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cnc1 chapter 12

political legitimacy legitimacy the view of citizens that their government has the lawful authority to govern. The notion that the government has the right to make laws that the people should follow. The thought that the government has the people’s best interest in mind whe
general election a national election held every two years as required by the Constitution
caucus Caucus a series of local meetings of party members in which delegates are chosen to attend the national convention where the party’s nominee is selected
primary election an election conducted within a political party where voters select its candidates for the general election
open primary voters registered with a political party may choose the ballot of either party
closed primary voters can only vote on the ballot for the party with which they are registered
plurality voting the house or senate candidate who receives the most votes wins the election
electoral votes votes that are needed to win presidential candidacy
frontloading the phenomenon of states moving their primaries earlier and earlier in the election season in order to have more influence over the selection of party presidential nominees
national convention party meetings held every four years to establish party platforms and officially nominate presidential candidates to run in the general election
nominee a person nominated or chosen by the party to run against the other party’s nominee in the general election
electoral college every state receives a number of electors votes
election cycle the period that extends from the day after the previous general election to the day of the next general election.
incumbents those who currently hold a political office
federal election campaign act (FECA) ) 1971 law that places disclosure mandates onto federal campaigns, places limits on campaign contributions and creates the Federal Election Commission
hard money donations given directly to a candidate for congressional office or the presidency
soft money unregulated donations to party organizations to cover their operational expenses
Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) 2002 law to further regulate campaign spending sponsored by Senators Russ Feingold and John McCain
Federal elections commission is an independent regulatory agency founded by the Congress to regulate the campaign finance legislation; distinguishes between hard and soft money
Political action committees organizations establish by individuals or private groups with the aim of raising money to contribute to candidates for elective office. Regulated by the fec
Straight ticket voting vote the same party
How often are elections held for members of the House of Representatives? For the Senate? For the president? ? Every 2 years all reelected at the same time For the senate? 6 yrs only 1/3 are up for reelection every two years For the president? 4yrs can only run for reelection once per the 22nd amendment
How are Delegates selected? What do they do? Delegates are selected through caucuses and primaries
What are the steps for Senators and Representatives to get elected? Senate: 30 yrs old, citizen of us for 9 yrs and can be born in us or naturalized, must live in state that you are running in; House: must be 25 yrs old, citizen of us for 7 years, can be born in us or naturalized must live in state that you are running i
What are the steps for a President to be elected? Must be 35 yrs born in us resident of us for 14 years Have to file for office and get on ballot in every single state; have to start campaigning in each state; have to win your political party’s delegate votes throughout the country; delegates attend nati
How does the nomination process work? The selection of delegates from the Republican and Democratic parties in each state; the candidates for nomination are elected by the voters of the state through primary elections; caucuses, or both; these delegates attend the national nominating conventi
What is the Electoral College? How are its members chosen? Group of people for each party that directly vote for the candidate 270 votes to win population determines how many electoral college votes
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Electoral College? Advantage: magnifies victory because it gives small states more weight; individual electors elected directly thru political parties; states are important; makes candidates campaign throughout individual states, not just thru mass media advertising in hig
What is the difference between a campaign strategy and campaign tactics? ? A campaign strategy is the overall approach used to convince citizens to vote for the candidate, while campaign tactics are the specific procedures used to execute the strategy.
Describe a party oriented strategy? Candidate relies on the party’s platform and record, as well as the organization’s resources, to appeal to voters’ partisan identification.
Describe an issue oriented strategy? The campaign constructs messaging directed at groups of Americans with strong preferences toward policy on specific issues
Describe how campaigns have moved from being party-centered to candidate-centered? From the 1890 to the time immediately prior to the first WW there was a movement to reform the political electoral process to put the American voters in the front of the nomination process. The progressive movement helped to reform the electoral system i
Describe a candidate oriented strategy? . A candidate using this strategy organizes the campaign efforts around his or her personal characteristics, such as experience, leadership capacity, and integrity.
Created by: jjcma5
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