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Ch. 8 Rome

Flashcards for Glencoe's The Rise of Rome

Twelve Tables Roman laws were etched on bronze tablets and displayed in the Forum where all citizens could see them.
Romulus & Remus Twin brothers whom legend says were abandoned on the Tiber River, rescued by a wolf and raised by a shepherd. Romulus founded Rome after killing Remus over where to place the city.
Geography of Rome Rome was built on a hill about 15 miles up the Tiber River. One coast is flanked by the Apennines Mountains. This was ideal for trade and to provide protection from invasions. The gentle climate and rich soil allowed year round agriculture.
Roman Engineering built a great series of roads connecting the empire perfected the use of the arch and used it in aqueducts, bringing fresh water to the city from distant sources built stadiums, public baths, sewer systems, bridges, impressive public buildings
Cicero Statesman and orator: spoke out against Caesar. Believed in upholding the republic. His ideas influenced the US Constitution.
The 1st Punic War General Hamilcar of Carthage attacked Rome over control of the island of Sicily.
The 2nd Punic War Carthage attacked Saguntum, an ally of Rome. Scipio of Rome vs. Hannibal of Carthage, Rome defeated Carthage at Zama of Africa.
The 3rd Punic War Carthage rebelled against Rome again, and Rome won. Carthage was leveled, the people enslaved, and the Roman soldiers poured salt into the earth to discourage Carthage from developing again.
How did the Etruscans influence Roman culture? The Etruscans taught the Romans improved building techniques, including the arch
First Triumvirate Caesar, Crassus, Pompey
Second Triumvirate Octavius, Antony, Lepidus
Pax Romana 200 years of peace and prosperity
Caesar caused the civil war that ended the Roman Republic by declaring himself “dictator for life.”
The Aeneid A legend about the creation of Rome. In this story, a Trojan War hero named Aeneas began the city. By Virgil
Hadrian One of the 5 “good emperors.” Built a stone wall that protected the northern boundary of Roman Britain from invasion.
Julian Calendar One of Julius Caesars reforms in order to make political terms more fair, changing the calendar to include 12 months, 365 days, and a leap year
Rule of Law The concept that laws should apply to ALL citizens, fairly.
Currency Roman coins were accepted throughout the Mediterranean region which promoted trade between a larger area
Roman Republic A government of elected rulers, in Rome: 2 consuls, Senate, Council of the Plebs
Octavian/Augustus member of the Second Triumvirate. He strengthened the Roman Empire in areas of safety and government.
Consul One of the 2 top government positions, voted in each year
Veto Part of the checks and balances between the consuls Latin for I forbid
Latifundia Large, slave worked farming estates
Patricians Rich citizens of Rome, land owners
Plebeians Artisans, shopkeepers, and owners of small farms
praetor interpreted the law and acted as judges
aqueduct a human made channel to carry water long distances
legion a group of 6000 soldiers
dictator had complete control and served the people temporarily in times of emergency
Created by: Arsenault209
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