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Beginers In Shotokan

Shotokan For The New Karateka

Age Rising
Age Uke Rising Block
Ashi Leg
Ashi Barai Foot Sweep
Chudan Mid – Level
Dachi Stance
Dojo School Or Training Room
Gedan Lower - Level
Gedan Barai Downward Sweeping Block
Geri Kick
Gi Uniform
Go Five
Gohon Kumite Five Step Sparring
Gyaku Reverse
Gyaku Tsuki Reverse Punch
Hachi Eight
Hajime Begin
Heisoku Dachi Formal Attention Stance
Hidari Left
Ichi One
Ippon Kumite One Step Sparring
Jodan Head – Level
Ju Ten
Karate Empty Hands
Karate Do The Way Of Karate
Karateka Practitioner Of Karate
Kata Practice Form
Ken Fist
Kiai Spirit Shout
Kiba Dachi Horse Riding Stance
Kizami Tsuki Jab
Kokutsu Dachi Back Stance
Kosa Dachi Cross Legged Stance
Koshi Ball Of The Foot
Ku Nine
Kumite Sparring / Fighting
Kyu Rank
Maai Distance
Mae Front
Mae Geri Front Kick
Mae Geri Keage Front Snap Kick
Mae Geri Kekomi Front Thrust Kick
Mawashi Round
Mawashi Geri Round Kick
Mawatte Turn Around
Migi Right
Neko Ashi Dachi Cat Stance
Ni Two
Obi Belt
Oi Tsuki Stepping Punch
Oss I Understand (Also Used To Show Respect.)
Otaigai Ni Face Towards Each Other
Rei Bow
Roku Six
San Three
Seiza Kneel / Sit Down
Sempai Senior
Sensei Teacher
Sensei Ni Face Towards The Teacher
Shi Four
Shichi Seven
Shuto Uchi Knife Hand Strike
Shuto Uke Knife Block
Soto Outer
Soto Ude Uke Outside Forearm Block
Te Hand
Tetsui Hammer Fist Strike
Tobi Jump
Tobi Geri Jumping Kick
Tsuki (Zuki) Punch
Uchi Strike
Uchi Ude Uke Inside Forearm Block
Ude Forearm
Uke Block
Uraken Uchi Back fist Strike
Ushiro Back
Ushiro Geri Back Thrust Kick
Waza Technique
Yame Stop
Yoi Ready
Yoko Side
Yoko Geri Keage Side Snap Kick
Yoko Geri Kekomi Side Thrust Kick
Zenkutsu Dachi Front Stance
Created by: Rob1346
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