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Ch.28 Persian Wars
History Alive! The Ancient World ©2004 TCI
Question | Answer |
What is the area where the Persian empire started called today? | Iran |
What are allies? | States that agree to help each other against a common enemy. |
King Darius divided the Persian Empire into provinces. How many and what were they called? | 20 satrapies |
What marked the beginning of the Greek-Persian Wars, and when was it? | The Ionian Revolt, in 499 B.C.E. |
What did the Persians force the Ionians to do? Name two things. | Pay tributes and serve in the army. |
Who did the Ionians ask for help against the Persians? | Mainland Greece (Athens responded) |
What did the Persians do to punish the Ionians after defeating them? | They destroyed the city of Miletus and sold some people into slavery. |
What presents did King Darius request from mainland Greece, and why? | Greek earth and water, to represent Greeks' acceptance of Persian Rule. |
How did the Greeks respond to King Darius' request for presents? | They threw the King's messengers into pits and wells (to get their own Greek earth and water). |
What kind of military force did King Darius send to Greece? | Foot soldiers and cavalry. |
What is a cavalry? | Military force mounted on horseback. |
What was the first major battle of the Greek-Persian Wars, and when was it fought? | The Battle of Marathon, in 490 B.C.E. |
What Greek army fought the Persians at the Battle of Marathon, and who led them? | The Athenians, led by General Miltiades |
Who was Pheidippides? | An Athenian runner who ran for two days and two nights to ask Spartans to help defend against King Darius' army. |
Why didn't the Spartans help at the Battle of Marathon? | They were celebrating a religious festival and said they couldn't leave Sparta until the next full moon. |
Who won the Battle of Marathon? | The Greeks |
Who succeeded Darius as King of the Persian Empire? | His son, King Xerxes |
How many soldiers were in King Xerxes' army? | Over 180,000 |
What is the Hellespont? | A long, narrow body of water between Europe and Asia. |
How did Xerxes' army cross the Hellespont? | By walking over two bridges made by roping hundreds of boats together. |
What was Xerxes' first major battle against the Greeks, and when was it fought? | The Battle of Thermopylae, in 480 B.C.E. |
What Greek army fought against the Persians at Thermopylae, and who led them? | The Spartans, led by King Leonidas |
Describe the geographical characteristics of Thermopylae. | It's a narrow pass between the mountains and the sea. |
Who won the Battle of Thermopylae? | The Persians. |
What were the two main reasons the Persians beat the Spartans at Thermopylae? | A traitor showed them a secret path through the mountains; and they had a LOT more soldiers. |
How many Spartan soldiers went to Thermopylae? How many stayed to the end? | 6,0000-7,000, then 300 |
Why did Spartan soldiers leave the battle at Thermopylae? | King Leonidas knew his army couldn't defeat the Persians so he ordered most of his troops to escape. |
What happened to the Spartan soldiers who stayed at Thermopylae? | They fought bravely with weapons and their bare hands until they were all killed. |
Where did the Persian army go after the battle at Thermopylae? | Athens. |
What happened when Xerxes' army went to Athens? | They burned it to the ground within two weeks. |
Where was the major naval battle of the Persian Wars? | Salamis |
Who led the Greek navy at Salamis? | Themistocles |
Describe the geographical characteristics of Salamis. | It's on a narrow channel of water between the Greek islands and mainland. |
Why did Themistocles want to fight the Persian navy at Salamis? | Because the narrow waterway would make it difficult for the Persians to maneuver their ships. |
How did Themistocles get the Persian navy to enter the narrow channel of water at Salamis? | He sent a secret message to Xerxes that he wanted to change sides, and that half the Greek sailors would surrender. |
What did the Greek navy do after surrounding the Persian ships at Salamis? | They rammed them and crushed their hulls. |
How many ships did the Persians lose at Salamis? | 300 |
How many ships did the Greeks lose at Salamis? | 40 |
Who won the Battle at Salamis? | The Greeks |
Where did the Persians go after the Battle at Salamis? | Xerxes retreated, but left half of his army in Greece. |
What was the final major battle of the Persian wars? | The Battle of Plataea, in 479 B.C.E. |
How long did the Greek-Persian Wars last? | Twenty years |