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ChiroBoards 2:

Famous People

The discoverer/founder of chiropractic (1895), first to use short levers (SP, TP) D.D. Palmer
TONE is the foundation that chiropractic is based upon (too much or too little). who? D.D. Palmer
Nerve Compression Theory- stated the causes of subluxation are CHEMICAL (toxins), MECHANICAL (trauma), PSYCHIC (thoughts), talked about INNATE intelligence D.D. Palmer
coined the term, innate, from Christianity, learned chiropractic from Eastern European Bone Setters D.D. Palmer
said chiropractic philosophy is based upon the principle of STRUCTURE (spinal column) to FUNCTION (nervous system for healing). Homeostasis is similar to innate- self regulating, self healing D.D. Palmer
The developer of chiropractic, major chiropractic researcher in the 1950s BJ Palmer
Cord Compression Theory, Meric Chart of Nerve Tracing, HIO Technique (only C1 and C2 were capable of subluxating and producing significant problems), Neurocalometer (instrument used to detect heat imbalances) BJ Palmer
said Vitalism (suggests that the body requires something greater than physical and chemical processes to function) BJ Palmer
Subluxations are from abnormal biomechanics caused by muscle imbalance in a weight bearing spine. Pelvic distortion model (basic distortion of the spine starts in the pelvis) Carver
(F/D)- developed protocol for treatment of lumbar disc protrusion. spondylolisthesis, subluxation, and scoliotic curves Cox/Magnus
S.O.T. -> CSF flow through the pumping action of the sacrum and the cranial dura mater DeJarnette
Fixation theory of joint HYPOmobility Gillet/Faye
Subluxations are all posterior with disc wedging Gonstead
Upper cervical specific; dentate ligament Grostic
Found that disc herniations, exostoses, or subluxations my produce pressure on the DORSAL nerve root Hadley
Father of Homeopathy (treats patients with heavily diluted preparations which are thought to cause effects similar to the symptoms presented) Hahnemann
Father of modern medicine; first to manipulate Hippocrates
Joint HYPERmobility; described SI movement and pelvic dynamics. Discovered and tested SI ligaments Illi
3 Phase model of Instability (Dysfunction, Unstable, Stabilization); breaking up spinal adhesions on an injured segment Kirkaldy/Willis
Segmental Facilitation Theory. Established the concept of subluxation creating a hyperactive nervous system, rather than a decrease in nerve impulse. Muscle is central to his theory Korr
Wrote the first chiropractic textbook in 1906; people started to research and incorporate motion instead of "bone out of place" idea (Langworthy) Langworthy, Smith, and Paxson
Revised Faye's concept of the Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC) Lantz, Skip
Founder of Logan Basic Technique, sacrum as keystone to spine, first to use heel lifts Logan
world renown scientists in the field of biomechanics of the spine Panjabi and Whire
General Adaptation Syndrome, under optimum conditions the body can respond to stressors Selye
Wrote chiropractic textbook. Identified 33 principles of chiropractic, and "safety pin" cycle Stephenson
Founder of Osteopathy in 1856; utilized the circulatory system Still, Andrew Taylor
Named chiropractic Weed, Samuel
1. universal intelligence 2. inborn innate intelligence 3. health is an expression of II through Innate matter Underlying principles of Chiropractic (the past 100 years)
Created by: kpm89
Popular Chiropractic sets




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