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Ciminal Justice

Criminal Justice DANTES flash cards

Mens rea Guilty Mind
Actus reas Guity Act
Penal Code Written and Organized Law
Case Laws work under the Law of... Precident
Ciminology The scientific study of crime and applicable theories
Positivist Theory was Developed by Cesare Lombroso
Biological Theory of Crime the belief that a "criminal gene" is present in people that commit crimes
Social Learning Theory When we learn what is acceptable from the people around us
Control Theory examines what What keeps people from commiting a crime
Misdemeanor A relatively minor offense, punishable by a fine or up to one year incarceration
Felony Offense that is punishable by death or more than one year incarceration
Treason A US citizen who conspires with another country to in some way harm, wage war, or overthrow the United States Gov.
White Collar Crime Fraud, including crimes include ebezzlement, credit card and check fraud, insurance fraud, bribes, tax evasion, kickbacks, and computer related crime.
Victimless Crime Crime where there seems to be no victim like prostitution and gambling
Domestic Crime When a family member commits crime against a family member.
UCR Uniform Crime Report
Dark figure of crime crimes that are never reported
NCVS National Crime Victimization Survey
NIBRS Natonal Incident Based Reporting System
Patria postestas The father of the household had absolute control over everyone else in the household
Opportunity Theory Juvenile delinquency is due to the lack of opportunities provided to lower class youth
Kent v. US Landmark case making the rules for moving or keeping a juvenile's court case in juvenlie court or tyring them as an adult
In Re Gault Laid the groundwork for right to counsel, protection from self-incrimination, right to confront witnesses, and notice of charges
Code of Hammurabi Earliest known law
Common Law An unwritten body of law
Mala Prohibita Laws that are on the books but may not be considered immoral if it weren't for the statute calling it so.
Who was the Warren Court known far? The supreme court led by Earl Warren, concerened with protecting the people against the gov
Brown v. Board of Education Segregation, civil rights
Gideon v. Wainwright Right to Counsel
Mapp v. Ohio Search and Seizure
Miranda v. Arizona Rights of the accused
Abbington v. Schemmp Seperation of Church and State
Katz vs U.S. Search and seizures / wiretaps
Occupational Deviance Behavior motivated by personal gain
Abuse of Authority Acts that damage the goals of law enforcement
Jurisdiction The locations types and subject matter of court cases over which a specific court has the power to preside
District court judges are appointed by who The president of the united states
Circuit A group of federal judicial districts
Appeal Request made to a higher court to review the findings of judgement from a lower court
Barristers Another name for an attorney
US Marshalls are in charge of: Conduct prisoner transports, arrest fuaitives, security in courts, and personal security for judges and magistrates
Substantive Due Process The creation and definition of what a person's rights are
Procedural due process The enforcement of the laws and punishments for violations
Due process Model Protecting individual rights at all stages in the criminal justice process
A reeve A group if 10 tithings
Hue and Cry method Shout for others to hear
Frankpledge system The guarentee of peace that each person gave the king
DEA Drug Enforcement Agency
Created by: deacon_sephiroth
Popular American Government sets




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