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SATvocabulary Gr.2

Vocab words for the SAT

Acrid sharp; pungent (athet) (used of smells and tastes); odor The chili we had at the party had an acrid taste; it was harsh and unpleasant.
Boorish ill-mannered; (adj.) rude, unrefined; clumsy
Cynical believing that people act only out of selfish motives; pessimistic; doubting the integrity of another
Epistle a letter (form of communication)/ a poem in the form of an essay; for a wide public audience rather than for a specific group of person
Heresy against orthodox opinion; misbelief
Lance spear; spike; javelin (Shtizë); "The spear used to poke Jesus in the side to prove he was dead, found under the church of Saint Peter during the Crusades: a religious relic. One of the first things found that kept crusading morale crusade-y."
Obscure difficult to understand; partially hidden; dark and unclear
Poignant deeply moving; strongly affecting the emotions; emotional; Ex.: "the sensation was most poignant in winter".
Respite a break (ex.from work); intermission(ndërprerje); Needed rest or relaxation;
Terse concise; to the point; using few words but clear to the point; Ex.: The professors terse lectures were always welcomed.
Acrophobia fear of heights
Bourgeois middle class
Debility weakness; incapacity; state of weakness after an illness; Although his debility prevented h from doing any strenuous exercise, he enjoyed watching sports events on television.
Epistolary concerned with letters; through correspondence; Some people call me “Auntie’s boy,” because my aunt and I have such a close epistolary relationship that we write each other every day.
Hiatus interruption; pause; a gap in continuity, opening, break having an element missing
Languid tired; slow In the summer months, the great heat makes people languid and lazy.
Obscured hidden; covered; buried Ex.: The witness could not give many details because she said her vision was obscured.
Poised calm; collected; self-possessed; controlled, ready for action; collected, self confident,Balanced; Ex.: she was poised on one foot
Resplendent shining; glowing; Someone or something that is resplendent has great beauty and is a pleasure to behold.
Therapeutic medicinal; curative
Acuity sharpness (mental or visual); seeing long distance away; Ex.: Her visual acuity had diminished greatly after reading for eight straight hours.
Braggart someone who boasts (që mburret) Ex.: He became a braggart after winning the competition.
Debunking exposing false claims or myths -(Demaskim)
Epitomized typified(to symbolize); characterized; personified; He epitomized the problem; captured the essence of; ex. the flowers epitomized just how beautiful the summer had been.
Hidebound rigid in opinions; stubbornly and unthinkingly conservative; intolerant; inflexible; hide something because youre so conservative and narrow-minded
Languish decay(kalbje); fade away; get weaker; to lose motivation/energy; Ex.: The man honour languished.
Obsequious servile; submissive (i bindur)
Polemical causing debate or argument; person who argues controversial topics; Ex.: "Preaching and exegetical literature might also have a polemical purpose"
Restorative a tonic; Having the ability to restore health
Thwart prevent; frustrate; to prevent somebody or somebody's plan from being successful
Adamant forceful; inflexible;stubborn The lawyer was adamant about her clients innocence.
Brawny muscular
Decathlon an athletic competition with ten events
Equivocate speak ambiguously; avoid telling the truth; Ex.: Ricardo attempted to equivocate on the matter at hand.
Hieroglyphics 1. picture writing; 2. writing which is difficult to read or enigmatic
Larceny theft; robbery; stealing;
Obsession a dominating concern
Ponderous weighty; slow and heavy; massive Ex.: “A ponderous book is better than a sleeping pill.”
Retention preservation(ndalja) ; withholding; keeping well trained and productive employees Ex.: He has poor retention for facts.
Timorous cowardly; fearful Ex.: The little child was so timorous that she began crying.
Adroit skilful / skillful/ handling difficult situations; Ex.:Her adroit handling of the boat saved us from going onto the rocks.
Brevity being brief
Decorum dignified, correct behavior [decorous (a)]; He displayed proper decorum by taking his hat off when he entered the house.
Err make a mistake
Hinder obstruct(pengoj) My friends hinder my progress.
Largess generosity
Obsolete no longer valid
Pontificate speak pompously or dogmatically/arrogantly
Reticent restrained(i përmbajtur); holding something back; uncommunicative; Fjalëpakë
Tirade stream of verbal abuse; critical/angry/violent speach;
Adulation strong admiration; worship
Bristle to show irritation I bristle whenever that stupid boy talks to me.
Decoy lure(karrem); trap; trick They were not fooled by the decoy.
Erratic wandering; irregular
Histrionic theatrical; exaggerated; attention seeking
Laud praise (lavderim) Her exceptional performance was lauded by all of the critics.
Obstreperous noisy and boisterous; wild;
Portend foretell/To indicate as being about to happen
Retraction withdrawal; cancellation of a statement(anulim)
Titter giggle quietly (qesh nën hundë)
Adversity hardship; trouble; misfortune;
Broach start to discuss; approach; introduce, bring up, mention
Deference respect
Esoteric obscure and difficult to understand; confidential; only a few can know it
Hoary old; gray
Lavish on a grand scale; wasteful The girl had a lavish shopping spree.
Obtuse mentally dull (i ngathët)
Portent a warning sign; omen; sth. that foreshadows a coming event
Revere worship; to honor, to treat with respect; Ex. The Puritans revered their ministers.
Tome large/academic book
Advocate support
Brusque blunt; abrupt(i papritur) Inappropriately abrupt or quick in behavior or speech; Ex.:The brusque boy responded to my question with a loud "No!"
Defoliate cause leaves to fall off
Espouse promote; take up; support; to marry; become attached to; Lincoln refused to espouse slavery in the north.
Hone sharpen; increase; whet(nxis);to focus
Lax careless; not strict;negligent
Obviate avoid; make unnecessary
Poseur someone who puts on an act; sm. who tries to impress others; pretends to be sophisticated
Riddled full of (usually full of holes); contain a lot of bad or unwanted things
Torpid inactive; lazy; stagnant
Aesthetic concerning art or beauty; pleasing to the eye;
Bulwark fortification; barricade; wall
Defunct no longer in existence
Etymology the study of word origins
Hyperbole grossly exaggerated speech
Legend 1. key to map; 2. myth or story
Odious hateful; causing hatred;
Posterity future generations
Rife common; ex: rumor was rife in the village
Torpor dormancy; sluggishness; inactivity(pasivitet)
Affable friendly; social; easygoing
Bureaucracy officialdom; an organizational model rationally designed to perform tasks efficiently
Degradation deprivation; poverty; debasement; loss of dignity
Eulogy praise
Hypochondriac a person obsessed with health; having imaginary illnesses
Legion in large numbers(in military)
Officious domineering; intrusive(ndërhyrëse); meddlesome; offering unwanted help
Posthumous after death
Rigor thoroughness; conscience; great hardship or difficulty; harshness; severity - ashpërsi
Totter walk unsteadily (as if about to fall)
Created by: Arta123
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