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Question | Answer |
Rosa Parks | Refused to give up her bus seat to a white person and got arrested |
Woodrow Wilson | Progressive movement,28th president 1902-1910 prince to university Presidential term 1913-1921. |
Extermination Camp | Send here to die. |
Concentration Camp | Sent to work when weak sent to extermination camp. |
Gheto | Walled part of city to keep jews and others in. |
John Jay | Federalist, first chief justice negotiator, govner of New York. |
Andrew Carnegie | (GOSPEL OF WEALTH ) ask rich people to improve society to start businesses. |
Urbanization | Influence american life, industrialization,high society,working class. |
Tenements | Substandard,tenancy,appartment,multi-family |
Henry Cabot Lodge | Republican,senator,historian,slim(nickname). |
Child labor | Children working in factories,farms,unhealthy working conditions,under age of 16. |
Joseph Pulitzer | Journalist,publisher,loyal,smart |
Trench Warfare | "NO MAN'S LAND";enemy lines.WWI,artillery barrages. |
Free Enterprise | Few restictions on trade and business. |
General John J. Pershing | General,officer,army,WWl. |
Woodrow Wilson | Smart,28th president,brave,serious. |
26th Amendment | Prohibits the states and the federal from setting a voteing age higher that 18. |
W.E.B Dubois |,activist,panaafricanist. |
Settlement House | Neighborhood house,reform institutions,under privileged people,temporary home. |
Jane Addams | Pioneer, social worker,leader,sociologist. |
Mark Twain | Author,tom slawyer,huck finn,samuel langhorne clemens. |
George Marshall | GCB,chief of staff in army,secretary of state,secetary of defense. |
Douglas Macauthur | American General,field marshall,chief of staff,played aprominent role. |
Mendez v. Westminster | The Equal Protection. |
Brown v. Board of Education | Merged black and white schools. |
Delgado v. Bastop I.S.D | Segregation of Mexican Americans. |
Flapper | Girls that wore short dress,partyed and did drugs. |