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Government chapter 6 test review

Strict Constructionist believed that the text of the constitution is important
Broad constructionist those who take a boarder and sometimes more creative approach to constructional interpretation
"necessary and proper clause" add by constitutional framers so that future congress might have the authority to meet future needs
Amendment process more formal means of adapting the constitution
propsal the formal introduction of an ammendment
ratification a state-level responsibility
Bill of Rights theme of themes in the constitution, underlying many of its other themes.
separation of powers legislative branch dealt with Article I; executive dealt with the topic of Article 2; Judicial branch,Article 3
Checks and Balances thwarts accumulation of power
veto when the president rejects somthing
impeachment the ability to charge the president or federal judges with misconduct in office
gridlock when their is a halt in the system of government
judicial review the power of the judicial branch of government to review the constitutionality of laws passed legislative branch
Marbury vs. madison a more recent review case involved the line item veto act.
federalism its is the division of power between national and state levels of government.
popular sovereignty that the people are the ultimate source of their governments authority.
preamble introduces the constitution by explaining the its nature and its purpose.
legislative branch primary function is to make laws
bicameral a two house legislature system.
census taken every ten years to determine how many oft he representatives each state recieves
president pro tempore serves as leader of the senate when the vice president is absent.
quorum minimal number needed to make up a quorum.
sergeant-at-arms responsible to bring in a members who are absent and are need to make up a quorum
the congressional record journal of what the house does each day
franking priveledge the right to send official mail free of charge.
"Pocket Veto" when congress adjourns the bill within ten days, it is vetoed automatically
naturalization process by which a foreign born person gains citizenship
national guard modern malitia
elastic clause "necessary and proper clause" of the constitution
writ of Habeas Corpus congress may not take away a persons right except in extreme danger.
Bill of Attainder permits punishment without a trial
expost facto law makes he law retroactive
appropriation certain amount of money set apart for a certain purpose
executive branch carries out nations laws
electoral collage composed of electors form each state, elects th epresident
reprieves the temporary postponement of punishment
pardons the complete forgiveness of a crime and consequent punishment, president can pardon anybody.
judicial branch is usually defined as to interpret the law or allow the court to rule on the constitutionality of federal laws
original jurisdiction that the court can start in this court and that it has first opportunity to hear and decide the case
appelate jurisdiction case must have been brought up once before sent from a lower court and the case on appeal.
extradition process of returning the criminal
"Supremacy Clause" upholds the United states constitution as the supreme (highest) law of the nation
slander deframing a person verbally
libel deframing a person in writting
grand jury made up of a panel of citizens
due process a person cannot be imprisoned, have property taken away, or be sentenced to death without, a fair and proper trial
subpoema a document requiring a person to appear in a court as a witness
bail money held by the court to ensure an accused peron's appearance at a court of trial
grandfather clauses allowed previous voters and their relatives to vote without facing a literacy test or other requirements
white primaries restricted party primaries and candidate selection to whites only.
literacy tests required voters to pass a literacy test in order to vote.
gerrymandering drew district lines so that black district's voters had less impact
prohibition forbidding the manufacture, sale, or transportation of liquor
suferrage the right to vote
franchise the right to vote
"lame duck" an official who is still in office but has not been reelected
poll taxes been enacted by several southern states as a means of keeping poor blacks from voting
Created by: Dirtbikes1234
Popular American Government sets




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