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Term | Definition |
apprentice | Young men who learned trade from someone else. |
boycott | Any person or group that refuses to buy or use a service. |
coerce | Force. |
cultural history | The culture of the past, clothes, food, homes and customs. |
deport | Forcibly removed. |
economy | The way people use their resources to buy or sell. |
epidemic | A sickness that is quickly and widely spread. |
ethnic history | History of the people who lived in the area. |
evict | Forced off of land. |
petroglyph | Pictures in stone. |
historical fiction | Fictional stories about the past. |
indentured servant | Someone who came to America without paying passage, forced to work to pay off debt. |
parliament | The legislative body of England. |
passage | Price of voyage to America. |
political history | How people set up governments and passed laws for their own communities. |
province | A part of another nation or country. |
repeal | To take a law out of effect. |
tenant | Someone who pays someone else to rent land. |
unalienable | Something that cannot be taken away. |
warrant | A document that allows the government to enter your house. |
Writs of Assistance | A law that states the government can enter your house, only with a warrant. |