendment
which amendment limits the number of terms a president may be elected to serve? twenty-second
what democrat broke the Republican hold on the WHite House in 1932? Robert La Follette
behind what man did the bull moose party form? Theodore Roosevelt
which of the following is an ideological party? Socialist Labor Party
What is it called when two or more political parties get together to form a majority? coalition
what are nominating polls called in states that hold no primaries caucuses
what type of political system is most common among european democracies multiparty
what is a formal statement of party's position on current issues platform
which president was responsible for bringing the "Spoils system" to washington D.C.? Andrew Jackson
which of the following is not a party function? tradition
Created by: Dirtbikes1234
Popular American Government sets




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