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SS chapter 6

drilling for ? spurs the oil industry. petrouleum
What is the business cycle? The bad and good times of a industries.
New steel making method,uses less coal. The Bessemer steel process.
who opened a lab? In what date? Found out how to use electricity what was his most famous invention. 1.Thomas Edison 2.1876 3.practical electric lighting.
What is Centennial Exhibition? Americas 100th birthday.
What is patent? A document given to inventor giving them the right to sell their inventions.
A transcontinental railroad is one that? Spanned the entire continent.
The railroad company set up ? time and divided the U.S. into ? time zones. 1. stander time 2. four time zones.
Who dominated the oil industry? Who dominated the steel industries? Rockefeller created monopolies which does what> 1.John D. Rockefeller 2.Andrew Carnegie 3.A company that wipes out its competitor.
As what did Rockefeller gain his reputation? Ruthless Robber baron.
What was a Ruthless Robber baron? A business leader who became wealthy from dishonest methods.
What were both men? (gave large sums of money to charity. Philanthropists
The term Gilded Age meant that although society had wealthy people,there were some serious problems like what? Corrupt Polities,and widespread poverties.
Knights and Labor was it allowed 1.union organization 2.women and African Americans
what was the event where union leaders and police clash ,several are killed. haymarket Affair
Andrew Carnegie reduced the ? Wages at his steel mill in Pennsylvania.
The Pullman strike was caused when Pullman Place car company lowered wages 25%.
What made strikes be made. Wages being cut.
who started a new organization of unions called what? 1. Samuel Gompers 2.America Federation of Labor (AFL)
What inventor found several ways to use electricity including the practical light bulb,the phonograph, and a moving picture viewer. Thomas edison
Writer Mark Twain and charles warner called the late 1800s the what? Gilded age
The what strike was ended when president grover cleveland sent out federal troops and jailed the leader of the union. Pullman Strike.
Created by: 1962110996
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