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Lexi Sosa s0407770 Pd.1 SS Review Vocab

federal judiciary act created a cabinet and said to stay away from political parties.
foreign policy the policies about foreign relations
alexander hamilton head of federalists
cabinet president's advisors; secretary of war, state, and treasury
political party group of people who join together because of similar views
Thomas jefferson wrote the declaration of independence, organized Democratic Republicans
tariff a tax
George Washington First president
John Adams second president of the united states, first vice president
Marbury V. Madison court case that established judicial review
Meriwether Lewis explored new lands of Louisiana Purchase
unconstitutional not constitutional, goes against the constitution
Louisiana Purchase When we bought from France the Louisiana territory that doubled our size.
William Clark explored new lands of Louisiana Purchase
Francis Scott key composed star spangled banner after attack of ft mchenry
Impressment taking men into the navy by force.
Sacagawea helped Lewis and Clark talk to Native Americans, translator.
James Madison Fourth president
Judiciary Act of 1801 gave more judge positions and said it was a lifetime job
Industrial Revolution beginning of mass production, interchangeable parts; lower cost of goods; factory system; urbanization; deplorable work conditions.
Cotton gin cleaned cotton more efficiently
American System had to make a statement, raise revenue, and create a bank
Monroe Doctrine non-interference of European nations in a Western Hemisphere
Factory System brought workers and machines together under one roof
sectionalism loyalty to the interest of your own region
Samuel Morse invented morse code and telegraph
James Monroe 5th president, last founding father and created Monroe Doctrine
interchangeable parts identical parts that could be used interchangeably
nationalism a sense of pride and interest in one's country
Missouri Compromise Said Missouri would be a slave state and Maine would be a free
Robert Fulton invented the steam boat
Henry Clay peace maker: American System and Missouri Compromise
Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin and interchangeable parts
Jacksonian Democracy political movement of the common man
Spoils system rewards its supporters by letting them hold positions in office
Indian removal act made them move west of the Mississippi and give up their homelands
trail of tears hard trail the Cherokee had to take
tariff of abominations protective tariff that angered the south because of the taxed goods
John C Calhoun senator
Doctrine of nullification said that state's had the right to nullify a law if it was unconstitutional
Secession to leave the union
Panic of 1837 financial crisis that made money go down and unemployment go up
Andrew Jackson seventh president and very controversial
John Quincy Adams sixth President of the United States. He served as American diplomat, Senator, and Congressional representative
depression long term down turn in economic activity
land speculator Someone who buys land just to sell it off at a higher price
Santa Fe Trail trail from new mexico to missouri
Oregon Trail trail that bisected two major tribes, the pawnee and the cheynee
Manifest Destiny belief to expand west
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the war
Mexican Cession Mexico ceded land to the U.S
Mexican Cession Me
California Gold Rush a era of gold mining in California
emigrant people that left a country
emigrant people that left a country
immigrant people that came to a country
immigrant people that came to a country
push-pull factors factors that pushed and pulled immigrants to land and from laand
famine widespread scarcity of food
prejudice to discriminate against someone because of their race, ethics, religion, or moral values
Brigham Young president of the church
Brigham Young president of the church
James Polk was the eleventh president
civil disobedience acting against the law in a civil way
transcendentalism religious and philosophical movement
transcendentalism religious and philosophical movement
temperance movement movement to end the consumption of alcohol
temperance movement movement to end the consumption of alcohol
labor union union of workers
labor union union of workers
strike abolition union workers went on strike for better working conditions
underground railroad railroad that helped many slaves escape slavery
suffrage right to vote
Seneca Falls Convention convention for women's suffrage
Horace Mann father of education
suffrage right to vote
Horace Mann father of education
Sojourner Truth abolitionist who used to be a slave
Dorthea Dix reformer for mental hospitals and prisons
Harriet Tubman sneaked people in the underground railroad and helped people to freedom
Frederick Douglass abolitionist who used to be a slave
Elizabeth Cady Stanton fought for women's suffrage
Sojourner Truth abolitionist who used to be a slave
Harriet Tubman sneaked people in the underground railroad and helped people to freedom
Elizabeth Cady Stanton fought for women's suffrage
Wilmot proviso would've banned slavery in the states, but congress denied it
fugitive slave act said that any slave found escaping slave states would have to be returned
dred scott v. sanford denied slaves rights
Stephan Douglas brought popular sovereignty to the states
Abraham Lincoln President of the united states, 16th.
Compromise of 1850 California would be a free state, but they had to pass the Fugitive Slave Act
popular sovereignty rule by the party
harpers ferry John Brown raided it to inspire slaves
harriet beecher stowe wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin
Jefferson Davis president of the confederacy
uncle tom's cabin book exposing the harsh truths about slavery
Kansas-Nebraska Act divided Kansas and Nebraska into two territories and brought popular sovereignty into the states
confederate states of america South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas, —Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina
John Brown raided harper's ferry
ft sumter place where the first battle took place
1st bull run first major land battle in Virginia; confederate victory
Battle of Antietam bloodiest fight in one day in u.s history
Battle of gettysburg turning point of war; union victory
Appomattox court house place where the confederacy surrendered to the union
blockade effort to cut off food, supplies, war material or communications from a particular area by force, either in part or totally
cavalry troops trained to fight on horseback
Emancipation Proclamation Abolished slavery in the union
Gettysburg address speech given by Abe after victory at Gettysburg
Robert E Lee general for the confederacy
William T Sherman went on Sherman's march and destroyed everything in the south
John Wilkes Booth Assinated the abe Lincoln
54th Mass. Regiment first military unit consisting of black soliders
Siege of vicksburg Union gained control of the Mississippi and divided the Confederacy
Ulysses S. Grant general of the union
13th Amendment abolitshed slavery
14th amendment gave citizenship to anyone born in the u.s
15th amendment gave black males over 21 the right to vote
Created by: s0407770
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