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Amer. Rev. War

American Rev. War

Parliament the British government
Taxation without representation a phrase that was used by the colonists to express their frustration about being taxed without a say in Parliament
Rebels nickname given to COLONISTS who supported independence from Britain
Continental Congress a group of colonists who met in Philadelphia in 1775 to discuss how to deal with Great Britain
Lobsterbacks nickname for BRITISH soldiers based on their red uniforms
Redcoats nickname for BRITISH soldiers based on their red uniforms
Patriot a colonist who opposed British rule
Loyalist a colonist who remained loyal to Britain
Revolution a war in which people in a country or colony try to change the government
Minutemen well-trained volunteer soldiers who defended the American colonies against the British at a minute's notice
Declaration of Independence a document written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776 explaining why the 13 colonies should be free of British rule
Continentals refers to COLONISTS who wanted independence
Boycott refuse to buy from or do business with a person,group, or country
Grievances complaints
Authorized ok'd
Repealed took back
Pleas calls for help
Boston Tea Party a group of colonists disguised themselves at Mohawks and dumped 342 chests of British tea into the harbor to oppose the tax on tea
French and Indian War a war between Great Britain, France, and its Native American allies fought in 1754-1759
Independence freedom from outside control or support
Whig an American supporting independence from Great Britain during the American Revolution
turning point a point where an important change occurs
Tory an American on the side of the British during the American Revolution
Pro-American (colonists) Patriot, Rebel, Minutemen, Continentals, Whig
Pro-British Terms Loyalist, Tory, Lobsterback, Redcoat, Hessians
CAUSE: French and English wanted natural resources and land west of the Appalachian Mountains. EFFECT: French and Indian War 1754-1763
CAUSE: Once England won the French and Indian War, the colonists wanted to settle on the land. The Native Americans were against the colonists settling on their land. EFFECT: English Parliament passed a law that said colonists couldn't settle on that land. The colonists were very angry.
CAUSE: English Parliament believed the colonists should help pay for the war. EFFECT: Britain taxed the colonists.
CAUSE: British soldiers needed housing and food EFFECT: The English Parliament pass the Quartering Act which made it law that colonists had to house the soldiers. COlonists were very angry.
CAUSE: England needed more money so they passed two new laws. (the STAMP Act and the SUGAR Act) EFFECT: The SUGAR Act required colonists to pay a tax on molasses. The STAMP Act required colonists to pay for a special stamp for all official documents and newspapers.
CAUSE: Colonists were angry about the STAMP Act. EFFECT: Colonists protested, burned piles of stamps in the street, and boycotted stamps.
CAUSE: England's leaders still wanted to tax the colonists to pay for British troops living in the colonies. Patriots protested. EFFECT: 1767 Parliament passed the TOWNSHEND Acts which taxed goods such as paper, cloth, glass, lead, and tea. Parliament repealed the Townshend Acts but kept the tax on tea.
CAUSE: Colonists were angry about the tax on tea. EFFECT: Colonists dumped tea off a ship to protest. This event is called the Boston Tea Party.
CAUSE: Parliament was very angry about the Boston Tea Party. They made even more laws to punish the colonists. EFFECT: The colonists called these laws the INTOLERABLE Acts. They couldn't have town meetings and the Port of Boston was closed. Many colonists lost their jobs and went hungry.
CAUSE: Colonists were very angry about all the laws and taxes because they had no say in the making of the laws. ("No taxation without Representation.") They were tired of housing the British soldiers. Colonists started fighting with British soldiers. EFFECT: Boston Massacre March 1770
CAUSE: Colonists were unhappy about taxation without representation in Parliament. EFFECT: They formed the First Continental Congress in 1774 as a way to discuss their grievances with England.
CAUSE: Colonists' pleas were ignored by Parliament and King George III EFFECT: Colonists formed the Second Continental Congress in 1775 and authorized a Continental Army.
Created by: aemiller5
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