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NWHSU Mash GA2Q3 Res

NWHSU Mash GA 2 Quiz 3 Respiratory

Antagonist to Cricothyroid? Lateral cricothyroid
What muscle of the larynx is an antagonist to the cricothyroid muscle? Thyroarytenoid
What laryngeal muscles aBduct the vocal cords? Posterior cricoarytenoid
What muscle of the larynx extends from posterior surface of the cricoid lamina to the muscular process of the arytenoids cartilage? Posterior cricoarytenoid
What muscle of the larynx inserts on the muscular process of the arytenoid and rotates the cartilage medially, but does not pull the cartilage anteriorly? Lateral cricoarytenoid
What muscle(s) of the larynx is/are not innervated by the recurrent laryngeal n.? Cricothyroid
What muscle of the larynx lengthens and tightens the vocal cord, thus increasing pitch? Cricothyroid
What muscle(s) of the larynx act(s) as a sphincter of the laryngeal inlet? Oblique arytenoid and aryepiglottic muscles
Besides the thyroid and cricoid cartilages, name the other cartilages of the larynx. arytenoid, epiglottic, corniculate, cuneiform
Muscles of the larynx not innervated by reccurent laryngeal n? Cricothyroid
Describe the motor innervation (include components innervated) to the larynx. recurrent laryngeal to all muscles except external branch of superior laryngeal n. to cricothyroid m.
Entrance to larynx? Aditus
Located immediately medial to the thyroarytenoid, it acts to tense the vocal cords? Vocalis
Give the term for the space between the true and false vocal cords. Ventricle
Slit-like opening between the false vocal cords. Rima vestibuli
Slit-like opening between the true vocal cords. Rima glottidis
Name given to mucosal reflection formed by the lower edge of the quadrangular membrane. Vocal ford
The mucosal reflection over the upper edge of the quadrangular membrane of the larynx. Aryepiglottic fold
Laryngeal cartilage located on the upper edge of the quadrangular membrane? Cuneiform Cartilages
This structure passes upward from the arch of the cricoid cartilage; on its upper edge it is thickened to form the vocal ligaments. Conus elasticus
A sharp mucosal covered ridge of the middle meatus. Uncinate process
Into what meatus does the maxillary sinus drain? Middle meatus via infundibulum
Into what meatus does the frontal sinus drain? Middle meatus via frontonasal duct and ethmoidal infundibulum
A structure which drains into the inferior meatus. Nasolacrimal duct
Meatus into which the nasolacrimal duct drains. Inferior
Immediated structure that receives ostium of the frontonasal duct? Ethmoidal infundibulum
Swelling in the middle meatus, marks the position of ethmoid air cells. Ethmoid bulla
Opening of ethmoidal infundibulum into the meatus. Semilunar hiatus
Place in which the sphenoid sinus drains? Sphenoethmoidal recess
Hypertrophied lymphatic components on the roof of the nasopharynx. Adenoids
Give 2 components of lateral wall of the nasopharynx? Ostia of auditory tubes & pharnygeal muscles
Structure over which the mucosa of the larynx is reflected to form the vestibular fold. Quadrangular membrane
Define the root of the lung. The structures which pass through the hilus = bronchi, vessels, nerves, and lymphatics
Define a bronchopulmonary segment. Portion of a lung supplied with air from a tertiary bronchus
Name two pleural recesses? Give function? Structural composition? Costodiaphragmatic & Castomediastinal All for expansion of the lungs during inspiration. Parietal pleura
Name given to parietal pleura over apex of lung. Cupula
Left lung homologue of middle lobe of right lung. Lingula
Fissure separating upper and middle lobes of the right lung. Horizontal fissure
Give 2 landmarks present on medial surface of right lung, but not the left. Grooves for the superior & inferior vena cava
Specific structure that supports the tracheal bifurcation. Carina
What is the vertebral level of tracheal bifurcation? T4/5
What is the vertebral level of hiatus of the inferior vena cava? T8
Vertebral level of esophageal hiatus? T10
Greater level of aortic hiatus T12
Give the origin of the lumbar part of the diaphragm? Arises from the vertebral column as left & right crura. Also arises from fascial thickenings termed lateral & medial arculate ligaments
Name given to the upper part of the dorsum nasi supported by nasal bones. Bridge
Specific structure responsible for forming the limen nasi. Lower edge of the lateral nasal cartilage
Name bony components forming the roof of the nasal cavity. Nasal bone, frontal bone, cribriform plate of ethmoid, body of sphenoid
Structure which has a lateral and medial crus to hold open the nostrils. Greater alar cartilage
Internally correspond to alae of the nose; has sweat glands, sebaceous glands and hairs. Vestibule
A ridge within the nasal cavity separating stratified squamous from respiratory mucosa. Limen nasi
Located bw anterior end of middle concha and the dorsum of the nose; site of an anterior ethmoidal air cell? Agger nasi
Name two structures related to the left side of the thoracic part of the trachea. left recurrent laryngeal n., arch of the aorta, left common carotid a., left subclavian a.
Besides the aorta, list two structures which can pass through the aortic hiatus. Thoracic duct, azygos vein
Created by: AnatomyMash
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