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NWHSU Mash CNS1 Arte

NWHSU Mash CNS1 Arteries and Hemorrhage

A person experiences loss of all general sensation in the L leg and loss of voluntary motor control in the L leg. Which artery was likely occluded? right anterior cerebral artery
the primary general sensory area for the foot is supplied by the _____ artery anterior cerebral artery
An occlusion of which cerebral artery would result in loss of all general sensation in the lower extremity anterior cerebral artery
A person presents with abnormal ocular movements and complaints of visual deficits which have developed over the last 2 days. You suspect a slow bleeding aneurysm located _______ Opthalamic artery or any other artery of circle of wilis (b/c sits in optic chiasm)
A person is unable to interpret the meaning of spoken language. an occlusion of which artery would cause this deficit middle cerebral artery
Consider an occlusion of the left middle cerebral artery. Voluntary motor deficits are expeced in the: L mm of mastication, R mm of mastication, R smile, L smile, R eye closure, L eye closure, R leg, L leg. ?R smile, R eye closure
Consider an occlusion of the left middle cerebral artery. Pain deficits are expected in the: R upper face, L upper face, R lower face, L lower face, R leg, L leg ?R upper face, R lower face
Consider an occlusion of the left middle cerebral artery. Are language deficits expected? yes, because the left middle cerebral aa. supplies the left frontal, parietal, and temporal lobe of motor speech (Area 44,45) and sensory language (Area 22, 41,42)
Consider an occlusion of the middle cerebral artery supplying the left lateral temporal and frontal lobes would likely result in deficits in ____ motor speech (Area 44,45) and sensory language (Area 22, 41,42); prefrontal (Area 9, 10, 11); motor (Area 4,6)
the anterior choroidal artery is prone to thrombosis. Which structure does it supply that are especially sensitive to ischemia? Choroid Plexus or Hippocampus or Globus Pallidus
the anterior choroidal artery is notable because it is often occluded and several structures it supplies are especially sensitive to ischemia. what are those two structures? hippocampus; globus pallidus
Hypertension is believed to be a significant contributing factor in ____hemorrhages. intracerebral
Name the artery supplyinig each of the following in the open medulla: Inferior cerbellar peduncle. Answer options: anterior spinal, posterior inferior cerebellar, posterior spinal, none of the above posterior inferior cerebellar
the posterior lateral open medulla receives blood supply from the ________ posterior inferior cerebellar
which blood vessel supplies the posterior lateral aspect of the open medulla posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA)
A person has an occlusion of the R posterior inferior cerebellar artery. Explain each of the observations listed below.Loss of pain of the right face. ?primary neurons carrying pain from the face, descend to the spinotrigeminal nucleus located mid pons to C2 where pica occludes before it can cross over to left side
A person has an occlusion of the R posterior inferior cerebellar artery. Explain each of the observations listed below.Loss of pain of the left body. ?neospinothalamic tract crossed over in spinal cord
A person has an occlusion of the R posterior inferior cerebellar artery. Explain each of the observations listed below. normal discriminating touch on the face. ?b/c pica is at closed medulla level and chief sensory nucleus is above at mid pons
Name the arteries that supply the darkened areas (pictures of cross section of medulla from the superior view, ie. with 4th ventricle) ?anterior spinal; PICA
in general, below mid cervical level, the _________ artery supplies blood to the anterior spinal artery anterior radicular artery
Consider an occlusion of the anterior spinal artery at the T3 spinal cord. What areas will have a deficit in pain? What areas will have a deficit in discriminating touch? R arm, L arm, R leg, L leg, None pain: R leg, L leg; dicscriminating touch: None
Name the artery supplyinig each of the following in the open medulla: pyramid. Answer options: anterior spinal, posterior inferior cerebellar, posterior spinal, none of the above anterior spinal
Name the artery supplyinig each of the following in the open medulla: medial lemniscus. Answer options: anterior spinal, posterior inferior cerebellar, posterior spinal, none of the above anterior spinal
Consider an occlusion of the anterior spinal artery at the T10 spinal cord. What areas will have a deficit in pain? What areas will have a deficit in discriminating touch? R arm, L arm, R leg, L leg, None pain: R leg, L leg; dicscriminating touch: None
Consider an occlusion of Anterior spinal artery supplying the C4 spinal cord. Pain and DT deficits? R arm, L arm, R leg, L leg, R cheek, L cheek, No deficit. Pain: Both arms and legs, DT: No deficit
below the cervical cord, the anterior spinal artery receives blood from the ________ Anterior radicular artery
Consider an occlusion of Anterior spinal artery supplying the C4 spinal cord. What deficits are expected in the R arm and L leg? Pain, temperature, crude touch and pressure; discriminating touch; proprioception to the cerebellum; no sensory deficit is ex R arm: pain, temperature, crude touch and pressure. L leg: pain, temperature, crude toch and pressure
The pyramids are supplied by the ________ artery. Anterior spinal
What deficits would likely result from an occlusion of the left posterior spinal artery supplying L2-4? explain your answer none- efficient anastomosis between left and right posterior spinal arteries at that level
nuclei gracilis and cuneatus are supplied by the _________ artery posterior spinal artery
Consider an occlusion of the left posterior spinal artery supplying the T10 spinal cord. Deficits in which modalities are expected. Explain your answer. None, Anastamosis
Consider an occlusion of the left posterior spinal artery supplying the left T12 spinal cord. Deficits in which modalities are expected. Explain your answer. None, Anastamosis
what is the most common site of congenital aneurysm circle of willis
the anterior radicular arteries branch off of the _______ arteries segmental
an expanding aortic aneurysm may result in deficits due to occlusion of the _______- arteries segmental
name the type of hemorrhage described, results from tearing a meningeal artery Epidural
name the type of hemorrhage described, would result from tearing the superior cervical vein as it empties in the superior sagittal sinus subdural
The subdural hemorrhage most commonly results from a blow to the front or back of the head which results in tearing of a ________where it enters the superior cerebral vein, superior sagittal sinus
Patient struck on pterion. Over 30 minutes, complains of headache and nausea and becomes drowsy. Epidural hemorrhage would be due to rupture of _______. Other SSX? Best course of action? Middle meningeal a., motor disturbances, call 911.
A person sustains a blow to the temporal region of the head which results in an epidural hemorrhage. Which vessel is likely torn? middle meningeal
branches of which blood vessels lie deep to the pterion middle meningeal artery
consider a vascular lesion destroying fibers in the genu of the left internal capsule. What sensory deficits are expected? (Include sides and area) right side of head/face
subdural hemorrhage most commonly results from a blow to the front or back of the head which results in tearing of ______ where it enters _____ superior cerebral vein; superior saggital sinus
consider a tear of the middle meningeal artery following a blow to the pterion. what type of hemorrhage will result? epidural hemorrhage
an occlusion of which cerebral artery would result in loss of all general sensation in the right face L middle cerebral
name the two major arteries branching off the segmental spinal artery anterior and posterior radicular aa.
which of the following may produce cerebral ischemia: elevated blood pressure, hemorrhage, emboli, hypoglycemia, increased intracranial pressure hemorrhage emboli increased intracranial pressure
Created by: AnatomyMash
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