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Esposito 7 Citizens

Citizenship Quiz

What are five qualifications for citizenship by naturalization? over 18 years old, permanent resident for 5 years, good character, speak English, pass a civics test and an interview
What are five rights guaranteed to US citizens? freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, protection under the law, access to the judicial system
What are five responsibilities a citizen of the US has? serving on juries, obeying laws, tolerating differences in those around us, participating in our government, voting
What is the definition of Citizenship? To be a member of a nation or country, and to have full rights and responsibilities under the law
What is the Bill of Rights? ten amendments that were added to the Constitution in 1791
What did the 14th amendment grant to all people born in the United States? citizenship
What law, about citizenship, did Congress pass in 1952? that people could not be denied citizenship because of gender or race.
What is the definition of "Rights"? things that you are allowed to do because of nature or because of law
What is the definition of "Responsibility"? the expectation that you will take care of certain things or perform certain duties
Which right applies to the following situation? You drew a picture of your school principal as an evil wizard. Freedom of Speech
Which right applies to the following situation? You want to go visit your friend who moved to another state. Freedom of Movement
Which right applies to the following situation? You are a reporter for your school newspaper and you have a true story about a teacher. Freedom of the Press
Which right applies to the following situation? You want to get your friends together to talk about a hot issue. Right to Assemble
Right or Responsibility? What level (US, State, City, School, Home)? Do not commit treason... US - Responsibility
Right or Responsibility? What level (US, State, City, School, Home)? Freedom of Speech... US - Right
Right or Responsibility? What level (US, State, City, School, Home)? Receiving a free, public education... State - Right
Right or Responsibility? What level (US, State, City, School, Home)? Paying state sales tax... State - Responsibility
Right or Responsibility? What level (US, State, City, School, Home)? Walking on sidewalks... City - Right
Right or Responsibility? What level (US, State, City, School, Home)? Following park rules... City - Responsibility
Right or Responsibility? What level (US, State, City, School, Home)? Not participating in a food fight... School - Responsibility
Right or Responsibility? What level (US, State, City, School, Home)? Attending basketball games... School - Right
Right or Responsibility? What level (US, State, City, School, Home)? Eating feral, watching TV... Home - Right
Right or Responsibility? What level (US, State, City, School, Home)? Washing dishes, taking out the trash... Home - Responsibility
In a debate, what does the AFFIRMATIVE side stand for? supports the statement up for debate
In a debate, what does the NEGATIVE side stand for? against the statement up for debate
In a debate, what does the MODERATOR do? introduces and controls the pace
What does it mean to REBUT an argument? to go against an argument with evidence
What does it mean to SUMMARIZE something? to restate the main point in fewer words
Why is structure important in a debate? it akkes sure everyone gets to speak
How does debate help us? it helps us to see both sides of an issue
Created by: pjespo
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