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Term | Definition |
gulf | a large part of the ocean that extends into land |
ocean | a large body of water |
coral reef | an ocean ridge made up of skeletal remains of tiny sea animals |
coast | an area of land near the ocean |
valley | an area of low land between hills or mountain |
mountain | an area of rugged land that generally rises higher than 2000 feet |
glacier | a large area of slow moving ice |
canyon | a deep narrow valley with steep walls |
volcano | an opening in earths crust where lava,ash and gases erupt |
bay | part of large body of water that is smaller than a gulf |
peninsula | an area of land that sticks out into a lake or ocean |
isthmus | a narrow piece of land connecting two larger pieces of land areas |
delta | an area where a river deposits soil in to the ocean |
island | an area of land surrounded entirely surrounded by water |
hill | a rounded elevated area of land smaller than a mountain |
oasis | an area in the desert with a water resource |
desert | an extremely dry area with little water and few plants |
dune | a hill of sand shaped by wind |
plain | a nearly flat area |
strait | a narrow body of water connecting two larger bodies of water |
wetlands | an area of land covered by shallow water |
river | a natural flow of water that runs through the land |
sinkhole | a circular depression formed when the roof of a cave collapses |
lake | an inland body of water |
plateau | a large flat elevated area of land |
forest | an area of densely wooden land |