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Grade 6 Social

Chapter 2 Vocab

gov·ern·ment \ˈgə-vər(n)-mənt\ a person or persons ruling a country, province, district, city, etc
gov·ern \ˈgə-vərn\ control and direct the affairs of a state, nation, etc; to rule
in·flu·ence \ˈin-ˌflü-ən(t)s\ the power to produce and effect without using force
in·qui·ry \in-kwə-rē\ an investigation that involves asking questions and conducting research
local government \ˈlō-kəl\ \ˈgə-vər(n)-mənt\ the people elected to make decisions about affairs in a district, city, etc. by its own people
reg·u·la·tion \ˌre-gyə-ˈlā-shən\ a rule or law
re·cy·cle \rē-ˈsī-kəl\ reprocess waste material so that it can be used again
ser·vice \ˈsər-vəs\ the work performed by one that serves
sce·nar·io \sə-ˈner-ē-ˌō\ a description of what could possibly happen
con·se·quence \ˈkän(t)-sə-ˌkwen(t)s\ what happens because of an action
fran·co·phone \ˈfräŋ-(ˌ)kō-ˌfōn\ a person whose first language is French
taxes \ˈtaks\ fees people pay so that governments can provide services. Governments collect taxes from individuals and businesses
tri·ath·lon \trī-ˈath-lən\ an Olympic sport in which athletes compete in swimming, bicycling, and running
ral·ly \ˈra-lē\ a meeting or assembly of many poeple for a common purpose or action
public meeting \ˈpə-blik\ \ˈmēt- a meeting to discuss a topic of concern that everyone may attend
flow·chart \ˈflō-ˌchärt\ a diagram showing the sequence of operations and the relationship between different elements of a complex system of process
Created by: stanne
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