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GOVT 2305

Study Guide Test #3

Every Five Years Broadcasting rights for television and radio renewal frequency
06-2200 Time frame during the day when "explicit sexual and excretory references are restricted
1900 Number of television stations
1400 Number of daily newspapers
13K Number of radio stations
20% Percent of radio stations devoted to talk radio
7% Percent of news reporters identifying themselves as conservative
25% Number of young Americans who get their news from comedy shows
1880 61% of cities had competing newspapers
1990 2% of cities had competing newspapers
1923 500 cities had competing newspapers
2004 12 Cities had competing newspapers
2004 300 of 1480 daily newspapers independently owned
80% Conglomerates account for what percentage of newspaper circulation
11% (less than the IRS) Percent of public having a favorable view of the media
60% Percent of Americans in a recent survey that knew every state had two senators
71% Percent of Americans in same survey who could not name their member in the House of Reps
81% Percent of Americans who could not name their senators in the US Senate
1500 Minimum # of respondents to get a poll accuracy of + or - 3%
Philippines Nation with largest percent (73%) of population having a positive view of the US
1824 First attempt at conducting a poll to predict outcome of presidential election
1883 done be Boston Globe First attempt at exit polling
64% Voter turnout of voting age public in 1960
52% Voter turnout of voting age public in 1996
62.5% Voter turnout of voting age public in 2008
Italy (90%) Western nation with largest percent of voter turnout
Trend of Voting Older you get, more likely to vote until 70
2/3rd's Percent of young voters who voted for Barack Obama
36 Number of states where felons on probation or parole are not allowed to vote
11 Number of states where a felony conviction bans voter for life
9.8% Percent of voter increase in turnout from direct contact efforts (GOTV)
0.6% Percent of voter increase from direct mailing
64.5% (2004) Percent of absentee voting in state of Washington
Federalists (1788) First political party in the U.S.
Democratic-Republicans (Jeffersonian Republicans-1790) First opposition party formed in the U.S.
1880 First presidential election between clear party candidates
Anti-Masonic Party (1832) First third party opposition in the U.S.
Whig Party that spun off the Federalist Party
5 (1800, 1828, 1860, 1896, 1933) Number of electoral realignments in U.S. history
19% Percent of voters received by Ross Perot, Reform Party candidate in 1992 election
Every Four Years Frequency of party national conventions
165 million (Demzilla) Number of people Democrats claim to have records on
200 million (Voter Vault) Number of people Republicans claim to have records on
1860 Year the current two-party system began its domination
AARP Largest SIG in the U.S. with over 38 million members
1955 Year AARP was originally founded as the National Retired Teachers Association
1958 Year AARP changed name to AARP at urging of insurance company seeking bigger pool
$90M Annual revenue of the AARP is $900M, with taxpayer federal grants contributing how much $
3K Number of full-time AARP employees in Washington, DC national headquarters
50% Percent of DC lobbyists with prior government service
$3.5M Average amount spent on lobbying each member of Congress
Microsofted Word that describes what happens to business groups that do not engage in lobbying
War Room Name of the office at Wal-Mart headquarters in Arkansas dedicated to lobbying
Lobby What many souses married to members of Congress do for a living
3 Number of elections since 1824 where electoral college vote conflicted with popular vote
2 Number of states that proportion their votes instead of winner takes all (Nebraska & Maine)
$500K Minimum amount considered to have a reasonable chance to win a House seat
$5M Normal amount expected to win a Senate seat
1960 First televised presidential debate between JFK and Richard Nixon
$100,000 Amount spent by Abraham Lincoln in presidential election of 1860
$3B Amount spent by all presidential candidates in the 2008 presidential election
>33% Percentage of voters who were using electronic voting machines by 2006
270 Number of Electoral College votes required to win the presidential election
120M Number of voters voting in the 2008 election; 7M more voters Obama over McCain
Adversarial Journalism A form of reporting in which the media adopt a hostile posture toward the government and public officials
Bandwagon Effect A shift in electoral support to the candidate whom public opinion polls report as the front-runner
Caucus A normally closed political party business meeting of citizens or lawmakers to select candidates, elect officers, plan strategy, or make decisions regarding legislature matters
Federal Communications Commission An independent government agency that regulates interstate and international communications by radio and television and wire and cable and satellite
4th Branch of Government Governmental agencies which have powers on the level of those of the traditional 3 branches or nongovernmental agencies which can great influence the operations of the government
Gender Gap A distinctive pattern of voting behavior reflecting the difference in views between women and men
Leak A disclosure of confidential information to the news media
Press Release Information supplied to reporters; on official statement or account of a new story that is specially prepared and issued to newspapers and other news media for them to make known to the public
Press Briefing A media event where journalist are invited by news makers to hear them speak and to ask questions
Priming Process of preparing the public to take a particular view of an event or political actor
Sound Bites Brief broadcast remark: A short comment intended or suitable for broadcasting in a news program, especially one made by a politician; their use is often regarded as manipulative
Telecommunications Act Was the first significant overhaul of U.S. telecommunications law in more than 60 years, amending the communications act of 1934, it was the 1st time that the internet was included in broadcasting and spectrum allotment
Sampling Error Polling error that arises based on the small size of the sample
Stratified Sampling Proportional sample from whole population: A sample of a population that is proportionally representative of all types of people or interest in the survey
Rock the Vote A nonpartisan, nonprofit organization in the U.S. whose mission is to engage and build the political power of young people
Mobilization The process by which large numbers of people are organized for political activity
Motor Voter Act A legislation that required state governments to allow registration when a qualifying voter applied for or renewed their driers license or applied for social services
Get out the Vote (GOTV) Terms used to describe two categories of political activity, both aimed at increasing the number of votes cast in one or more elections
Plank Policy of political part: A policy that is part of a political party's platform
Soft Money Money contributed directly to political parties and other organizations for political activities that is not regulated by federal campaign spending laws; in 2002 Federal Law prohibited unregulated donations to national party commitees
Interest Group Individuals who organize to influence the government's programs and policies
Disturbance Theory A political postulation by David Truman that states that interest groups from primarily in opposition to other interest groups so as to counteract influence in their respective political domains
Free Riders Those who enjoy the benefits of collective goods but did not participate in acquiring them
Straight-ticket Voting Selecting candidates from the same political party for all officers on the ballot
Created by: mkharris90
Popular American Government sets




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