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slave/civilwar 5


abolitionist a person who worked to abolish or end slavery
reform to change something to make it better
Confederate States the south, fought to keep slavery
Union States the north, fought to free slaves
secede separate; the south left the union of the United states to form their own country
emancipation the freeing of something (in this case, slaves)
slavery a system which people are forced to work with out pay
manufacturing the making of things like weapons, medicine, uniforms, food
How many original states seceded from the union 11
When did the original 11 states secede from the union? after Abraham Lincoln was elected president
What was the south called after it seceded from the union? The Confederate States of America
Ulysses S. Grant important generals and leader during the civil war, put in charge of
William Tecumseh Sherman important general and leader in civil war
Quakers One of the first groups that worked to make slavery illegal
Charles Osborn and Benjamin Lundy Quakers from Ohio the worked to end slavery (abolitionist that worked toward ending slavery
Betsy Mix Cowles from Ohio, gave speeches against slavery (abolitionist who worked to end slavery)
Elizabeth Coleman and Sarah Ernst from Ohio, formed anti slavery sewing group to make clothes for escaped slaves
Who did Ohioans talk to about ending slavery? their Congress
Underground Railroad a system of escape routes that helped slaves escape to free land
Why was Ohio important on the Under ground railroad? it bordered Kentucky which was a slave state and was a major route to Canada
Ferdinand Shumacher Developed Oatmeal Ceral (in Akron) which he sold to the Union Army
Fugitive slave act Congress tried to stop slaves from escaping so this law said escaped slaves HAD to be returned to owner and people were supposed to help capture runaway slaves.
Harriet Beecher Stowe An Ohioan who wrote the book UNCLE TOM's CABIN to show how cruel slavery was
Union United States
When was the actual start of the civil war? April 12, 1861 at Fort Sumter
Ohio in the Army 30,000 Ohio white males joined the army to fight
Soldier's Aid Society Women's group in Cleveland who volunteered to send blankets and clothing to Union Soldiers
Factories needed to keep making goods so women filled some of the jobs
Ohio factories leading producer of war materials
Ohio railroads used to ship war materials to union troops
Ohio Iron industry Ohio iron factories make cannons and reconditioned muskets for the Union Army
Manufacturing Process of making goods
Food products from Ohio oatmeal and salt were sent to soldiers
coal was mined from Ohio powered trains and steamboats through the war to transport troops and materials
Robert E.Lee Confederate General
Emancipation Proclamation President Lincoln issued this to free all slaves in 1862
End of Civil War General Lee surrendered to Grant in April 1865
What are some things abolitionist did to help? Banned slavery in the North, made anti-slavery newspapers, gave speeches and formed anti -slavery groups.
How did the Underground Rail Road work? A system of people took slaves secretly on routes out of the slave states toward the North into Free States. They helped these escapes and risked their own lives and possible jail time for doing it.
Underground RR Code Word: Station A safe place to stay for a short time
Underground RR Code Word: Freedom Train Code name for underground rail road
Underground RR Code Word: Drinking Gourd Name for North Star in the Big Dipper
Underground RR Code Word: Station Master Keeper of the safe place
Underground RR Code Word: Conductor Person who takes escaping slaves from one place to another
Underground RR Code Word: River Jordan Mississippi River
Underground RR Code Word: Bundles of Wood Number of people escaping from slavery that would be arriving
Underground RR Code Word: Bundles of Wood Number of people escaping from slavery that would be arriving
How did they use quilts on the Underground Rail Road? Quilts were hung on homes as signals that it was a safe house and also created as codes for how to escape
How did they use quilts on the Underground Rail Road? Quilts were hung on homes as signals that it was a safe house and also created as codes for how to escape
Harriet Tubman An escaped slave who was the Main Conductor on the Underground Rail Road. Her Code Name was Moses
Harriet Tubman An escaped slave who was the Main Conductor on the Underground Rail Road. Her Code Name was Moses
Why did the Civil War Begin? Southern States believed Lincoln wanted to end Slavery so they left the Union.
Why did the Civil War Begin? Southern States believed Lincoln wanted to end Slavery so they left the Union.
How did the Civil War Start? Confederate Troops attack United States Fort Sumnter in South Carolina
What are some things abolitionist did to help? Banned slavery in the North, made anti-slavery newspapers, gave speeches and formed anti -slavery groups.
How did the Underground Rail Road work? A system of people took slaves secretly on routes out of the slave states toward the North into Free States. They helped these escapes and risked their own lives and possible jail time for doing it.
Underground RR Code Word: Station A safe place to stay for a short time
Underground RR Code Word: Freedom Train Code name for underground rail road
Underground RR Code Word: Drinking Gourd Name for North Star in the Big Dipper
Underground RR Code Word: Station Master Keeper of the safe place
Underground RR Code Word: Conductor Person who takes escaping slaves from one place to another
Underground RR Code Word: River Jordan Mississippi River
Underground RR Code Word: Bundles of Wood Number of people escaping from slavery that would be arriving
How did they use quilts on the Underground Rail Road? Quilts were hung on homes as signals that it was a safe house and also created as codes for how to escape
Harriet Tubman An escaped slave who was the Main Conductor on the Underground Rail Road. Her Code Name was Moses
Why did the Civil War Begin? Southern States believed Lincoln wanted to end Slavery so they left the Union.
How did the Civil War Start? Confederate Troops attack United States Fort Sumnter in South Carolina
Created by: slhanlon
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