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Road to the Rev Test

acts, events leading to american revolution

What three European countries had power in the Americas before the French and Indian War? Spain, France, and England
Where did Britain have land AFTER the French and Indian War All the land east of the mississippi River, including Florida
Where did Spain have land AFTER the French and Indian War? France's land west of the Mississippi River, lost Florida to England
Where did France have land AFTER the French and Indian War? France lost all land to the English
Where did England have land BEFORE the French and Indian War? All the land east of the Appalachian Mountains, excluding Florida
Where did France have land BEFORE the French and Indian War? In the Ohio River Valley (from Canada down to Louisiana) and a bit west of the Mississippi River, including Mississippi River, Great Lakes
Where did Spain have land BEFORE the French and Indian War? Southwest US and Florida
Why was the war called the French and Indian War and who gave it that name? It was named by England because the French and Indians were their enemies during the war.
What was the name of the land England and France were fighting over in the French and Indian War? Ohio River Valley
Where was the Ohio River Valley located? west of the Appalachian Mountains and east of the Mississippi River
Why was the Ohio River valley so valuable? It contained forest land that offered abundant lumber and critters, as well as access to the Mississippi River and great potential farmland with rich soil
What were some advantages the British had going into the French and Indian War? 15x the population of New France to fight: Best army and navy in the world; colonies close together so easier to defend; eventually win because money pumped into the effort and best generals brought to fight
What were some advantages the French had going into the French and Indian War? They had one unified government, Spain as an ally, and more Native American tribes that joined their side.
What country was winning the first years of the French and Indian War? France
Why was France so successful at the beginning of the French and Indian War? They had more Native Americans on their side who taught them how to use the land to fight smarter and more successfully.
Why was England doing so poorly at the start of the French and Indian War? They had leaders, like General "Bulldog" Braddock, that insisted on fighting in straight lines, not breaking from traditional style of warfare. The French and Indians knew how to use the land and strategy to their advantage.
Who was a young officer for the British during the French and Indian War (who will later become veryyyyyyyyy famous)? George Washington
What city was the last to be captured to win the French and Indian War Quebec
What was the name of the Treaty that ended the war? Treaty of Paris
What was William Pitt's role in the French and Indian War? He was a British leader (secretary of state) that insisted that more money be pumped into the war effort in the Americas and that the best British generals be brought to America to win the war.
What was Ben Franklin's role in the French and Indian War? He wanted to unite the colonies and get them to work together. He also made a cartoon, a snake, in support of his plan.
What was the Albany Plan of Union? This was created by Ben Franklin, who thought that the English colonists needed to unite and form a unified defense against the French (taxing together, creating laws, raising an army) in order to win.
How did Ben Franklin try to get support for the Albany Plan of Union He created a political cartoon called "Join, or Die" which featured a cut up snake with colonies labeled. He wanted to show that without joining together, they would miss the opportunity to be a more powerful threat against France and would lose the war
What were the effects of the French and Indian War? France lost all its land in America; England gained the Ohio River Valley; colonists moved across the Appalachian Mts to live in their new land; colonists felt a stronger sense of accomplishment, pride, and united-feeling b/c won war; England in HUGE debt
Why was the Proclamation of 1763 created? It was an act that tried to prevent colonists from going across the App. Mtns into Ohio River Valley, where they were spending a lot of time and money fighting off the Native Americans there
What natural boundary were colonists not allowed to move west of, according to the Proclamation of 1763? the Appalachian Mountains
What was the colonial response to the Proc of 1763? They mostly ignored it and moved past mountains anyway,but were annoyed b/c didn't they just fight a war to get that land? Mostly ineffective law
What was the first item taxed by the Parliament (and placed on the colonists)? Sugar
What did the Sugar Act state? There was a tax on molasses and harsher punishments were created for smugglers
Name things that were taxed in the Stamp Act. Paper documents like diplomas, licenses, newspapers, wills, contracts, almanacs, playing cards, dice
Under the Stamp Act, what was used as proof that the colonist had paid the tax? A stamp was placed on the paper good to prove its payment
What eventually happened to the Stamp Act because of colonial protests? It was repealed, or canceled.
What did the Townshend Acts tax? Lead, paper, paint, glass, tea- UH!
What was the second part of the Townshend Acts, besides the goods taxed? Writs of assistance: documents British officials or soldiers could show upon entering a shop or ship, allowing them to look for smuggled goods (without permission or proof)
Because of the many protests and all the activity in Boston, MA, the King send 2,000 troops to the city. With all the tension, what was the resulting event? The Boston Massacre
What happened during the Boston Massacre? On a cold March night, British soldiers fired onto a crowd of colonists in Boston and five colonists were killed.
What were the British soldiers accused of doing during the Boston Massacre? shooting at innocent colonists after a command from their captain, intending to kill the colonists
What was the role of colonists during the Boston Massacre? They were shouting at the British soldiers, taunting them, throwing snowballs, and shouting "Fire, Fire". One hit a British soldier with a stick. They surrounded the soldiers and caused chaos around these men, making it hard to know what was going on
What famous Son of Liberty created an engraving of this event? Paul Revere
Paul Revere's engraving of the Boston Massacre was done to further support for the colonists cause. His technique of making the engraving pro-colonist was an example of.....? Propaganda
Who was the person that defended the British in the Boston Massacre Trial? John Adams
Even though he supported the colonists and was angry with British taxes, John Adams was the lawyer for the British soldiers during the Boston Massacre trial....why? Because he was a lawyer and above all else, believed they had a right to a fair trial.
What was wrong in the engraving by Paul Revere? No snow on the ground; colonists are much smaller amount and don't look like an angry mob, no snowball throwing or insults, British look like they're getting the command to fire, and did it on purpose, Butcher's Hall sign is above British, etc
What does the word protest mean? To show disapproval or disagreement with something by taking action ranging from individual and non-violent to larger group protests or use of violence
What is a Boycott? refusal to boy goods; colonists would stop buying goods that were taxes, such as tea or fine British cloth, to show they were against the tax, hoping to force the British to remove the tax b/c they were harmed financially
What is a Petition? formal written document with signatures of people showing their disapproval or opinion on something; form of protest
What is a Repeal? A word that means to cancel, or end. The Stamp Act was so heavily protested against that it was repealed.
What does it mean to Tar and feather? A protest form used by the colonists; tax collectors or British officials had hot tar poured on their skin, then feathers- harmful and humiliating form of protest
What is an Effigy? How was it used? A symbol, often used in protest; a dummy or character that is meant to look like the real thing; often burned or hung in protest
Who are the Sons of Liberty? A protest group formed by male colonists, having it earliest origins in Boston. Organized rallies and protests, hangings in effigy, destruction of property, etc. Had to meet in secret. Sam Adams, Paul Revere famous sons
Who are the Daughters of Liberty? women that protested in the colonies; organized marches/parades and boycotts of fine British cloth (raised sheep and made their own cloth instead of paying for British goods)
What were the Committees of Correspondence? Started by the Sam Adams to spread the word about protests and activities going on in colonial cities. COlonists wrote letters to one another all over the colonies to spread information. They helped get aide and support to Boston after Intolerable Acts.
What does the term "no taxation without representation" mean? That colonists were upset that they did not have a say in what was taxed and had no representatives in British parliament. This was a violation of their rights at British citizens.
What was the Tea Act? The price of tea was lower (british east indian company had a lot of extra it needed to sell) but the tax remained. Tea was sold directly to the colonists by british merchants, harming colonial merchant livelihood.
What was the response to the Tea Act? Wide protests and boycotts of tea, as well as Boston Tea Party.
What was the response of the British to the tea destroyed in the Boston Tea Party? They passed the Intolerable Acts.
What did the Intolerable Acts state? No more town meetings for Massachusetts, Boston harbor closed, Quartering Act (soldiers could stay in your home, get a meal), and British charged with crimes in colonies had trial in England instead
How did other cities respond to the Intolerable Acts? Committees of Correspondence spread the word; other cities held days of fasting and prayer, and sent extra goods and food to Boston to help the blockade
What was John Adams famous for at this time? He was a talented speaker and lawyer. He actively wrote and spoke out against the British taxes and was a son of Liberty
What was Sam Adams famous for at this time? He was an influential organizer within the Sons of Liberty and created the Committees of Correspondence. He was talented at organizing meetings and responses behind the scenes.
What was Mercy Otis Warren known for at this time? She was a lady that frequently wrote and created plays that criticized and made fun of the British.
What was Paul Revere known for at this time? He was a famous Son of Liberty that created an engraving about the Boston Massacre, which was pro-colonist
What is propaganda? Propaganda is something created that tries to sway people's opinions or see one side of an argument. It is meant to coerce an opinion or feeling. Ex: "Join, or Die" cartoon and Boston Massacre engraving
What was the EFFECT of the Townshend Act on colonists? COlonists were enraged because the goods taxed were everyday items.
Created by: kmcg282
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