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Fitness Assesment

Lab final

inventor of the bosu ball David Weck
definition of bosu ball balance training enhances one’s quality of life through enabling the participant to move athletically; with more gracefulness, agility and confidence. The BOSU balance trainer is a safe, user friendly, effective workout regardless of your current fitness level
benefits Designed to train your cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and endurance (especially for the ab and back muscles), & flexibility. Balance, coordination & body awareness are improved as well
history of the Bosu Ball David Weck developed the BOSU workout in his pursuit to enhance his athleticism. Achieving better physiological balance can transform your sense of balance into a state of mind as well.
Bosu Ball protocol Acclimation to the dynamic surface. Begin with easier variations going to more challenging variations. The first 2-3 times focus on acclimating & warming up. Slowly progress to complete a 30 minute workout 2-3 times a week. 12-20 repetitions per exercise
body bars Utilize the body bars for a more intense workout. Perform all exercises in a slow controlled manner.
What lightweight, inexpensive piece of equipment contributes to a fun and total quality workout for all of the major muscles in your body? the Dyna-Band
how often should you use the Dyna-band Use 3 days a week about 45 min a time combined with two days of cardiovascular work
the Dyan-band can be brought anywhere because it's lightness and versatility allows it to
gripping the Dyna-Band hold onto it at the desired length for resistance; a secure grip allows for you to hold onto the band w/o slipping and snapping back at you; keep your wrists straight always; to get more resistance, twist the band
Dyna-Band warm-up should have music at 132-138 bpm
Dyna-Band workout should have music at 120-126 bpm
Standing exercises of Dyna-Bands keep your body in its proper alignment: shoulders back, abdominals tight, knees slightly bent, feet shoulder width apart
Dyna-Band exercises and your joins keep knees and elbows "soft;" avoid locking these joints at all times
where shouldn't you store the Dyna-Band in direct sunlight or extreme cold
in order to work all aspects of your muscles with the Dyna-band vary your "counts:" singles, doubles, pulses, etc
how many reps should you perform with the Dyna-band perform 1-2 sets, 8-12 reps for increased muscular strength, 15-20 reps for muscular tone; do the same number of sets for each side of the body
how often should you evaluate your Dyna-band progress every 3-4 weeks; shortening the length of your Dyna-Band may be necessary as a result of gaining muscular strength and endurance; you must continue to challenge yourself to reap the benefits
Stability Ball-Core Stability forces active pelvic, shoulder girdle, and hip girdle stabilization
improving core stabilization will provide a stable torso allowing more efficient movement
stability core strength and development the core is the body's speed center, power center, and balance center
a stronger core is essential in all sports activities since all movement originates there and all force is translated through the core
training on a stability ball requires constant recruitment from the core musculature; by increasing core strength, the ability to access more strength and power from the extremities also increases
Stability Ball multiplaner strength sagital, transverse, and frontal; developing strength in all planes will improve functional strength while the chance of injury decreases
in what plane to most injuries occur transverse (rotational) or frontal (lateral) planes; which is a sign that more strength needs to be developed in these planes
machine training strengthens mainly in the sagital plane (front to back)
stability ball neutralizer and stabilizer strength improves the function of neutralizer and stabilizer muscles; good strength and endurance in joint stabilizers and neutralizers can not only have a performance-enhancing role, but also play a role in injury prevention
neutralizer muscles counteract the actions of prime mover (big) muscles to coordinate smooth movement patterns
stabilizer muscles surround and support joints
stability balls are unstable therefore the various stabilizer muscle groups are challenged
stability ball balance and body awareness the unstable nature of the stability ball forces constant weight shifts and intrinsic awareness of body positioning in order to find the best balance points
who can benefit from a new and improved neuromuscular system through stability ball training everyone from low back injury patients to elite athletes
when strength training start with warm-up; start with light weights (10-15 reps); rest between sets (1-2min)
how many counts up and how many down for strength training 2 up, 4 down
in strength training exhale while you lift (exertion part)
in strength training inhale while you bring the weight down
what muscle groups do you work first in strength training large muscle groups first (chest, legs, back)
in strength training be sure to isolate muscle groups; don't arch your back to help lift a weight; if too heavy, lighten the weight
if you feel pain stop
your workout should be balanced
in strength training work opposing muscle groups (ex. biceps & triceps)
after a workout cool down and stretch
strength training muscle strength 85-100% resistance of 1 RM; 1-5 repetitions; 4-8 sets; rest 2-4 min between sets; 3 days a week
strength training muscle size 70-85% resistance of 1 RM; 6-23 repetitions; 3-6 sets; rest 1-2 min between sets; 3 days a week
strength training muscle endurance 50-70% resistance of 1 RM; 20-50 reps; 2-4 sets; 30-90 seconds rest between sets; 3 days a week
strength training muscle tone 60-80% resistance of 1 RM; 5-12 reps; 1-3 sets; 30-60 seconds rest between sets; 3 days a week
core lifts (upper body) strength exercises bench barbell press; bench dumbbell press
chest strength exercises incline dumbbell press; incline dumbbell flies; dumbbell flies
shoulders strength exercises military press; front dumbbell raises; rear delts
triceps strength exercises dips; french curls; reverse pull downs; overhead extensions
biceps strength exercises barbell curl; dumbbell curl; concentration curls
back (upper) strength exercises wide grip pull-ups; close grip pull-ups
back (middle) strength exercises bent over dumbbell rows; seated rows
back (lower) strength exercises back extensions; good mornings
core lifts (lower body) strength exercises leg press; back squats
hamstrings strength exercises single hamstring curls; double hamstring curls; straight leg dead lifts
quadriceps strength exercises leg extensions; front squats; lunges; step ups
calves strength exercises seated calf raises; standing calf raises
abdominals crunches; oblique crunches; leg throws; bicycles
walk/jog pros easy, simple, safe; inexpensive; aerobic; ideal for weight management; improves muscle tone; stress reliever; positive addiction; helps prevent disease
how is walk/jog easy, simple, safe It's a natural activity, which can be enjoyed by most everyone. It can be done almost anywhere, at any time, requires no special training or skills. Any park or open space is good to walk in
why is walking the safest form of aerobic exercise
how is walk/jog ideal for weight management BMR speeds up, increasing heart&respiratory rates; the increase in oxygen&BMR burn off excess calories; an average, you'll burn off about 200 calories for every 30 minutes of walking. walking up an incline/rough ground can burn up to 50% more than that
BMR basal metabolic rate
how walk/jog improves muscle tone Walking improves both muscle tone and strength and also strengthens your hips, thighs, stomach and buttocks. It can help you shape up all flabby areas.
how walk/jog is a stress reliever energizes you, relaxes you, and makes you feel good about yourself; helps build endurance which beats depression & helps improve sleep
how is walk/jog a positive addiction The more you walk, the more you will want to. Walking can easily become a lifelong habit and it is the easiest form of exercise to keep up for a lifetime.
how walk/jog prevents disease relieve back pain, cholesterol, heart disease, perspiration problems, cardiac rehabilitation, premenstrual syndrome, arthritis, varicose veins, hypertension, smoking & is recommended for pregnant women
novice walk/joggers walk 2 laps; stretch; walk 10 min; jog 5; take heart rate; walk 8 min; jog 3; walk for a cool down; stretch
intermediate walk/joggers • Walk 1 lap and Jog 3 laps warm-up • Stretch • Speed Walk 5 minutes • Jog 10 minutes • Take heart rate and see if you are in your Target heart rate zone • Speed Walk 5 minutes • Jog 10 minutes • Jog or walk 2 laps cool-down • Stretch
advance walk/joggers • Jog 4 laps warm-up • Stretch • Interval Jogging for 25 minutes of 3.5 miles (28 miles) minimum: 5 minute intervals high and low intensity (3 low and 3 high intensity intervals) • Jog 4 laps cool-down • Stretch
who is becoming increasingly aware that peak performance requires focus and coordination from both the body and the mind modern athletes and fitness participants
Yoga one of the oldest fitness practices
yoga becomes an excellent activity to teach mind over body control through flexibility and strength poses
how many people in the USA practice yoga estimated 15 million people
why is yoga practiced Stress release, meditation, and physical well being are just a few of them
3 parts of yoga warm up, exercise, and cool down / relaxation
yoga is meant to relax your mind and tone your body—challenge yourself mentally and physically but don’t push yourself to the limit
the style of yoga introduced in the fit lab is is an effective and exciting workout program for physically active people that balances body and mind, gets you into great shape, focuses your effort, helps prevent sports injuries, and increases flexibility and range of motion
the yoga style you were introduced to included elements of cardiovascular as well as strength-building yoga poses that lengthen and strengthen your muscles in addition to breathing and relaxation exercises to release stress and tension
Created by: 530848841
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