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Illinois Const. EC

How many senators does Illinois Have. 59
How many house of representatives do we have. 118
How many Judaical Circuits do we have. 22
How many Applet Courts do we have. 5
Supreme Courts 1
How many members does the Supreme Court have. 7
Who is the Governor Pat Quinn
Who is Lieutenant Governor Sheila Simon
Attorney General Lisa Madigan
Secretary of State Jesse White
Comptroller Judy Barr Topinka
Treasurer Dan Rutherford
Some duties a Governor has are. The Chief Executive of State, makes decisions on state budgets, has power to grant pardons, and serves as commander-and-chief of the states military forces
Where do states get their powers. 10th amendment
What is the 10 Amendment. Anything that is not stated in our constitution then you can state in yours
What are the amendments of education. Approving amendments to the U.S. constitution, and the election of the federal offices
What are the intergovernmental coroperations. The implementation of joint law enforcement programs to prevent and detect crime, Another key is transportation construction or safety programs
Who are the two U.S. senators of Illinois. Mark Kirk- Junior Dick Durban- Senior since 1996
How many representatives are there from Illinois. 19
What is a Census It is something that is done every 10 years and goes by the population and they change the district
When was the Illinois Constitution created. 1818
What number was Illinois admitted as. 21st state
When was the current version of the constitution rewritten. 1970
The three branchs are. Legislative, Executive, and Judaical branch
Who controls the state budgets, appoints department administrators, and reports to the General Assembly annually on the condition of the state. The Governor
What is the General Assembly. It is when the senate and congress combined
What are the other members after the Governor. Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secratary of State, Comptroller, and Treasurer
What is the Governor called. Cheif Executive of state
The Governor makes what kind of decisions. The State Budget
What does the Governor serve as. Commander-and-cheif of the states millitary forces
Who is elected with the Governor. Lieutenant Governor
The Lieutenant Governor is the what in line for governorship. 1st in line
This office handles a variety of responsibilities delegated by statue and assigned by the Governor is. Lieutenant Governor
The Lieutenant Governor also serves as Governor's what for education reform. Point Person
The what is the lawyer for the state and the people of Illinois. Attorney General
The Attorney General acts as an advocate to protect consumers, safeguard children and communities, preserve the environment, uphold Illinois’ open government laws, and. Defend the rights of Illinois' most vulenerable residents
This office is the largest and most diverse office in its kind in the nation is. The Secratary of State
Secratary of State offers vehicle titles, drivers licences and what. Plates
What are the three departments for Secratary of state. Drivers Licences, Vehicle Services, and Illinois State Police
What are the three levels of police. Local Police, County Police, and State Police
Which office is the cheif fiscal control officer for the Illinois Government. Comptroller
What does fiscal mean. Money
The Comptroller is in charge of what kind of payments. State payments
Which office is the state cheif investment officer. Treasurer
What happens if the state does not have enough money. They borrow it
The Illinois State Budget has three main things they spend money on is. Healthcare and family services, education, and Human services
Some of the Illinois State Budget Revenues are. Federal Aid, Income Tax, and Sales Tax
Sets of educational what and guidlines for public and private schools, and preschools thru 12 grade. Policies
How many kids are in the Illinois School System. 2.1 Million kids
To be eligible to serve in the General Assembly in this branch you must be at least 21, reside in the district being represented for at least two years prior to the electioin or appointment, and what. Must be a United States Citizen
The what activities are enacting, amending, and repealing laws is called what. Principal Activities
This branch votes on tax changes and acts on Ammendments from the U.S. Constitution. The Legislative Branch
The General Assembly may impeach and convict what and what officeholders in the State if Illinois. Executive and Judicial officeholders
Each legislative district is composed of one senate district, which will be divided into how many representative districts. 2 Representative Districts
If a bill is passed before May 31st when will it become a law. January of the next year
If the bill is passed after May 31st when will it become a law. June 1st of the next year
A bill is introduced in either in the what or what. House or Senate
Each bill must be read how many times in each chamber for it to be a law. 3 days
A bill is introduced in what reading. 1st reading
The second reading allows for what. Amendments
The bill is debated and what on in what reading. Voted on and 3rd reading
When they vote a what majority is needed for the bill to be passed, and needs to have at least 51% to be passed to be a law. Simple majority
If the second chamber approves the bill as written it is sent to who. The Governor
The bill is amended in what chamber and then passed, it must what to the chamber where it originated for concurrence. 2nd chamber
If there is no change in the what it has to go back to where it originated. House
The Governor can do what for a bill to be passed. Sign the bill, veto it with recommendations for changes, veto it absolutely, and can allow it to become a law without a signature.
If it is not signed by the Governor in 30 days what will happen to it. It will automatically become a law
The General Assembly may override the veto by a three-fifths majority, by who. Vetoed by the Governor
Who is the Senate President. John J. Cullerton
Who is the Speaker of the House. Michael J. Magigan
When are the Supreme Court Justices elected. 10 year terms
how many terms for the Applet Court Judges. 10 year term
Circuit Judges are elected for how many terms. 6 terms
Chief Justices of our Current Supreme Court. Thomas L. Kilbride
Illinois 1st capitol was. Kaskaskia in 1818
Illionis 3rd capitol was. Springfield in 1836
Illinois 2nd capitol was. Vandillia in 1820
Where does the Illinois government/General Assembly work at. The State Capitol Building
State tree White Oak
State flower Violet
State song Illinois
State bird Cardinal
State insect Monarch butterfly
State slogan Land of Lincoln
State animal White tailed deer
State fish Bluegill
State dance Square dance
State snack food Popcorn
What preserves individual rigths in the 1870's. Bill of Rights
The Bill of rights guarantees freedom from what on the basics of race, color,creed, national ancestry and sex. Discrimination
In hiring and promotion practices of an employer or in the sale or what of what. Rental of property
There is one allowed dicrimination which is what. Age
In jobs and sale of what. Property
Shrinks the amount of people in the house is which amendment. From 177 to 118. 1st amendment
This amendment allows judges to deny bail to a person who is accused of a crime. 3rd amendment
This amedment allows judges to deny bail to a person who may be a threat to the community. 4th amendment
This amendment will reduce the voting age for every U.S. citizen voting in state elections from 21 years to 18 years and the permanent state residency requirement from 6 months to 30 days preceding any election. 5th amendment
How many amendments are there in the Illinois Constitution. 11 amendments
Every how many years is the Illinois public asked if they want a new constitution. Every 20 years
So far they have been asked how many times so far and what was have they been anwsering. 2 times, no
The bill of rights is in what article and how many sections. Article 1, 24 sections
What is Article II. The Powers of the State
The what branches are all separate but have the same powers. And how many sections are there. Legislative, Executive, and Judaial, 2 sections
What is Article III about. Sufferage and elections
How many sections are in Article III. (section II) 7 sections
If you are convicted of a felony or under sentence you cannot vote is in what article. Article III
What is Article IV about. The Legislative
Every how many years does the election in the Legislative Branch take place. Every 2 years
What is Article V about. The Executive Branch
How many years must you be in the state prior to the election. 3 years
Article 5 section 6 says if the Governor dies who are the next 3 people in line for the job. First is Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State
The Governor has the power to what to forgive someone for their crime. Pardon
Article VI is about what. The Judicial Branch
There are how many Judicial Circuits. 5
We have 5 Applet Courts in how many districts. In each district
What is section 11 about. To be eligible to be a Judge
To be eligible to be a Judge you must be what. Must be a U.S citizen, licensed attorney, and have to be a resident where you were elected from
The mayor or president of St. Anne is. David O'Connel
How many districts is the state divided into. 5 districts
What is the first Judicial Circuit consist of. Cook County
How many Supreme Court Justices are selected from the first Judicial County . 3
How many are from Cook County. 3
What is Article VII about. Local Government
What does Local Government mean. It means two things allow Municipalities which means cities, villages, and incorporated towns can have own Government
What is Article VIII about. Finance
What is Article IX about. Revenue
What is Article X about. Education
What is Article XI about. Environment
What is Article XII about. Militia
Who is the new District Representative 2. Robin Kelly
Who is the state senator for district 40. Toi Hutchinson
Who is the state representative of the 79 district. Katie Cloonen
What branch is responsible for passing legislation involving state policies. Legislative
Which branch of the Illinois Government controls the budget of the state. Executive
Which branch of the Illinois Government interprets the Illinois Constitution. Judicial
Who sets educational policies for the state. Illinois State Board of Education
State senators are elected every how many years. 6 years
The Governor can kill the bill by what. Vetoing it
What's Illinois Senatorial District does our school sit in? 40th district
What are the three courts within the Illinois Judicial Branch. Supreme, Appellate, Circuit
Who is in charge of each of the Circuit Courts. Chef Judge
When did the most recent Constitution become effective. July 1st 1971
Who has the power to raise Revenue in the state by law. General Assembly
Which of the following is not a Branch of the Government. General Assembly
Which of the following is not a Branch of the Illinois Government. Government Branch
Who is John Cullerton. President of the Senate
What Illinois Representative district does Illinois sit in. 79
When did the most recent Constitution become effective. July 1, 1971
Created by: ErinCorvo10
Popular American Government sets




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