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exam 2

liberal or conservative? (affirmative action) liberal
liberal or conservative? (prayer in school) conservative
liberal or conservative? (right to bear arm) conservative
liberal or conservative? (ligalize drug) moderate
liberal or conservative? (pornography) both against
liberal or conservative? (balanced budget) liberal
dove and hawk which represent? liberal and conservative respectively
liberal or conservative? (interventionism) conservative
liberal or conservative? (Isolationism) liberal
liberal or conservative? (foreign aid) conservative
define conservative 1.govornment with govern least governs best 2.private sector(business) to solve social problem. 3.government stays out of your private life
define liberal 1.favor on expanded role for government 2. look to government to solve social problem 3.believe in social engineering thru legislation
where does most political people stands at 90% stands for moderate
blacks stands for 1.democrates 90% 2.most loyal to democrat 3.most liberal democrats
which people were conservative ron paul, santorum, paul ryan
which person was liberal mcgovern
which terms interchangeble? party era, realignment, critical election
what is rule of critical election? party replace the other party as majority 2.high voter turn out voting coalition form 4.change in government philosophy
when did critical elections happen? 1932,1968
why did critital election happened? Great depression(roosevelt), vietnam war(nixon)
what year was economy issue? 2008,2012
why nixon lost in 1960 to kennedy poor on debates, fraud vote
why gold water lost in 1964 to johnson voter feared for vietnam war, too conservative, lost w/high rate with 60%
why mcgovern lost in 1972 to nixon too liberal,lost with 60%,watergate scandal made no one want to be opponent to nixon
anaylize factor of critical election in 1932 replace republican switch from republican to democrat 3.conservative to liberal 4.mass vote
anaylize factor of critical election in 1968 replace democrat 2.south changes from democrat to republican turned to liberal 4.mass vote
buckley vs valeo Pac's can spend money unlimited amount of money on commercial as long as its not directly tied to specific candidate
broadcast advertise thru radio & tv
narrowcast programming on cable tv or internet that aims particular audience in contrast to broadcasting
soundbite short video clip of 10 sec,typically political speech
negative ads say how bad your opponents are
trial ballon purposeful news leak to gauge public opinion
talk about howard dean first to use internet to raise money, independent candidate in 2004, held democrat economy fundrasing
legitimacy accept result of vote
3 kinds of vote primary election(select candidate to go general election), general election(party vs party), election on policy(people who want to change policy)
1800~ election type no election, only man with 21 or over with property owned
1896~ election type primary, general election
define suffrage legal right to vote
the reason why vote political efficacy: belief ordinary people can influence civic duty
mandate theory of election winning candidate has mandate from people to carry out his platform and politics
2 states split the party nebraska, Maine
the state that is first presidential primary New hamshire
difference open primary & closed primary closed primaries are election to select party nominees in only people who registered in advance with the party. open primaries voters can decide on election day
voter splitting voting with one party for one office and with another party for other office
coalition a group with common interest which political party depends.
define realignment displacement of majority party by minority party usually during critical election
divided government read pg 257.
Federal Election Commision regulatory agency created to administer and enforce the statute that governs the financing of federal elections
hard money vs soft money made directly to a specific candidate (hard money) or indirectly to parties and committees (soft money)
limitation PAC can spend on election $5000 per candidate/ $10,000 per cycle
3 types of PACs and belonged parties 1.big business(AT&T,Corporative america,anything national)-conservative 2.Labor union(anything international)-democrat 3.ideological/single issue(green peace,national minority names)-all over the place
News, media more focus on horse race (who's winning)rather focusing on policy issues or why he's winning
Created by: hjo622
Popular American Government sets




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