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Anatomy Quiz 2 NWHSU

Define a Nerve A group of neuron fibers in the PNS
The Tibial Nerve Contains fibers from these most of its course through the thigh L4-S3
Considering that muscle volume remains constant, What can one say when COMPARING range and strength of contraction of an Unattached (Free) muscle? Inverse relationship. Range depends on length of fascicles and strength depends on cross sectional area of fascicles.
Give components which form the medial wall of the inguinal canal. conjoined tendon, rectus sheath
Define the Deep inguinal ring opening in transversalis fascia
cutaneous branch of tibial nerve which supplies skin of posterior calf sural nerve
in reference to the nervous system define a nucleus a group of neuron cell bodies in the CNS
Specifically what forms the conjoined tendon aponeurosis of transversus abdominus muscle and aponeurosis of internal oblique muscle
A patient presents a sprained ankle caused by excessive eversion. Give specific ligamentous damage. deltoid ligament
portion of the spermatic cord derived from the internal oblique cremaster cord
name the cutaneous branches of the femoral nerve (Do not give articular) medial and intermediate cutaneous nerves- saphenous nerves
In detail how does the great saphenous vein become a tributary to the deep veins? Include vein it drains into and how it gains access It arises from dorsal digitals, dorsal metatarsals and dorsal venous arch and travels up medial leg to the saphenous hiatus which is a gap in the fascia lata. It then is a tributary to the femoral vein
The only muscular clinical sign a patient presents is involuntary inversion of the foot and foot drop. This would indicate injury specifically to the ______ nerve. common fibular nerve
a ligament deep to the dorsal sacroiliac ligament, located in teh deep groove between the sacrum and ilium interosseous sacroiliac ligament
A patient presents a sprained ankle caused by excessive inversion. Give specific ligamentous damage. anterior talofibular ligament
Name the ligaments that run from the tibia to the lateral malleolus anterior tibiofibular ligament, posterior tibiofibular ligament
apart from muscular paralysis, injury to this specific nere would present anesthesia of the skin in the small areas (Web) between the 1st and 2nd toes only. deep fibular nerve
Use letter classification... motor fibers have a ganglion intermediate and Specifically innerate____. GVE, smooth m. cardiac m. glands
The tibial nerve contains fibers from these specific spinal cord segments L4-S3
A patient presents flattening of the medial longitudinal arch on the plantar surface of the foot. Give specific ligamentous damage. (Proper names only) plantar calcaneanavicular
Define the superficial inguinal ring opening in aponeurosis of external oblique
What structure(S) anteriorly contribute(s) to the rectus sheath above the level of the anterior superior iliac spine? aponeuroses of internal oblique, external oblique
Name 2 important ligaments with attachments to the ischium and sacrum sacrotuberous ligament, sacrospinous ligament
specific nerve from which the lateral sural cutaneous nerve is a direct branch common fibular
Assuming the sciatic nerve has been severed, would any cutaneous areas below the knee still have sensation? If so, specifically where and why? Yes, Medial side of foot because of saphenous nerve
Component of the anterior abdominal wall from which the cremaster is derived internal oblique muscle
specifically what forms the anterior wall of the inguinal canal aponeurosis of external oblique muscle
nerve that traverses the adductor canal to provide cutaneous innervation to the medial side of leg, ankle, and foot to great toe saphenous nerve
name the cutaneous branches of the femoral nerve. Do not give articular saphenous nerve
muscle in which the common peroneal nerve divides into its terminal branches fibularis longus
the obturator nerve carries fibers from these spinal segments L2-4
The sciatic nerve descends posterior to the _____ muscle during most of its course through the thigh adductor magnus
specific vessel supplying skin of lower part of the abdomen and external genitalia superficial external pudendal artery
Beginning with the popliteal artery, make a flow chart showing the course a drop of blood would mainly take to reach the lateral compartment muscles of the leg. popliteal artery-->posterior tibial--> peroneal artery
Portion of the spermatic cord derived from the aponeurosis of the external oblique external spermatic fascia
Specific nerve from which the sural nerve arises tibial nerve
Created by: T1NWHSU
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