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Gross Anatomy 2

Musculature of Inner Pelvis & Urinary System

Obturator Internus origin inner surface of the obturator membrane & surrounding bony rim
Tendon of Obturator Internus leaves the pelvis via what? lesser sciatic foramen
Obturator fascia is thickened along a line from the pubis to the ischial spine called what? arcus tendineus
What muscle arises from the arcus tendineus levator ani muscle
Origin of the Piriformis and leaves pelvis via what? pelvic surface of sacrum; greater sciatic foramen
Floor of the pelvis is formed by skeletal mm termed what? pelvic diaphragm
Inner walls of the true pelvis are partially line by which two muscles obturator internus and piriformis
Pelvic diaphragm components Levator Ani Muscle and Coccygeus Muscle
Innervation of the Levator Ani Muscle branches of the pudendal plexus containing S4 fibers
Subdivisions of the Levator Ani Muscle pubococcygeus and iliococcygeus
From pubic bone to coccyx pubococcygeus
From arcus tendineus to coccyx iliococcygeus
Most medial part of the pubococcygeus; forms a sling around the anorectal junction, thus drawing the junction forward puborectalis
Innervation of the coccygeus muscle branches of the pudendal plexus, containing S4 & S5 fibers
O and I of Coccygeus Muscle O - ischial spine & part of sacrospinous lig. I - sides of coccyx and sacrum
Location of the bladder posterior to pubic symphysis
4 surfaces of the bladder superior, inferolaters(2) & posterior(inferoposter) = base
Junction of the inferolateral and superior surfaces of the bladder apex of the bladder
What ligaments arises at the apex and extends to the umbilicus median umbilical ligament
Where does the ureters enter into the bladder superior-lateral angles of the bladder
Junction of inferolateral & posterior surfaces of the bladder neck of the bladder
Neck of bladder surrounds what internal urethral orfice
The neck of the bladder sits upon ____ in the female and ____ in the male pelvic diaphragm; base of prostate
What constricts the internal urethral orfice of the bladder internal urethral sphincter/sphincter viscerae
Potential space between the bladder and pubic bones and is filled with CT retropubic space
Superior to the bladder peritoneum and coils of the SI
The peritoneum is reflected downward behind the bladder to form what? rectovesical pouch and vesicouterine pouch
Between bladder and rectum in males rectovesical pouch
Between bladder and uterus in females vesicouterine pouch
Muscular wall of the bladder is made of smooth muscle and sometimes termed what? Detrusor Muscle
Triangular area located inside the bladder on its posterior wall. vesical trigone
Superior border of the trigone between ureteric orfices interureteric ridge
Special layer of smooth muscle associated with the trigone trigonal muscle
Capacity of the bladder without overdistention 500ml
Capacity at which the urge to urinate is felt(physiological capacity) 200-350ml
Arteries of the bladder superior, middle & inferior vesical arteries
Venous drainage in males vesical-prostatic plexus to internal iliac vein
Venous drainage in females vesical-vaginal plexus to internal iliac vein
Parasympathetic nerve supply to bladder From pelvic splanchnic
Sympathetic nerve supply to bladder From hypogastric plexus
Another name for urination micturition
Essential initiation of normal urinatioin descent of the neck of the bladder
Optimal urine volume stimulates what? stretch receptors in bladder wall
Absence of conscious voluntary control causes what? reflex relaxation of the levator ani muscle which allows the neck of the bladder to descend thus opening the internal urethral orfice
In kidneys what surrounds the apices of the renal pyramid, how many are there? minor calyces; 4-13
In kidney what represents the confluence of several minor calyces, how many are there? major calyces; 2-3
Concavity of the kidney and contains calyces, vessels, nerves, lymphatics, & fat renal sinus
Renal fascia divides the renal fat into 2 portions pararenal fat and perirenal fat
Fat outside of the renal fascia prarenal fat
Fat between renal fascia and kidney perirenal fat
The right kidney is slighty lower/higher than left due to ____ lower; liver
Anterior relationships to right kidney suprarenal gland superior, 2nd part of duodenum, right colic flexure, liver
Anterior relationships to left kidney suprarenal gland superior, pancreas, left colic flexure, coils of jejunum, spleen, stomach
Posterior relationships of kidneys respiratory diaphragm, psoas major, QL, transversus ab., subcostal, iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal nerves, 12th rib(rt kidney), 11th and 12th ribs(lt kidney)
Created by: 1277880004
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