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Government Test Chapter 3 and 5

Popular government a system in which people participate in
Dictatorship the government acts without the people's consent or imput
direct democracy government in which people directly affect a government's policies and actions.
indirect democracy the people elect their peers to operate the government on their behalf.
republic state in which the supreme power rests in the people and their elected representatives or officers
totalerism total control of all the people like the soviet union
autocracy rule by one person with supreme authority
oligarchy elite group of rules
anarchy absence of government
unitary government power resides in the central government, recieves all of its power from the people
federalism divides a nation's power among national, regional, and local governments.
confederate government one in which the regional governments retain supremacy and delegate few tasks to the national government
presidential system the people directly elect the president.
parliament system legislative and executive branches are inseparably linked
legislative branch makes nations laws
executive branch enforces nations laws
judicial branch interprets nations laws
congress legislative branch diveded into two houses
House of Representatives lower house
senate higher house
supreme court highest court in the land
bicameral legislature has two separate houses
unicameral made up of one house
governor chief officer of the executive branch
townships different divisions of a county
special districts provide specific governmental functions on a local level.
municipality urban local systems of government
incorporation For a government to legally exist, the state must establish it as a legal body
charter gives the city its name and serves as its constitution.
Local government organized government that provides order and leadership in localized communities such as countries , municipalities, towns, and cities.
Legislative government government by elected, representative assembly
Limited government A principle that limits government to only those powers granted by law.
House of Burgesses 1619 First representative assembly in the new world
Stamp Act 1765 parliament passed a series of taxes and trade restrictions on the colonies that produced more resentment than revenue in America
Petition of Rights a document guaranteeing basic civil liberties to all British subjects.
Boycott An act of protest in which businesses is withheld or refused.
First Continental Congress 1774 gathered in Philadelphia in September with representatives form every colony expect georgia
Second Continental congress 1775-89 shots fired on Lexington, the call for complete independence was inevitable
Declaration of independence left to a committee of five appointed by congress
Thomas Jefferson thirty-three year old, wrote up draft of the Declaration and sent it to Congress on June 28, 1776
John Hancock signed the Declaration first in bold signature so "King George could read it without his specticles
Age of Enlightenment when there was an outgrowth in the church and he church gained followers of God.
Desism a religious outgrowth of the enlightenment, regarded God as a Heavenly Clock maker who had started the world in motion.
Articles of Confederation Second Continental Congress set about to establish a central government based on the consent of the newly formed state government
1777 Articles of confederation were sent to thirteen states for approval.
ratification required the unanimous consent of the states and was therefore difficult to complete.
1781 Maryland held out until this year
1785 Virginia and Maryland came to negotiate a settlement over the potomac
Mount Vernon George Washington's home
1786 Virginia called the states to send Representatives to Annapolis in September to "recommend a federal plan for regulating commerce"
Annapolis convention poorly attended, only five states showed up
1787 Constitutional Convention delegates lay four months of difficult debates and tough questions, chose a president
George Washington First President of the United States of America
James Madison Father of the constitution
Virginia plan basis for the Constitution
New Jersey Plan Small state plan, advocated a unicameral Congress
Connecticut (Great) Compromise proposed making representation in the lower house based on state population.
Three-Fifths Compromise Slaves would count as three-fifths of a person for purposes of representation in the house.
September 17, 1787 Delegates gathered to sign the official engrossed copy of the Constitution.
Federalist advocates of the Constitution
Anti-Federalist Opposed the new plan of government
The Federalist Papers answered the objection of the anti-federalist by carefully explaining and forcefully defending constitutional provision of power and predicting dire consequences if the Constitution were rejected.
1789 Worlds first Constitutional democracy was instituted
Created by: Dirtbikes1234
Popular American Government sets




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