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AmStud for the Exam

1789 Washington
1792 Washington
1796 Adams (federalist)
1800 Jefferson (D/R)
1804 Jefferson
1808 Madison
1812 Madison (D/R)
1816 Munroe (D/R)
1820 Munroe
1824 Adams (Fed)
1828 Jackson (D/R)
1832 Jackson
What stopped the push of the industrial revolution? slavery
Dem/Republicans pushed for what? . They pushed for states’ rights and for the common people and education for everyone. So the people who made up the majority of the population should have the majority of the say in the government.
What is social mobility? the ability to change from class to class
Post War of 1812, what was the revolution of education? Their ideas began to go beyond the three Rs (reading, wRiting, and aRithmatic) and began to include philosophy and science.
What led to the greater value of the children in society? Pre Industrial Revolution, families had six kids apiece. When kids goes down in numbers, the kids become more precious and a source to carry on the family and caretakers.
What was the protestant reformation? The idea was to form a more direct connection with God. Benevolence was connected with the idea of religious freedom.
What is Protestant ethic? Protestant ethic was spawned in the mid 1700s the IR. Protestant ethic is that you want to do well so that you can get to heaven and that you gotta have proof.
What is calvinism? Calvinism is the idea that you can look around you and see signs if you were going to heaven.
What led the children of he middle class to become more independent? The children of the middle class got no inheritance because they had no tangible goods.
What did unions champion for? Shorter Hours (first 12 hours, ten ten hours), better conditions, and worker safety.
What was the Brook Farm Experiment? Brook Farm Experiment was pulling away into their own societies. It aimed to reject the IR, growing their own food, clothes, homes, etc. They wanted people to share the jobs not according to gender roles. They generally didn’t last more than ten years.
Who were the Shakers? they were originally called the shaking Quakers that did not want war. They came about in the late 1700s and had up to 3000 members. They also disliked alcohol and did not want marriage or sex but wanted to get out of society's constraints.
Who were the Oneidas? Oneidas began making a product that they could sell. They wanted perfectionism and thought other groups failed because they were not perfect. They had casual sex. It was an open marriage. They wanted to push for birth control and having kids when you want
Who were the Mormons? The Mormons was the Church of Christ of latter day saints. They were very male dominant. They believed in polygamy. It died out due to expense. It only exists today where there is a shortage of one gender.
What happened at Seneca falls? Seneca Falls was a big movement for women’s’ rights that got international and national rights. They pushed for the right to vote, more education, divorce, better hospitals and nurses, doing away with slavery, abolition, and property ownership.
What were Jackson's views and actions against the Bank of America? Jackson launched an attack on the Second Bank which still had four years left on its original charter. He ordered the secretary of the treasury to withdraw all of the government funds from the bank, making it collapse. House supported him.
What was Jackson's agenda? He focused for patronage and policy, did not want expansion for national government, used patronage to create a loyal and disciplined party, ordered out the old cabinet and put his own people in, used the spoils system to rotate his people into office.
What changes occurred in the election of 1828? nominations were no longer made by congressional caucuses but by conventions and state legislators. Jackson and Adams were nominated but Jackson won in a landslide.
What was the main issue of the Election of 1832? Who won? The main issue was the bank bill. Henry Clay attempted to force Jackson to veto the bill to get the Democrats to turn against him. He did a speech that showed his understanding of the common people. Jackson won with 219 to 49.
What was the Indian Removal Act of 1829? How did it come about? Indian Removal Act in 1830 in response to Jackson being elected. He called for congress to remove the eastern tribes. States extended jurisdiction over the Indians. It furthered the extension of whites into the Cherokee nation.
What was the Jacksonian era? Broke the tendency of the secretary of state succeeding the president. Democracy under Jackson signaled a rise of the common man, he was elected my workers and farmers. Jackson viewed himself as a spokesperson of the people and he revamped campaigning.
What were the effects of wildcat banks? Wildcat banks sprung up which increased the amount of money circulating and the banks increased the debt in the country
What were Jackson's goals? He wanted a strong federal government and changed institutions with basic principles, he wanted a government for the people ( whites rich males), and a smaller federal government,.
When did the Whigs spring up and what were their aims? In 1834 the Whigs sprung up. They were opposed to Jackson and thought he was too much a royal. They argued that people are natural and that people should be paid or respected based on their abilities. They had the middle class support.
Why did labor unions rise? . About 1821 there was a shortage of labor meaning able bodied men. Labor unions rose in response to this shortage because they were able to demand more money and benefits. They wanted a ten hours a day and six days a week.
Why did people move west? The people are moving west due to cheap land, the crowded nature of the cities, the sons who did not have a lot of fortune, the debtors, runaway slaves, people who had passion for exploring and gold fevers.
Who wanted Texas? by Mexico, Spain, Mexico, US, and France.
What is Manifest destiny? Manifest destiny is the right to expand to the west and that the land was put there by god for the colonists to take what they wanted.
Why did President Polk want a War with Mexico? What did the people think? Polk wanted a war with Mexico so that the US could take over as much land as possible. He wanted New Mexico and California so he tried to buy the region and when Mexico refused to sell, he forcefully took it. People did not want Mexico.
What was the compromise in 1850? There was no new slaves brought in as the slave trade ceased,
Was Kansas free or slave? Nebraska? both free states
Buchannan's presidential views? Buchannan had been elected as a democrat and he was pro-slave. He had a very limited view of the future
What was the Dread Scott Decision? In 1856 was the Dread Scott Decision. It was a slave that wanted to be free; he was literate. This Stanford v. Scott that if his owner decided that he was still a slave, than he was still a slave. Supreme Court had recognized slaves as people.
What was Lincoln for? He was against slavery but did not want abolition. Lincoln was for a strong federal government. He wanted the country to stay together. He wanted to educate the slaves.
What were the advantages of the south? had the food production, had the slaves and greater population, knew the terrain better than the north, more of a passion in the south for their cause, better military leaders.
What were the strengths of the north? more industry, more people, the support of Western Europe, more money, more communication, and the war was not on the northern soil.
Describe the Battle of Bull Run. key turning point. Both side that thought they would win. The south ended up retreating. Both sides mobilized their armies and that they needed more people. The south had more people in the army.
What was the opinion of the draft? One law drafted men for three years from 18-35, then another law extended the age to 45. In the south, people were exempted for every twenty slaves, people could go in your place. In the north, if you resisted a draft, you went to court.
What diseases were everywhere in the War? Malaria, typhoid, and dysentery were rampant
Who was the main general in the North? South? Grant was one of the key generals in the north. . In the south, Lee is a general.
How many states became the confederacy? 11 states formally became the confederacy
What battles decided the fate of the confederacy? What happened? They lost both battles. Key thing was that the confederacy could not protect their own borders.
What was the south like when the Confederacy collasped? and what were the effects? the confederacy collapsed, the land was deserted, the south was in ruins, and General Lee surrendered. As a result of this ending, three things came into place. The 13th amendment, the 14th amendment and the 15th.
Who did Johnson champion? The poor people. He did not like former-slaves.
How did the northern economy benefit from the former slaves? They were good for the factory owners because they were willing to do cheap labor for long hours. The factory workers were not appreciative.
Two movements began in the north. What were they? Two movements began in the north, the women’s rights and suffrage and the labor unions that worked toward workers’ rights. They began to try to do away with alcohol.
What was the Freidman's Bureau? What was the result of this? The Freidman’s Bureau that attempted to give something back to the former slaves. He designed a bill that said that the former slaves should have the right to the land they worked as slaves. Sharecropping sprung up in response to the slaves being evicted.
What was the management revolution?What was the south's response? . Factory owners wanted more time and recognized the need for another shift. This was called the management revolution. The managers updated their factory production lines. The south was resistant to scientific management and the push for more factories
Who were the Scalawags? named by other people in the south that wanted to ride the coat tails of the formal aristocracy. The scalawags wanted to keep the land in the hands of the old land owners and didn’t want to pay the slaves, and didn’t spread the news that the war was over.
What were some of the causes of westward expansion? The land boom was encouraged by the federal government and the actions of land speculators. The farmers who moved to the west became cash croppers who occasionally overlooked substance farming in favor of the more valuable products.
What were some of the harships of moving to the west? Runaway horses, stampeded cattle, prairie fire, blizzards, heat, sunstroke, Indians, lice, snakes and the pure loneliness of the open plains - all of these and more faced the western pioneers of the 1800s.
What was the effect of teritorial expansion on the farmers? had a simple but hard labor style. Got land from the Louisiana purchase. The homestead act got land for farmers cheap. Hard environmental conditions, water supply problems, grasshoppers and locusts all plagued the farmers. Were some tech advances.
Who was the forst advocate of manifest destiny? John Quincy Adams
What did transcendentalism emphasize? It emphasized free thinking in religious spirituality, the thought that we are able to seek truth through intuition, and romantic and individualistic characters in literature. They thought that the enlightenment did not cut it.
What did they think about evil? Trans thought that evil did not exist; evil is just the absence of good. Your divine intellect would never lead you to do something wrong. Society is corrupting and Materialism prevents the individual from following her or his divine intellect.
The second Industrial Revolution caused what to happen? In the south, their education had to change, reliance on machines for farms, their ideals, and their ability to work. Steel mills began to spring up. Railroads helped get people different places. Gross National Product at this time shot up.
What caused urban sprawl? railroads are available, and lakes are used, the cities expand and undergo urban sprawl. The cities went from one mile radius to five to twenty five miles.
What was included in the onset of bureaucracy? what was it called? a spread of principles, time management, products, operation, and consistency throughout the organization. the iron cage
After an awareness of time sprung up, what happened? It was emphasized cutting down the time to produce a product. Technology took off to make more money for the business.
What did Karl Marx think? workers should rise up and take over the power of the factory. He said that religion was the opiate of the masses. wanted socialism where in every factory; the workers would own each factory. Then eventually, communism would supersede.
What did Walt Whitman believe in? Liberation of the individual,Glorification of the common man, Unity of everything, Praised nature and the city, Praises America and civil war soldiers, Abe Lincoln
What did the populists want? agrarian reform- give farmers more in return for your crops. They wanted a nation of railroads. Wanted to protect the land for farming. They pushed for a graduated income tax. They wanted a secret ballot voting style. Silver in coins.
What did the progressives want? immigration, unemployment was high and wanted reform, industrial , wanted reform in the government and the cities, wanted national parks, were laize-fair to the corporations, Recognized middle class, free journalism, women’s suffrage, campaign reform,
What were the progressives biased against? immigrant restrictions and bias against race gender and religion. (1900- depression) They also wanted to get rid of prostitutes.
What did the women want for society once they were in charge? Women were concerned with child labor, welfare, better wages, and settlement houses (lower than projects). Onset of feminism, freedom for personal development, career, cut of the double standard, and birth control and reform factories for fire hazards.
What caused the radical shift in literature from the puritan views to Whitman? The enlightenment, the IR, the American Revolution.
What did Walt Whitman represent? the liberation of the individualism
What was the kitchen cabinet? Jackson's political advisors that were very close to him personally and would meet at his house on the weekends.
Under Jackson, what were the changes in voting qualifications? From land owning men to all men.
Compare the North and South in regards to the revolutionary war. South was agrarian. North was industrial, had more people, were able to maintain trade, but had a poor general. South had good military leaders.
What was the Missouri Compromise? the Missouri Compromise stipulated that all the Louisiana Purchase territory north of the southern boundary of Missouri, except Missouri, would be free, and the territory below that line would be slave.
What was the importance of the Missouri Compromise? Since the Revolution, the country had grown from 13 states to 22 and had managed to maintain a balance of power between slave and free states. There were 11 free states and 11 slave states, a situation that gave each faction equal representation.
What was the final result of the Missouri Compromise? a compromise was finally reached after Maine petitioned Congress for statehood. It and Missouri were admitted, a free Maine and a slave Missouri, and the balance of power in Congress was maintained. Dread Scott made it unconstitutional.
What is class consciousness? being aware of where you are in society and trying to better your position and get rights for your class
When did the IR take place in the North? In the south? Post civil war, post revolutionary war.
When was the second IR and what did it include? post civil war, management revolution, corporations
Define slave labor, slavery of wages, and wage labor. slaves — are deprived of personal freedom and compelled to work. WL- where the worker sells their work to their employer under a contract. SoW-you are unable to pay off debt with your current wages.
What ammendments did the Progressives spawn? graduated income tax 16, 17 the direct election of congress, 18th was the prohibition act and the 19th women’s voting
What was the "Know nothing" party? A group of people who refused to acknowledge the political and social turmoil around them. They were silent about issues.
What is manifest destiny? Manifest Destiny — a phrase used by leaders and politicians in the 1840s to explain continental expansion by the United States — revitalized a sense of "mission" or national destiny for many Americans.
What did the emancipation proclamation say? eclared, "all persons held as slaves within any States, or designated part of the State, the people whereof shall be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free."
What did the Emancipation Proclamation do? it declared free only those slaves living in states not under Union control. It allowed black soldiers to fight for the Union -- soldiers that were desperately needed. It also tied the issue of slavery directly to the war.
What did Jackson want for the government? He did not want expansion for national government. He used patronage to create a loyal and disciplined party. He ordered out the old cabinet and put his own people in. He didn’t want American public services system, & less checks and balances.
What led to the split of the Dem/Reps? the highly contested election of John Quincy Adams.
What was the result of the split of the Dem/Reps? Jackson gained political power. the democrats and national republiccan parties arose.
Created by: lilbitnerdy
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