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ill. Const. JRK

Illinois Constitution

State gets power from what Amendment? The 10th!
what are the states depended on? election for federal officials & proving an amendment.
what are the Intergovernmental Cooperation Law Enforcement and Transportation.
State Senators? Dick Durban is the senior senator and Mark Kirk is the junior senator.
how many representatives? 19!
census is every __ years. 10!
Illinois Constitution was adopted in? 1818!
Current Illinois Con. is from ? 1970!
Illinois is the __ state? 21st!
Three Branches: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.
executive offices: Lieutenant governor, governor, attorney general, comptroller, treasurer, secretary of state.
Governor? Pat Quin..
Comptroller? Judy Baar Topinka.
Lieutenant Governor? Sheila Simon.
Treasurer? Dan Rutherford.
Secretary of state? Jesse White.
attorney general: Lisa Madigan.
legislative branch; has house many senators? 59.
house of reps has how many? 118!
term of two houses combined? General assembly.
first level of the court system, and how many? Judicial Circuit, and 22
second level of court systems, ad how many? Appellate Courts and there are 5
Third and last level of the court system and how many? Supreme Court, and 1
Governors Responsibilities? Chief Executive of the state, and choose the state's expenses, grant pardons, ..
Lieutenant Governor responsibilities? first in line to be governor, does anything the governor tells them to do,deals with education problems.. and gets elected with the governor
Attorney general responsibilities: Lawyer of the state and people, preserve the environment
Secretary of state responsibilities: Largest most diverse, license drivers and vehicles, a lot of direct services, vehicle services, Illinois State Police
Comptroller responsibilities: Handles financials for the state, "state checkbook", chief fiscal control officer!
Treasurer responsibilities: chief investment officer.
State budgets operating appropraiations 1)Health care and family services 32.3% 2)Education 24.% 3)human services 17.8%
Revenues state budget 1)federal aid 34% 2)Income tax 19.4% 3) sales tax 13.5%
education system: sets education policies and guid lines fora all schools
Legislative Branch Eligibility: 1)U.S. citizen 2) at least 21 years old 3) must live in the district they want to represent for at least two years.
legislative branch function and powers: create laws, passing resolution, branch that votes on taxes.
What can the legislative branch do? and what do they do? acts on amendments from the U.S. constitution when they are elected and impeach and convict executive and judicial office holders in the state of illinois
Can a legislative brnch office holder impeach a judicial of executive branch office holder? Yes!
organization and composition each legislative district is composedc of one senate district, which is divided into two representative districts
our senator district? 40!
illinois representative ditrict? 79
the legislative cycle! bills passe before May 31 becomes laws when? Janurary 1 of the next year
legislative cycle! laws pased after May 31 become laws when? June first of the next year
How a bill becomes a law: what house has to introduce a bill? either! the house or the senate can!
how a bill becomes a law: what happens on the first day? the bill is introduced
how a bill becomes a law: what happens on the second day the bill is ammended
how a bill becomes a law: what happens on the third day? the bill is debated and voted on. a simple majority is needed to pass a bill.51%
how a bill becomes a law: what happens if a bill is approved on thr third reading? moves to them second chamber to start all over.
How a bill becomes a law: once the second chamber gets the bills, what happens if they ammend it? it goes back to the first chamber to start all over.
how a bill becomes a law: if the second chamber approves the bill as writeen, what happens? it is then sent to the governor.
how a bill becomes a bill: if the bill makes it to the governor he has four options: 1)he can sign it,a nd approve it 2)he can veto it 3) he can wait 60 days, and not sign it, but after the 60 days, it becomes a law. 4) veto it with recomendations
senate president? senATE presiDENT John J. Cullerton
Speaker of the house? Michael J. Madigan
Supreme court justices are elected every __ years 10!
Appellate judges are elected every __ years 10!
Circuit judges are elected every __ years 6!
Cheif Justice: Thomas L. Kilbride
what was Illinois' first capital? Kaskaskia
what was Illinois' second capital Vandalia,
third capital? Springfield and remained capital.
cook county is what district? one!
state tree: White oak
state bird: Cardinal
state song Illinois
State insect: Monarch Butterfly
State slogan: Land of Lincoln
state animal: white tailed deer
state fish: blue gill
state dance: square dance
bill of rights: cant discriminate against race, gender, religion, background. no discrimination while getting hired by an employer.
what CAN you discriminate against? age.
amendment one: legislative article. cutback amendment. downsized the house from 177. to 118
amendment three: bill of rights article. allows state court judges to deny people who have been arrested and are death sentence. (if you are give a death sentence, you can bail out.)
amendment four: bill of rights article. allows state judges to arrest anyone who might be harmful or dangerous to the community.
amendment five: suffrage and elections article. reduced the voting age from 21 to 18. state residency from 6 months to 30 days.
how many amendments added to the constitution? 11
article I bill of rights, where you find off rights.
article II powers of the state. (legislative, Judicial, Executive branch.) no branch will override another one.
article III: suffrage and elections. voting disqualifications: if convicted of a felony or convicted into jail.
article IV: legislature- power and structure. representative are elected every two years.
article V: executive branch. each term is four years, but terms are limitless. to be in the executive branch: U.S. citizen, 25 years old, and citizen for atleast 3 years.
line of governcy: 1)governor 2)lieutenant governor 3) attorney general 4) secretary of state
governor has was power? to pardon people in jails, those most likely innocent.
article VI: judicial branch. vested in the supreme court, appellate courts, and circuit courts. 7 supreme court judges.
supreme court term is? 010 years
appellate court term is? 10 years
circuit court term is? 6 years
eligibility of judicial branch: U.S. citizen, be a liscened attonrey-at-law and resident of the unit which elected from.
article VII: municipalitites (city, town, village) allows units of local government, like countys. the ability to have a city mayor, and etc.
St. Anne Village president: DAvid O'Connel
Article VIII eight~~ finance
Article IX: nine revenue
article X: ten education
Article XI: eleven enviroment
article XII: twelve milita
cook couty is what district? one
How many state Representatives do we send to Washington D.C.? 19
State senators are elected every how many years 6
What Illinois Senatorial District does our school sit in? 40th
Who is in charge of each of the Circuit Courts? Chief Justice
When did the most recent Constitution become effective July 1, 1971
Which Amendment to the 1970 Constitution allows the court to deny bail to citizens who may pose a threat to the danger of the community 4th
Which Amendment to the 1970 Constitution allows the judges to deny bail to persons who are responsible for crimes carrying life sentences 3rd
How many sections are there in the first Article of the Illinois Constitution 24
Who has the power to raise Revenue in the state by law? The Generally Assembly.
This article is about State Power II
who selects the supreme court justice? other supreme court members
which article deals with stater revenue? IX
Created by: jazzyjayy2398
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