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Politics Exam 2

What is Justice? equality, controbution, proceedual justice, individual vs. social needs
What is equality? Everyone should have equal rights and benifits
What is an example of natural inequality in the world? age, strenth, IQ, and EQ
What is an example of moral inequality? inequality forced upon a person by law or society
What is amount vs. need? does everyone get the same about of help from the government or should aid be a function of need
What is the problem with controbution? equal effortrelated to notion of inequuality beginning at birth
What is proceedual justice? focuses on how decisions are reached. Primaraly concerned with being impartial and not favoring one party over another
What are arbitrary governmental actions? refers to how an action is carried out. Does not refer to the justness or unjustness of law.
What is an example of arbitrary governmental actions? Racial profiling, speeding tickets to red cars more than other colored cars
What is due process? 1. laws must be know, or able to be known 2. right to know what you are accused of 3.unbias judges 4. past decisions must be reversable 5. decisions not holding to 1-4 are invalid
What are the special basic rights? 1. right to survive 2. right to free speech 3. right to privacy
What are social needs? actions that are not individually just, but are permitted because the end justifies the means
What is effeciency? greatest benifit for least cost
What is incrementalism? greater decision making, loss of radical decicion making
What is an example of incrementalism? "should new meds be approved fast or slow?"
What is political culture? public attitude towards politics and a citizen's perseption of their role towards politics
What are the 3 levels of political culture? 1. system 2. process 3. policy
What is system? national identity, nationalism, the attitude in the broadest sense of the legitamacy of the government; people believe authority is correctly placed
What is process? different systems produce different levels of participation
What are participants? Activly involved in political process
What are subjects? Passibly obey the government
What are parocials? Hardly aware of government and politics
What is policy? differnt systems will have different answers to a- how invovled should the government be? b- what is the government responsible for?
What are the 4 agents of political socialization? family, schools, religious institutions, and peer groups
What are the two "constitutions"? Constitution- written constitution- nonwritten
What are the 3 goals of a constitution? *1. Stability- the ability to maintain themselves 2. restraint 3. perminance
What are the limits of a consitution? 1. bad at solving specific(better for general perameters) 2. bad a change.. must be some flexibility built in or the constitution will fail, but for the most part, consititutions are rigid.
List 5 facts about the US Constitution first written consitution- now the oldest, establishes the federal government, leads separation of powers, checks and balances, established a procedure for ammending itself
What are the 7 articles of the Constitution? 1. legislative branch 2. executive branch 3. judicial branch 4. full faith and credi 5. ammending process 6. supremicy of the confederation 7. provides room for radification
What are the problems with the articles of confederation? 1. no power to tax/raise armies 2. national government got power from states 3. unicameral legislature 4. only ammend through unanamous state concent 5. no executive or national judiciary
What are the 3 types of federalism? congruent, incongruent, and corporate
What is congruent federalism? each sub-unit is a minimum representation of the whole
What is incongruent federalism? small units are distinctly different than the whole
What is corporate federalism? autonomy is granted to non-concentrated geographic groups; means federalism is not based on territory
What is the purpose of federalism? group autonomy and administrative decentralization
What are the secondary characteristics of federalism? 1. written constitution 2. bicameralism 3. right to ammend constitution 4. overrepresentation of smaller units 5. decentralized government
What is unicameral? single chamber
What is bicameral? 2 chambers; house- lower and senate-upper
What is instrumental voting? means to an end type of voting; Example: a person voting in Ohio because it is a swing state
What is experiential voting? to experience voting and be involved in the process, a kind of "civic duty"; Example: voting in Tennessee even though it is always republican
Created by: Flidisha
Popular History sets




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