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History Vocab. #2
Lime green sheet of paper; weekly pop quiz
Term | Definition |
Panic of 1837 | Severe economic depression that hits the nation after Van Buren's election. |
Kitchen Cabinet | Informal group of advisers who met with Andrew Jackson. |
Monroe Doctrine | Warning to European powers to make no more attempts to colonize in the Americas. |
Gibbons v. Ogden | The right to nullify federal laws considered unconstitutional. |
Nullification Crisis | Dispute between the states and the federal government over the Tariff of 1828. |
Spoils System | The practice of giving jobs to loyal supporters. |
James K. Polk | Our 8th president after winning the Election of 1836. |
Missouri Compromise | Compromise that brings Missouri into the Union as a slave state; Maine as a free state. |
Trail of Tears | Name given to the forced evacuation of Indians from leave Georgia. |
Whigs | New political party formed in opposition to Jackson. Harrison is their candidate in 1840. |
Interchangeable Parts | Process developed by Eli Whitney that called for making each part of a machine exactly the same. |
Textiles | Cloth items. |
Industrial Revolution | A period of industrial growth where the manufacture of goods by hand is replaced by machine. |
Trade Union | Groups of workers who organized to get better pay and working conditions. |
State's Rights | Supreme Court decision that reinforced federal government's authority over the states. |
Technology | Tools used to produce items or work. |
Telegraph | Invention of Samuel Morse that could send information great distances over wire. |
John Deere | He developed a new steel plow for farming. |
Underground Railroad | Network of hiding places where a slave could escape to freedom. |
Seneca Falls | Convention meeting place of the women's movement to declare their independence. |
Abolition | To end slavery. |
Temperance Movement | A reform movement to get people to drink less. |
Second Great Awakening | A period of dramatic religous conversions in the 1790's. |
Transcendentalism | Belief that people could rise above the material needs of life. |
Utopia | Belief that people could form perfect societies. |
Emancipation | The act of freeing all slaves. |
Mexico | The U.S goes to war with this nation due to the annexation of Texas. |
Martin Van Buren | Democratic candidate for president in 1844 who favors the annexation of Texas and Oregon. |
Manifest Destiny | Phrase used by John O'Sullivan that meant someday the U.S would expand all the way to the Pacific. |
Texas | Becomes the 28th state in the Union in 1845. |
Bear Flag Republic | Name given to California republic after winning its independence from Mexico. |
Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo | Treaty ending the Mexican War in 1848. |
Forty-Niners | Nickname given to those who head west to California in search of gold. |
Gadsden Purchase | Southern part of Arizona and New Mexico purchased in 1853 to build a railroad. |
Mexican Cession | Land purchased from Mexico in the American southwest after the Mexican War. |
Mormons | Religious settlers in Utah in the 1830's. |