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Chapter 26/27

Versailles Treaty First peace treaty of World War I; established Germany's guilt in starting the war and punished it through reparations and demilitarization
revisionism Political aim of revising the World War I peace settlements
trust territories and mandates Former colonies and territories of losing countries given by the League of Nations to the winning countries to oversee
protectorate Political entity that formally agrees by treaty to enter into an unequal relationship with another, stronger state
Bela Kun Leader of a short-lived Bolshevik regime in Hungary crushed by Romanian and Slovak forces
Republic of Fiume Revolutionary experiment led by Gabriele D' Annunzio, whose dictatorship and militarized police state were precursors of fascism
charismatic leadership Leadership style that uses emotional appeals to arouse followers and compel loyalty
Irish Free State Irish state established in 1922 with dominion status, consisting of all of Ireland except Northern Ireland, which remained under direct British rule
dominion Status in which former colonies recognize the British monarch as the head of the state but control their internal and foreign affairs
Irish Republican Army Military organization recognized in 1919 by the parliament of the Republic of Ireland as its army, revived in 1970 as a paramilitary terrorist organization
moratorium Delay in the payment of the war debt
Ruhr occupation Occupation by French and Belgian troops of Germany's industrial Ruhr district to enforce the war reparations clause of the Versailles Treaty
hyperinflation Rapid devaluation of a currency that reduces its buying power overnight
John Maynard Keynes British economist whose theories revolutionized the supply-demand equation and inspired government policies to encourage economic growth
Great Depression Global economic crisis that began in October 1929 and lasted throughout the 1930s
deflationary Referring to a fiscal policy aimed at preventing inflation
gold standard Fiscal policy that pegs national currency to gold reserves
National Unity Government Coalition government in Britain during the first half of the 1930s, headed by Labour leader Ramsey MacDonald but dominated by the Conservatives
Spanish Civil War War won by the right-wing Nationalists, supported by the Nazis, over republican left-wing forces, supported by the Soviets
Francisco Franco General and leader of the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War and dictator of Spain from 1939 until his death in 1975
Carol II Romanian king who ruled in an authoritarian fashion
dictatorship Autocratic form of government headed by a single all-powerful ruler, the dictator
Lebensraum Idea that Germany needed to expand eastward to secure the healthy growth of the Aryan race
Schutzstaffel(SS) Hitler's personal bodyguards in the early days of the Nazi party
Enabling Act Decree passed by the Reichstag in 1933 that enabled Hitler to legally eliminate all political enemies and assume full dictatorial powers
Third Reich Titles used for the period of Nazi rule in Germany
Maxim Litvinov Soviet foreign commissar in the 1930s who orchestrated the admission of the Soviet Union to the League of Nations
pariah Outcast; a nation that is diplomatically shunned, its leadership and actions not recognized as legitimate
five-year plans Centralized formula for economic planning initiated by Stalin in 1928 to direct and coordinate protection in all sectors of the economy
command economy State-controlled economy in which all aspects of the economy are controlled by the state in a centralized manner
collectivization Soviet policy for turning all agricultural land into state-owned farms and peasants into wage laborers
kulaks Entrepreneurial peasants who enriched themselves during the NEP years
Great Purges Campaigns of political repression and persecution in the Soviet Union orchestrated by Joseph Stalin during the late 1930s.
gulag Soviet forced-labor camp system in which political enemies of the state were confined and literally worked to death
totalitarianism State system in which the state has total control over politics, economic life, and society at large
Night of Long Knives FIrst purge of the SA, in which Hitler's personal political enemies and disloyal followers were killed in one night in 1934
Aryan race Pseudoscientific idea of the racially superior group that made up the German nation
euthanasia Forceful termination of one's life in a presumably painless way
Gestapo Nazi secret police that implemented Hitler's policies of total control
concentration camp Camp for the internment of political prisoners and "undesirables," especially as organized by the Nazi regime
Nuremberg Laws Edicts issued by the Nazis in 1935 that deprived Jews of German citizenship and initiated their segregation from German life
Leni Riefenstahl Famous German film director who made propaganda films for the Nazis
Berlin-Rome Axis Agreement between Mussolini and Hitler in 1936 to support each other in their expansionist goals
Popular Fronts Moderate left-wing coalition governments during the 1930s that brought political stability, social reforms, and some economic recovery from the Great Depression
Leon Blum First jewish prime minister of France, a Socialist who led the Popular Front government in 1936
Thomas Mann Great German writer of the twentieth century who was persecuted by the Nazis for his staunch criticism of their anti-Semitism
Virginia Woolf Pacifist English writer who drew attention to gender inequalities
Dietrich Bonhoeffer German Lutheran pastor who openly criticized the Nazis and organized an underground church during the Third Reich
Pius XII Pope who failed to take a strong stance against the Nazis under the pretext of neutrality
Munich Conference Emergency meeting in 1938 in which Britain and France gave in to Hitler's demand for the Czech Sudetenland
appeasement Policy of giving in to an opponent's requests to prevent further demands
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact Non-aggression agreement of 1939 that secretly divided teh Baltic countries and Poland between the Soviets and the Germans and allotted part of Romania to the Soviet Union
blitzkrieg German attack strategy involved massed air force cover and rapid, motorized tank and troop movements that overwhelmed opponents
Vichy France Puppet state established by the Nazis in southern France during World War II, named so for its capital in Vichy
Battle of Britain Nazi air campaign against the British Isles in the fall of 1940 that became Germany's first major defeat
Lend-Lease Act U.S. commitment in 1941 to grant massive financial and military support to the Allies
Atlantic Charter Agreement between Churchill and Roosevelt in 1941 stating Allied goals for the war, including the commitment to restoring democracy
Operation Barbarossa Code name for the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941
Joseph Goebbels Hitlers's propaganda minister who played a central role in the Final Solution
Pearl Harbor U.S. naval base in Hawaii bombed by Japan on December 7, 1941, drawing the United States into World War II
Stalingrad Soviet city held under siege by the Nazis for six months where the Soviets scored one of the most important victories in 1942
Kursk Battle in which the Nazis received a crushing defeat through Soviet blitzkrieg tactics
Operation Overload Code name for the ALlied invasion of France in June 1944
atomic bomb Bomb powered by nuclear energy, with unprecedented destructive capability, developed first by the scientists in the United States
Manhattan Project Extensive science and development program in teh United States in 1942-1945 that produced a nuclear bomb
Yalta Conference Meeting of Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin in 1945 to discuss postwar peace
Wannsee Conference Meeting of high-ranking Nazis in early 1942 that officially decided to exterminate all Jews
Created by: tdub1330
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