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Chapter 24

new imperialism Extension and strengthening of European colonial rule, mainly in Africa and Asia, from approximately 1870 to 1914.
Leopold II Belgian king who established personal rule over a large part of central Africa
Cecil Rhodes British businessman and colonial official who made a fortune in diamonds and was prime minister of Cape Colony in Africa
David Livingstone Scottish missionary, explorer of Africa, and discoverer of Victoria Falls
Rudyard Kipling English writer and poet, born in India, best known for his adventure stories, which often took place in exotic colonial locations
white mans burden Phrase taken from a poem by Rudyard Kipling urging Americans-but implicitly all "white men"- to spread western civilization
manifest destiny North American ideology that saw the extension of the united States to the Pacific Ocean as fulfillment of a divine plan
paternalism Attitude toward or control of one group (here, colonialized people) by another (here, Europeans) that resembles a father's rule over his children
malaria Infectious parasitic disease transmitted by mosquitoes, particularly widespread in tropical areas but preventable by constant doses of quinine
settler colonies Colonies inhabited by settlers of European origin, always located in temperate regions such as North America, Australia, and South America
African National Congress Organization established by Africans in 1912 to defend their rights that eventually brought a more democratic order to South Africa
Joseph Conrad English writer of Polish origin whose novels such as Heart of Darkness and Lord Jim often examined morality of colonialism.
Berlin Conference Meeting in Berlin of the United States and European powers in 1884 that regulated European trade and imperial control in Africa.
German Colonial Union Political pressure group formed in 1882 to press the German government to seek overseas colonies
Herero Revolt Rebellion against colonial rule in German Southwest Africa followed by a German massacre of the Herero people in 1905-1907
genocide Attempt to kill an entire people or nation
Boer War Conflict between the British Empire and Dutch settlers in South Africa from 1899 to 1902 ending in a costly British victory
subcontinent British India, including present-day Pakistan and Bangladesh
Mughal Empire Muslim empire in India lasting from 1526 to 1857
Sepoy Rebellion Revolt of Indian soldiers (sepoys) in northern India in 1857-1858, put down with brutality by the British
monotheism Belief in the existence of only one God
Raj British Empire in India
Indian National Congress Organization formed in 1885 demanding the end of colonial rule in India
gendering Considering certain peoples or activities intrinsically linked with the male or female gender, in the latter case often with a negative connotation
Mohandas Ghandi Indian political and spiritual leader who fought for Indian independence and emphasized nonviolent struggle
deindustrialization Process of reducing the level of industry in a country, generally in colonized regions, especially India
Arab nationalism Movement beginning in late nineteenth century declaring that all Arabs constitute one nation and should be liberated from foreign rule
Indochina Region in Southeast Asia under French colonial rule in the later nineteenth century, today Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia
Qing Dynasty Ruling house of China from 1644 to 1912, also known as Manchus
Opium Wars Conflict between Britain and China from 1839 to 1842 that ended in Chinese defeat
Sun Yatsen Chinese physician and political leader who aimed to transform China with patriotic, democratic, and economically progressive reforms
Boxer Rebellion Antiforeign revolt in China in 1898-1900
Matthew Perry American naval officer who in 1854 persuaded the Japanese government to allow American trade with previously closed-off Japan
Meiji Restoration Reform of Japanese politics and economy under Emperor Meiji
Russo-Japanese War Conflict in 1904-1905 that began with a Japanese surprise attack on Russian naval base and ended in Russian defeat
Russian Revolution of 1905 Insurrection in Russia set off by military defeats in the Russo-Japanese War that forced political concessions from Tsar Nicholas II
Tsar Nicholas II Russian emperor and cousin by marriage of Kaiser William II, killed by the Bolsheviks in 1918, after the Russian Revolution
Vladimir Lenin Russian Marxist revolutionary and leader of the Bolsheviks
Created by: tdub1330
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