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Gov Chp2 Vargo


Month, day and year the Declaration of Independence went into effect July, 4 1776
The first 10 Amendments to the Constitution is called Bill of Rights
Only colony the 13 not present at the 1st Continental Congress Georgia
Refers to rule by the consent of the governed Popular Sovereignty
Building where the Constitutional Convention was held Independence Hall
Second Document of English Freedom signed in 1628 Petition of Right
Latin term "out of many one" E Pluribus Unum
Government with multiple layers (national, state & local) Federalism or Division of Powers
Party opposed to ratifying Constitution without a Bill of Rights Anti-Federalist
First Document of English Freedom signed in 1215 Magna Carta
Not being detained without being charged with a crime Habeas Corpus
Government document authorizing a colony to exist Charter
A 2 house legislature Bi-Cameral
Government split among multiple branches Separation of Powers
Colony founded by William Penn and Lord Baltimore Proprietary
Colony under most control of the British Crown Royal
1689 Document signed by William and Mary English Bill of Rights
Body which governed the U.S from 1775-1781 2nd Continental Congress
Introduction to the US Constitution Pre-Amble
The number of Amendment in the Bill of Rights 10
Only one of 13 states not present at the Constitutional Convention Rhode Island
City where the Constitutional Convention was held Philadelphia
Primary Author of the Bill of Rights James Madison
Minimum number of states required to ratify the Constitution 9
He presided over the Constitutional Convention George Washington
Author of the New Jersey Plan William Patterson
He presented the Virginia Plan at the Constitutional Convention Edmund Randolph
Oldest delegate at the Constitutional Convention Ben Franklin
Grand Father of the Bill of Rights George Mason
Anti - Federalist Richard Henry Lee, James Monroe, George Mason, Patrick Henry, Sam Adams, John Hancock
Federalist Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison, Edmund Randolph
Year the US Constitutional Convention written & takes place 1787
Year the US Constitution Ratified 1788
Year the US Constitution went into effect 1789
Year the Article of Confederation went into effect 1781
Year the Stamp Act Congress takes place 1765
Year the American Revolution takes place 1775
Year the Treaty of Paris signed to end the American Revolutionary War 1783
Year of the 1st Continental Congress 1774
Year George Washington sworn in as President of US 1789
Year the 13th Amendment abolishes slavery 1865
Year the Annapolis meeting take place 1786
Year the ratification of the Bill of Rights 1791
Co-Authored Federalist Papers; 1st Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton
First & Largest signature on Declaration of Independence John Hancock
Co-Authored Federalist Papers; First Chief Justice John Jay
"Smelled a rat" did not attend the Constitutional Convention Patrick Henry
First VP and second American President John Adams
Masterminded Boston Tea Party Sam Adams
Proposed Articles of Confederation & Declaration of Independence Richard Henry Lee
Negotiated the Treaty of Paris for US Ben Franklin
French Philosophe who wrote Spirit of the Laws in 1748 Montesquieu
English Philosophe who wrote Two Treaties on Government 1690 John Locke
Founder of Connecticut Thomas Hooker
Primary author of the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson
Founder of Rhode Island Roger Williams
Wrote the Social Contract Rousseau
Wrote the pamphlet "Common Sense" Thomas Paine
Authors of The Federalist Papers (85 Essays) John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, James Madions
Temporary US Government set up in this city New York
Created by: hwzone
Popular American Government sets




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