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Blood Supply of CNS

Q: How much of the blood pumped by the heart goes to the brain? A: 1/5 (20%)
Q: Of the oxygen utilized by the body, how much does the brain consume? A: 20% (1/5)
Q: How much blood flows through the brain each minute? A: 800mL
Q: You're a drop of blood traveling from the internal carotid artery to the internal jugular vein, how long does it take you? A: 7 seconds.
Q: True or false? The brain stores a generous amount oxygen. A: False! This is one of the reasons the brain requires a constant blood supply.
Q: True or false? The brain derives its energy from aerobic metabolism of glucose derived from the blood. A: True!
Q: The blood supply to your brain is cut off... What happens after 10 seconds? A: Loss of consciousness.
Q: The blood supply to your brain is cut off... What happens after 20 seconds? A: Loss of electrical activity.
Q: The blood supply to your brain is cut off... What happens after 2 minutes? A: Irreversible brain damage
Q: The posterior communicating artery is a collateral branch of which artery? A: Internal carotid artery.
Q: Name the terminal branches of the internal carotid artery. A: Middle cerebral and anterior cerebral aa.
Q: True or false? The middle cerebral artery is a direct continuation of the internal carotid artery. A: True!
Q: This artery runs deep in the lateral sulcus and supplies the lateral surface of the cerebral hemisphere. A: Middle cerebral artery.
Q: The anterior communicating artery is a connection between what? A: The two anterior cerebral arteries.
Q: This artery ascends in the longitudinal fissure. A: Anterior cerebral artery.
Q: What are the three main arteries that make up the anterior circulation of the brain? A: Internal carotid artery, middle cerebral artery, and anterior cerebral artery.
Q: What are the three main arteries that make up the posterior circulation of the brain? A: Vertebral artery, basilar artery, and posterior cerebral artery.
Q: The vertebral arteries are branches of which arteries? A: Subclavian arteries.
Q: The two vertebral arteries join together to form what? A: Basilar artery.
Q: Tell me what PICA refers to and what is it a branch of? A: Posterior inferior cerebellar artery which branches off the vertebral artery.
Q: The vertebral artery has three main branches discussed in lecture. What are they? A: Anterior spinal artery, posterior spinal artery, and the posterior inferior cerebellar artery.
Q: The PICA is a branch off the vertebral artery. So where does the AICA come from? A: Basilar artery.
Q: The basilar artery bifurcates to form what? A: The two posterior cerebral arteries.
Q: The AICA is a branch of the basilar artery. Can you name some more? A: Labyrinthine artery, pontine artery, and superior cerebellar artery.
Q: The callosomarginal artery is a branch of the _______. A: Anterior cerebral artery.
Q: The posterior choroidal artery is a branch of the _______. A: Posterior cerebral artery.
Q: The calcarine artery is a branch of the _______. A: Posterior cerebral artery.
Q: This sulcus runs perpendicular to the parietooccipital sulcus and houses the visual cortex. A: Calcarine sulcus.
Q: This structure divides parietal lobe from occipital lobe. A: parietooccipital sulcus.
Q: We all know the circle of Willis, right? So name the arteries considered part of the circle. A: Anterior communicating, anterior cerebral, internal carotid, posterior communicating, and posterior cerebral. (It’s easy… ant/post communicating - ant/post cerebral - internal carotid)
Q: Is the middle cerebral artery part of the circle of Willis? What about the basilar? A: No and no.
Q: True or false? Superficial cerebral veins can be found on all surfaces of the brain hemispheres within the subarachnoid space. A: True!
Q: Superior cerebral veins empty into the _______. A: Superior sagittal sinus.
Q: The superficial middle cerebral vein empties into the _______. A: Cavernous sinus.
Q: The superior anastomotic vein of Trolard empties into the _______. A: Superior sagittal sinus.
Q: The inferior anastomotic vein of Labbbe’ empties into the _______. A: Transverse sinus.
Q: This vein runs down and forward in the depths of the lateral sulcus and appears on the ventral surface of the brain. A: Deep middle cerebral vein.
Q: These two veins join together to form the basal vein of Rosenthal. A: Anterior cerebral vein and deep middle cerebral vein.
Q: This vein empties into the great vein of Galen. A: The basal vein (also known as the basal vein of Rosenthal).
Q: Two internal cerebral veins join to form the _______. A: Great vein of Galen.
Q: Ultimately, where does the great vein of Galen empty into? A: Straight sinus.
Q: What we need to know about the spinal arteries for this test… A: They come from vertebral arteries PLUS there is one anterior and two posterior.
Q: What drains the central core of the cerebrum and empties into the dural venous sinuses? A: Deep cerebral veins (don’t forget this, she said to highlight it).
Q: True or false? The thalamostriate vein and choroidal vein are part of the internal venous drainage. A: True! These two veins also join to form the internal cerebral vein.
Q: Which of the following give off spinal segmental arteries: vertebral a. in cervical region, posterior intercostal branches of the thoracic aorta, or lumbar branches of the abdominal aorta? A: The ALL do.
Q: These arteries run along the ventral and dorsal roots of spinal nerves. What are they and where do they come from? A: They are the anterior and posterior radicular arteries and the come from spinal segmental arteries.
Q: True or false? Spinal veins have a very distinct pattern. A: False! They have an irregular pattern.
Created by: PCC Neuroscience
Popular Chiropractic sets




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