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Stack #139166

Basic Vocabulary

abelo bee
aboni subscribe
acido acid
acxeti buy
adi keep
adreso address
aero air
aeroplano plane
afabla agreeable
afableco kindness
afero affair
afisxo sign
agi act
agrabla pleasant
agxo age
ajxo thing
akcepti accept
akra sharp
akvo water
al to
aldoni add
algxustigo adjustment
alia other
almenaux at least
alta high/tall
altiri attract
amaso lot of
ambaux both
ami love
amiko friend
angulo angle/corner
ankaux also
ankoraux still/yet
anstataux instead of
antaux before/in front of
antauxa flanko front
antauxen forward
aparato apparatus
aparta separate
apenaux hardly/scarcely
aperi appear
aprobi approve
apud next to
arangxi arrange
arbo tree
argxento silver
arkajxo arch
armeo army
artikolo article
arto art
asocio association
ataki attack
atendi wait
atenta attentive
aux or
auxdi hear
auxskulti listen
auxto car
auxtobuso bus
auxtomata automatic
auxtuno autumn
avino grandmother
avo grandfather
baldaux soon
bano bath
barbo beard
batali fight
bati hit
bazo base
bebo baby
bedauxri regret
bela beautiful
bendo tape
besto animal
bezoni need
biblioteko library
biciklo bicycle
bildo picture
bileto ticket
birdo bird
blanka white
blua blue
boato boat
bona good
bonvolu please
bordo edge
botelo bottle
bovino cow
brako arm
bremso brake
breto shelf
brili shine
brui make a noise
bruli burn
bruna brown
bruo noise
busxo mouth
butero butter
butiko store
butono button
celo goal
cerbo brain
certa certain
cigaro cigar
cirklo circle
colo inch
cxambro room
cxapelo hat
cxar because
cxarma charming
cxe at
cxemizo shirt
cxerpi draw
cxesi cease
cxesigi stop
cxevalo horse
cxi tie here
cxi tiu this
cxia every sort of
cxiam always
cxie everywhere
cxiel every way
cxielo sky
cxies everybody's
cxio all/everything
cxiom every amount
cxirkaux around
cxiu everybody
da of (quantity)
danci dance
dangxero danger
danki thank
de of/from/by
deca decent
decidi decide
dekstra right
demandi ask a question
demando question
dento tooth
detrui destroy
devi have to/must
deziri desire
diablo devil
difini define
dika thick/pudgy
dikfingro thumb
dio god
direkto direction
diri say
diskuti discuss
disputi argue
diversa miscellaneous
do so/therefore
doktoro doctor
dolcxa sweet
doloro pain
domo house
doni give
dormi sleep
dorso back
dubi doubt
dum during/while
dura hard/solid
dusxi shower
ebla possible
ecx even
eduki educate
edzigi marry/wed
edzo husband
ejo place
ekhavi get
eksperto expert
ekster outside of
ekzemplo example
ekzisti exist
el out of
elekti choose
elektra electric
elirejo exit/way out
eliri exit
elsxalti turn off
en in
enirejo entrance
eniri enter
ensxalti turn on
erari make a mistake
eraro error
esperi hope
esti be
estonto future
etendi extend something
etikedo label
eventuala contingent
facila easy
fajro fire
fako specialty
fali fall
familio family
farbi paint
fari do/make
farmo farm
felicxa happy
fenestro window
fermi close/shut
fero iron
festi celebrate
filino daughter
filmo film
filo son
fingro finger
fini finish something
firmo company
fisxo fish
fizika physical
flanko side
flari smell
flava yellow
fleksi bend
floro flower
flosi float
flugi fly
fojo time (occasion)
folio leaf
fonto source
for away
forgesi forget
forko fork
formiko ant
formo form
forno oven
forta strong
fosajxo hole
fotilo camera
foto photograph
frapi knock/hit
fratino sister
frato brother
frauxlo bachelor
frazo sentence
fremda foriegn
fremdulo stranger
fromagxo cheese
frua early
frukto fruit
funkcio function
fusilo rifle
fusxi bungle
gaja merry
gajni win
gazeto magazine
genuo knee
glacio ice
glaso drinking glass
glata smooth
granda big
gratuli congratulate
grava important
greso grass
griza gray
grupo group
gusti taste
gvidi guide
gxardeno garden
gxenerala general
gxeno trouble
gxis until/bye
gxoji be joyful
gxusta correct/right
halti halt/stop
haoso chaos
haro hair
hauxto skin
havi have
hejmo home
hela bright/light colored
helpi help
hieraux yesterday
historio history/story
hodiaux today
homo human being
horlogxo clock
horo hour
hotelo hotel
hundo dog
hxoro choir
ia some sort of
ial for some reason
iam sometime
ideo idea
ie somewhere
iel somehow
ies someone's
imagi imagine
infano child
informi inform
inko ink
insekto insect
instrui teach
insulo island
inter between/among
interesi interest
interligi connect
interna internal
interno interior
intersxangxi exchange
inventi invent
inviti invite
io something
iom some amount
iri go
iu someone
iu ajn any
ja indeed
jam already
jaro year
jen behold/here is
jes yes
jugxi judge
juna young
jupo skirt
justa just/fair
juvelo jewel
jxeti throw
jxongli juggle
jxus immediately past
kafo coffee
kaj and
kalkuli calculate
kampo field
kanti sing
kapabla capable
kapo head
kapro goat
kapti catch
kara dear
karoto carrot
karto card
kasxi hide
kato cat
kauxzo cause
kaverna hollow
kazo case
ke that (clause)
kelka several
kelka some
kia what sort of
kial why
kiam when
kie where
kiel how
kies whose
kilngo blade
kio what
kiom how many
kisi kiss
kiu who
klara clear
klaso class
klavo key
klopodi take steps to
klubo club
knabino girl
knabo boy
kolekto collection
kolera angry
koleri be angry
kolo neck
koloro color
komenci begin
komerci do business
komitato committee
kompreni understand
komputi compute
komuna common
kongreso congress
koni be familiar
konkreta concrete
konsenti agree
konsili advise
konstrui build
kontakto contact
kontenta content
kontraux against
kontroli check
kopii copy
korbo basket
koro heart
korpo body
korpulenta fat
korto courtyard
kosmo outer space
kosti cost
kotono cotton
kovri cover
krajono pencil
kredi believe
kredito credit
kreski grow
krii shout out
krom besides
kruro leg
kuiri cook
kuko cake
kulero spoon
kulturi culture
kun with
kune together
kuniklo rabbit
kunporti bring
kuraca medical
kuraci cure
kuragxa brave
kuri run
kurso course
kurta short
kurteno curtain
kuseno cushion
kusxi lie
kutimo custom
kvadrato square
kvalito quality
kvankam although
kvazaux as if
kvieta quiet
la the
labori work
laca tired
lago lake
lakto milk
lando country
lango tongue
largxa wide
lasi allow
lasta recent/last
laux according to
lavi wash
leciono lesson
ledo leather
legi read
legomo vegetable
legxo law
lernejo school
lerni learn
letero letter (mail)
levi raise
li he
libera free
libro book
ligi link
ligno wood
likva liquid
limigo limitation
lingvo language
linio line
lipo lip
listo list
literaturo literature
litero letter (alphabet)
lito bed
logxi reside
loko location
longa long
ludi play
lumi illuminate
lumo light
luno moon
malalta low
malami hate
malbona bad
maldekstra left
malfermi open
malfrua late
malgranda small
malgraux in spite of
malkovri discover
mallargxa narrow
malluma dark
malproksima distant
malpura dirty
malrapida slow
malsama different
malsanulejo hospital
malsupren down
malsxpari waste
malvarma cold
malvera false
mangxajxo food
mangxi eat
mangxo meal
maniero manner
manki be lacking
mano hand
maro sea
marsxi walk
martelo hammer
masxino machine
mateno morning
materialo material
mem ones self
membro member
memori remember
menso mind
mentono chin
mesagxo message
metalo metal
meti put or place
metodo method
mezo middle
mezuri measure
mi I/me
miksi mix
militi make war
milito war
minuto minute
miri marvel
mola soft
momento moment
monato month
mondo world
mono money
monto mountain
montri show
mordi bite
morgaux tomorrow
morta dead
morti die
movi move
multa much or many
muro wall
muskolo muscle
muziko music
nacio nation
nagxi swim
najlo nail
naski bear
naturo nature
nazo nose
ne no
necesa necessary
negxo snow
nek neither
nenia no sort of
nenial for no reason
neniam never
nenie nowhere
neniel no way
nenies nobody's
nenio nothing
neniom no amount
neniu nobody
nepino granddaughter
nepo grandson
nepra unfailing
nepublika private
nigra black
nivelo level
nodi knot
nokto night
nombro number
nomo name
nordo north
normala normal
nova new
novajxoj news
nu! well!
nubo cloud
numero numeral
nun now
nur merely
observi observe
oferto offer
ofico office/position
ofta frequent
okazi occur
okcidento west
okulo eye
okupi occupy
ol than
oleo oil
ombro shade/shadow
onklo uncle
opinii opine
orangxa orange
ordinara ordinary
ordo state of order
ordoni command/order
orelo ear
organizi organize
oriento east
oro gold
osto bone
ovo egg
paco peace
pafi shoot
pafilo gun
pagi pay
pagxo page
palto coat
pano bread
papero paper
pardoni pardon
paroli speak/talk
parto part
pasi pass
pasinta last
pasinto past
pasxi step
patrino mother
patro father
peco piece
pendi hang
peni try
pensi think
per by means of
perdi lose
perei perish
perfekta perfect
perforto violence
permesi permit
persono person
peti request
pezi weigh
piedbati kick
piedfingro toe
piedo foot
pilko ball
placxi be pleasing
plafono ceiling
planko floor
plano plan
planto plant
plej most
plena complete/full
plendi complain
plezuro pleasure
pli more
pliigi increase
plori cry
plu further
plumo feather/pen
pluraj many
pluvo rain
pluvombrelo umbrella
poemo poem
politika political
polvo dust
pomo apple
popolo people (group)
populara popular
por for/in order
pordo door
porko pig
porti carry
posedi own
post behind/after
postuli require
posxo pocket
posxtmarko postage stamp
posxto postal service
povi be able
povra poor
praavo great-grandfather
prava right/correct
precipa principally
preferi prefer
prelegi lecture
premi press
preni take
prepari prepare
presi print
preskaux almost/nearly
preta ready
prezenti present
prezidi preside
prezo price
pri about/concerning
printempo spring season
pro on account of
problemo problem
produkto product
profunda deep
programo program
proksima close/near
proponi propose
propra ones own
proprajxo property
provi try
prunti de borrow from
publiko public
punkto point
pura clean
purpura purple
pusxi push
radio radio
rado wheel
rajti may
rajto right to something
rakonti tell a story
rapida fast
raporti report
rato rat
ree again
regi control/rule
regiono region
regulo regulation
regxino queen
regxo king
reklami advertise
rekomendi recommend
rekta straight
renkonti meet someone
respekti respect
respondi answer/respond
resti remain
reto net/network
revuo review
ricevi receive
ricxa rich
rideti smile
ridi laugh
rigardi look at
rilati relate
rimarki notice
rimedo resource
ripari fix
ripeti repeat
ripozi relax
rivero river
rizo rice
robo dress
roko rock
rompi break
ronda round
rozo rose
rugxa red
ruli roll
sablo sand
sako bag
salo salt
salono living room
salti jump
saluti greet
sama same/alike
sana healthy
sango blood
sapo soap
sata full (of food)
scienco science
scii know
sciuro squirrel
se if
sed but
segxo chair
seka dry
sekreto secret
sekura safe
sekvi follow
semajno week
sen without
sendi send
senti feel
sercxi search
serio series
serpento snake
servi serve
sidejo seat
sidi sit
signifi mean
silenti be silent
simila similar
simio monkey
simpla simple
sinjoro mister
sistemo system
situacio situation
skatolo box
skribi write
skuigxi shake
socio society
sola alone
somero summer
soni sound
sonorilo bell
speciala special
speco type
spekti watch
sperta experienced
spiri breathe
sporto sport
stacio station
stari stand
stato status
stelo star
stomako stomach
strato street
studi study
stulta stupid
sub under
sudo south
suferi suffer
suficxa enough
sugesto suggestion
sukcesi succeed
sukero sugar
sumo amount
suno sun
super above
supo soup
supozi suppose
supren up/upward
supro top
sur on
sxafo sheep
sxajni seem
sxangxi change
sxati like
sxipo ship
sxiri tear
sxlosi lock
sxtalo steel
sxtato state
sxteli steal
sxtono stone
sxtrumpeto sock
sxuldo debt
sxuo shoe
sxveli swell
tablo table
tago day
tamen however
tasko task
taso cup
teatro theater
tegmento roof
telefono telephone
telero plate
televido television
temo subject
tempo time
teni hold
teo tea
terni sneeze
tero earth
terpomo potato
teruro terror
tia that sort of
tial therefore
tiam then
tie there
tiel that way/thus
ties that person's
timi fear
tio that thing
tiom that amount
tiri pull
tirkesto drawer
tiu that person
torako chest
tra through
traduki translate
trajno train
trancxi cut
trancxilo knife
trankvila tranquil
trans across
tre very
trinki drink
trista sad
tro too much
trovi find
tuj immediately
turni turn something
tusi cough
tusxi touch
tuta entire
universala universal
universitato university
unuigi join/unite
urbeto town
urbo city
utila useful
uzi use
valora valuable
valori have value
vaporo steam
varma warm
veki awaken
vekigxi wake up
vendi sell
veneno poison
veni come
venti blow
vento wind
vera true
verda green
verko literary work
vespero evening
vesto clothing
vetero weather
veturi travel
veturigi drive
viando meat
vidi see
vilagxo village
vintro winter
viro man
vitro glass
vivi live
vizagxo face
viziti visit
vocxo voice/vote
vojagxi take a trip
vojagxo journey
vojo road/way
voki call
voli want
vorto word
vosto tail
zono belt/zone
zorgi care for
Created by: kasmith
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