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Female/Male Exam 3


Component applied to most of the external surface of the tunica albuginea? Tuncia vaginalis
Homologue of the female vagina (vagina masculina, formerly thought to be homologue of uterus) Prostatic utricle
Beside lymphatics and nerves, give 3 structures located within the spermatic cord and give their immediate covering? Vas deferens & its artery, Testicular artery Pampiniform plexus of veins Covered by interenal spermatic fascia
Define the location of posterior lobe of the prostate? Posterior to uretra & infereior to ejactulatory duct
Landmark through which the tendon of the obturator internus exits the pelvis? Lesser sciatic foramen
Part of the levator any that arises from the arcus tendineus? Iliococcygeus
Define the cardial ligament? Include: structural compostion, location, alernate name, part of organ too which it is attached? Structural: considerable amounts of CT which form fascial sheaths around the vessels, nerves, lymphatics **Provieds support to the uterus. Location: within the base of the broad ligament Alt name: lateral cervial ligament Attachment: isthmus of uterus
What forms the broad ligament? Anterior and posterior sheets of peritoneum extending from uterus to lateral pelvic wall.
The deep dorsal vein of the penis/clitoris enters the pelvis bw what ligaments? Transverse perineal and inferior pubic ligament
The internal pudenal artery terminates as? Deep and dorsal arterie of the clitoris/penis
Structure forming the inferior limit of the deep perineal space? Perineal membrane
Name given to abdominal Scarpas fascia in the perineal region? Deep layer of superficial perineal fascia
The ___ fascia of ther perineum is NOT continous with the dartos of the scrotum. Deep
Using an outline format, name all the branches & subbranches of the pudenal nerve? 1.Inferior Rectal N 2. Perineal N a. posterio labial/scrotal nn b. deeep branches 3. Dorsal N of clitoris/penis
Name 2 branches of the perineal artery? Transverse perineal a & posterior scrotal/labial aa
From what components do the following arise, suspensory ligament of the clitoris? Deep fascia of the lower abdomen
From what components do the following arise, prepuce of clitoris? Lateral folds of labia minora
Structure forming the posterolateral border of the anal triangle? Sacrotuberous ligament
Part of male duct system which passes through the prostate and into the urethra? Ejaculatory duct
Approx length of ductus epididymis? 20-23 feet long
Counting the outer skin of the anerior scrotum as the 1st later, give the 4th layer through which a penetrating object would pass? Cremaster muscle
Give the composition of the head of the epididymis? Efferent ducts + proximal ductus epididumis
What lies immediately medial to the anterior half of the uterosacral ligament? Rectouterine pouch
List 3 named structures located in the deep perineal space of the male? External urethral sphincter Deep transverse perineal muscle Bulboureathral gland
In the female the impt central tendon is know as the perineum of the obstetrician. What muscles of ther perineal region are directly attached to it and could thus be torn during childbirth? External anal sphincter Superficial transverse perineal bulbospongiosus Deep transverse perineal muscles
Forms superior boundary (roof) of the perineum? Inferior aspect of the pelvic diaphragm
Give the following boundaries of the superficial perineal space: a. superior b. inferior c. lateral d. give a muschle of the space a. by the perineal membrane b. deep perineal fascia c. ischiopubic rami d. bulbospongiosus muscles/superficial transverse perineal muscles.
What forms the anterior boundary of the anal triangle? An imaginary line passing through the ischial tuberosities
Where exactly does the greater vestibular glands open? In the groove bw the hymen and the labia minora.
Besdies the skin and fascia, name 2 structures located w/in the labia majora? Terminal end of round ligament of uterus Vestibular blub
Discuss in detail the course taken by the internal pudendal artery and pudenal nerve as they exit the pelvis and pass through the anal triangle? Leaves pelvis by passing through Greater sciatic foramen then dorsally cross the ischial spine and pass throgh the lesser sciatic foramen. NOW on lateral wall of anal triangle w/in pudendal canal.
Makes up the greatest part of uterine tube: thin walled. Ampulla
Part of levator ani that prevents anal incontience (inablitly to prevent fecal discharge) Pubo Rectalis
Component that forms the arcus tendineus? Thicking of obtuator internus fascia
Give the structural components forming the broad ligament? 2 seperate layers of peritoneum
What structure mentioned is related to: a. apex b. inferolateral a. ug diaphragm b. levator ani
Counting the outer skin of the ANTERIOR scrotum as the 1st layer, give the 6th layer which a penetrating item would pass? Tunica Vaginalis
Give the following vertrebral levels for: a. subcostal plane b. transpyloric plane L3 L1
Homologue of the female vagina (vagina masculina-formely thought to be homologue of uterous) Prostatic utricle
Define location of the posterior lobe of the prostate? Posterior to urethra & inferior to ejaculatory duct
Landmark through which the tendon of obturator internus exits the pelvis? Lesser Sciatic foramen
Structure forming the inferior limit (boundary) of the deep perineal space? Perinal membrane
Name 2 branches of perineal artey? transverse perineal a posterio labial/scrotal a
From what components do the following arise? a. suspensory ligament b. prepuce of clitoris a. deep fascia of lower abdomen b. lateral folds of labia minora
Structure forming the posterolateral border of the anal triangle? Sacrotuberous ligament
Besides stomach and splenic vessels, give 2 structures immediately related to the spleen? Left kidney & left colic flexure
Besides the pylorus, give 2 specific parts of visecra through which the transpyloric plane passes? Neck of pancrease & hila of kidenys
The deep dorsal v of penis/clitoris enters the pelvis bw what ligaments? Arcuate pubic ligament Transverse perineal ligament
Female homologue of proximal part of corpus spongiosum? Vestibular bulb
Peritoneal fold attached to ovary containg the ovarian vessels? Suspensory ligament of ovary
Define location of median lobe of the prostate? In midline posterior to urethra and ABOVE the ejaculatory ducts
Define the limits of the posterior lobe of the prostate? In midline posterior to urethra and BELOW the ejaculatory ducts
Describe an anteverted uterus? Tilted forward from the vagina so that the axes of the 2 organs are NOT parallel
Describe an anteflexed uterus? The body itself is slightly curved, with the concavity facing anterioly and inferiorly
Depression just lateral to colliculus seminalis Prosatic sinus
Counting the outer skin of ANTERIOR scrotum as the 1st layer, give the 4th layer through which a penetrating item would pass Cremaster
Part of pelvic diaphragm which oringinaes off the ischial spinus and sacrotuberous ligament? Coccygeus muscle
Besides skin and fascia, name 2 structures located w/in labia majora? Vestibular bulbs, greater vestibular glands
Besides the pudenal N, give the sources of innervation to the anal triangle? Perineal branch of S4 Perineal branches of the posterior femoral cutaneous N
Forms the upper limit (roof) of the deep perineal space? Superior fascia of UG diaphram
Created by: wizdumbslp
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