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Unit One

Intro to Gov

The Enlightenment thinkers used reason and logic to address social injustices within their world. Jefferson used these ideas as he wrote the Declaration. In what ways did the Enlightenment thinkers impact the Declaration of Independence? They provided a basis for which Jefferson pull many of his ideas. Some examples of these ideas came from Locke ..., From Voltair ...
Identify how the Free Enterprise System is characterized? private ownership, individual initiative, profit, competition, investment by private decision,
This is the agreement between government and the people for an orderly society. Social Contract
Consumers make economic decisions by buying goods and services. How an entrepreneur prices his/her goods and services depends on the law of supply and demand. Explain the law of supply and demand. "When supplies of goods and services become plentiful, prices will tend to drop; when, on the other hand supplies become scarce, prices will very likely rise."
In order to help with the organization of a new government, people will often base the new government on a former government
The American Colonies originally saw themselves as Englishmen. They believed they had the same rights and privileges as men born in England. Why then did the American Colonies revolt against England? "no taxation without Representation" Though they saw themselves as Englishmen, they believed they were not being treated as Englishmen....
Locke believed all governments had a duty to the people. He also believed that the people had the right to overthrow the government if it didn't protect people's ______________. Natural Rights
Every place in the world has a government. Sometimes it is as simple as a head person and sometimes it is an extremely complicated organization. Explain the purpose and need for government. order, safety, protection, providing needs ...
Capitalism does not rely on government for 1. deciding what items to produced 2. how much to be produced 3. how much of any item is to sell for
What is another name for Capitalism? Free Enterprise System
Identify the basic concepts of democracy. individual worth, compromise, individual freedom, majority/minority rule, equality for all
As the founding fathers were forming our government, they characterized it in three ways, what were the the three? order, limited, representation
This cry was heard throughout the colonies as the conflict between England and Americans grew. No taxation without representation
Each American colony was formed separately and with different goals in mind
For this concept of government people have a voice in the decision making. representative
Define Capitalism an economic system
One concept of government is limited how is it characterized? not all powerful, individual rights protected
One concept of government is ordered how is it characterized? based on former governments, regulates relationships
One concept of government is representative how is it characterized? serves the peoples needs, people have a voice
This is an agreement between a government and the people for an orderly society social contract
John Locke said that government should protect natural rights of the people, what are natural rights life, liberty and property
In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson described natural rights differently than Locke. What words did he use life, liberty, pursuit of happiness
John Locke stated that if the government did not protect the people's natural rights then the people have the right to overthrow the government
Montesquieu believed that in order to protect the people's freedoms, a government should be divided into three parts know as legislative, judicial, executive
Voltaire in his writings will battle inequality, injustice and superstition. He will also defend this freedom speech
Diderot will put together one of the first encyclopedias based on Enlightenment thinkers. He will also urge this for all. education
Rousseau believed for a government to imposed control it must be freely elected
Adam Smith argued that a __________________ should be allowed to regulate business activity not the government free market
The controversial 2nd amendment protects the right of an individual firearms
According to Article four, section one, fugitives must be returned to the state demanding custody. This is known as interstate Extradition
Created by: dtinstman
Popular American Government sets




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