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1. scientific management a relatively new method of improving efficiency
2.model T a reliable car that the average Americans could buy afford
3.assembly line were at each step a worker added something to put on the car
4.consumer revolution "A FLOOD OF NEW"affordable goods came to the public
5. installment buying a consumer would make a small down payment then pay the rest later (monthly)
6. bull market a period of rising stock prices
7.buying on margin another form of buying on credit
8. teapot dome scandal a scandal during the Harding administration in which the secretary of the interior leased government oil reserves to private oilmen in return for bribes
9. Washington naval disarment conference a conference that raised the hopes that nations could solve disagreement without war
10. Kelloggg briand pact secretary of state frank b. Kellogg and foreign minister Aristide briand drew up a treaty to out law war as an instrument of national policy
11.dawes plan arranged u.s. loans to germany
12.modernism emphasizing science and secular values over traditional ideas about religon
13.fundalmetalism emphasized protestant teachings and the beliefs that every word in the bible was the literal truth
14.scopes trial were modernism and fundamentalism clashed 1925
15.quota sytem to govern immigration from specific countries
16. ku klux klan kkk hated blacks and any body who supported them believed in lenching
17.prohibiton the banning of alcohol
18. 18th amendment forbade the manufacture, distribution,and sale of alcohol anywhere in the u.s.
19.Volstead act a law that officially enforced the amendment
20. bootlegger sold illegal alcohol to consumers
21.the jazz singer first movie with synchronized sound to the action
22. flapper a young woman from the 1920s who defied traditional rules of conduct and dress
23.lost generation american writers who no longer had faith in the cultural guideposts of the Victorian era of the 1920s
24. jazz is a musical form based on improvisin
25. Harlem renissance the flowering of African american culture
Created by: jasminebell
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