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Petey 7-6.6

Enviromental challenges

Megalopolis Areas where cities have grown so large they run into each other
Developing Country Countries seeking to industrialize
Developed Country Have long been industrialized and can offer a higher standard of living
Standard of living The measure of a person's wealth and personal happiness
Deforestation The clearing of forests
Habitat The special environments required for particular organisms to live there
Desertification The turning of fertile soil into desert
Subtsistence farmers Farmers growing just enough food to meet their needs
Slum The rundown, poverty stricken portions of a city
Nonrenewable resource When products such as Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are used up they're gone forever
Acid rain Poisonous downpour
Greenhouse affect Gases trap solar energy in the form of heat
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) The gases used in aerosol cans and foam packaging
Ozone layer A thin protective layer of gas in the upper atmosphere
Ozone hole The depletion of the ozone layer
Sustainable development Economic development that does not limit the ability of future generations to meet their needs
Green revolution Provided new strains on things like rice and corn
Droughts A long period of time without rain
Created by: berryalysad
Popular History sets




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