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NWHSU Mash CNS2affef

NWHSU Mash CNS 2 Afferent Efferent

which two descending motor tracts terminating only in the cervical cord are important for coordination of head and eye position ?medial vestibular tract, tectospinal tract
the ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus projects to areas ________ of cortex and receive afferents from _____ via SCP and from ___________ 4 & 6; Globose/Emboliform nucleus; paleostriatum
name the nuclei described: receive afferent from the ipsilateral lateral gaze center abducens
name the nuclei described: motor to skeletal muscle of the larynx ambiguus
name the nuclei described: parasympathetic to the heart ambiguus
which basal nucleus is located in the wall of the lateral ventricle caudate nucleus
In general the purkinje fibers of the cerebellar cortex terminate on _____and have an _____influence deep nuclei, inhibitory
name the nuclei described: parasympathetic to the stomach dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve (CN X)
name the nuclei described: parasympathetic to the ileum dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve (CN X)
What nuclei form the paleostratium globus pallidus
what nucleus lies adjacent to the anterior limb of the internal capsule globus pallidus and caudate
name the nuclei described: receives afferents from the tongue nucleus of spinotrigeminal tract; solitarius superior part
name the nuclei described: efferent fibers join the glossopharyngeal nerve inferior salivatory; ambiguus
consider the vestibular nuclei: they influence the lower motor neurons of the lumbar cord via the ______ tract lateral vestibulopinal tract
name the descending tracts by which the vestibulocerebellum affects the neurons listed below. LMN of the lumbosacral spinal cord lateral vestibulospinal tract; reticulospinal tracts
consider the vestibular nuclei: they receives afferents concerning the head position from the _____ via the vestibular nerve macula, crista ampullaris?
name the descending tracts by which the vestibulocerebellum affects the neurons listed below. extraocular nuclei medial longitudinal fasciculus
name the nuclei described: sensory nuclei supplied by the posterior inferior cerebellar a. nucleus of the spinotrigeminal tract
consider the vestibular nuclei: they communicate with the ________ via the medial longitudinal fasciculus Occulomotor; trochlear; abducens nuclei
descending fibers in the anterior limb of the internal capsule terminate on _________ to influence the cerebellum pontine nuclei
the fastigial nucleus receives inhibitory afferents from the ______ purkinje cells in the spinocerebellum and vestibulocerebellum lobes
list the afferents to the left dentate nucleus: excitatory stimuli from ______ nuclei via the inferior cerebellar peduncle right inferior olivary nuclei
list the afferents to the left dentate nucleus: excitatory stimuli from _____ nuclei via the middle cerebellar peduncle right (CONTRA)pontine
list the afferents to the left dentate nucleus: inhibitory stimuli from the _______ cells located in the _________ left (IPSI) purkinje cells; left pontocerebellum
name the nuclei described: receives chemoreceptor and baroreceptor afferents solitarius inferior part
name the nuclei described: fibers terminate on the ventral posterior medial nucleus of the thalamus solitarius, superior part
name the region of the cerebellum described: afferents include the dorsal spinocerebellar tract spinocerebellum
name the region of the cerebellum described: efferents terminate on the red nucleus spinocerebellum; pontocerebellum
name the nuclei described: efferent fibers terminate on the pterygopalatine ganglion superior salivatory/ lacrimal
the neostriatum receives afferents from the wide areas of the cerebral cortex, from ______ and from _______ V.A. and V.L. nucleus of thalamus; substantia nigra
name the nuclei described: receives afferents from fastigial nucleus vestibular nuclei and reticular nuclei
the vestibular nuclei project to the ______ nucleus of the thalamus in the pathway for conscious awareness ventral posteromedial
Innervate muscles derived from Arch III - VI glossopharyngeal, vagus
innervates the ciliary body and sphincter papillae occulomotor
efferent fibers pass between the olive and pyramid hypoglossal cn XII
parasympathetic to the duodenum Dorsal Motor Nucleus of Vagus Nerve (CN X)
motor nucleus located adjacent to the chief sensory nucleus V trigeminal
receive afferents from the hypothalamus ?general afferents to autonomic nuclei (edinger westphal, superior salivatory/lacrimal, inferior salivatory, dorsal motor nucleus of X, ambiguus)
receive afferents from the contralateral lateral gaze center ?occulomotor
motor to skeletal muscle of the larynx, pharynx, and esophagus ambiguus
Innervates muscles from Arch I Trigeminal Motor Nucleus
give the major termination of the lateral corticospinal tract laminae VII and VIII
Which of the following tracts do not descend beyond the cervical cord anterior corticospinal, tectospinal, rubrospinal
Created by: AnatomyMash
Popular Chiropractic sets




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