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Quiz #1 Study Stack

Study Guide to help prepare for Quiz #1

This event put Britain deeply into Debt. The French and Indian War
This banned all settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains. Proclamation of 1763
This is how the colonists responded to the Proclamation of 1763. They ignored it
This put a duty on several products, including molasses. Sugar Act
The Sugar Act also called for harsh punishment of this type of person. Smugglers
The required colonists to provide homes and food for British soldiers. Quartering Act
This put a tax on items such as newspapers and legal documents. Stamp Act
Colonial merchants did this to show their opposition to the Stamp Act. Boycotted British goods
This was passed to claim that Parliament had total authority over the colonies. Declaratory Act
These set up a system to enforce new import duties. Townshend Acts
Colonists protested these court orders which were used to search for illegal goods. Writs of assistance
Parliament repealed all of the Townshend duties except this one, which was left to demonstrate Parliaments right to tax the colonies. Tea
This event occurred on March 5th 1770 in which 5 Boston citizens were killed and six were injured. Boston Massacre
Colonists set up these to keep colonists informed of British actions. Committees of Correspondance
This lowered the price of Tea, gave the East India Tea Company a British Tea monopoly, and prevented colonists from selling Dutch tea for cheaper. Tea Act
This is how the colonists protested against the Tea Act. Stopped East India ships from unloading tea at ports and dumping 90,000 pounds of tea into Boston Harbor
This was Britain's response to the Boston Tea Party. Intolerable Acts
This closed the Boston port, increased the royal governors power, abolished the Massachusetts legislature, cut the power of town meetings, and strengthened the Quartering Act. The Intolerable Acts
This took away western land claimed by colonies and blocked colonists from moving west. Quebec Act
This was a meeting in Philadelphia to decide what the colonists should do after the Intolerable Acts. The First Continental Congress
This was Britain reaction to the first Continental Congress. Use force on the colonies
This is who rode to warn the minutemen that the British were on their way. Paul Revere and William Dawes
The First shot of the Revolutionary War was fired in this town. (The shot heard round the world) Lexington
Created by: mrnick625
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