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Gross Anatamy I

Exam 3 Vessels

3 vessels that arise from the Aortic Arch? Brachiocephalic Trunk, Left Common Carotid and Left Subclavian Arteries
2 vessels that arise from the Brachiocephalic trunk Right Subclavian and Right Common Carotid Arteries
Vessel that goes from the brachiocephalic trunk to the medial border of the anterior scalene muscle 1st part of Subclavian Artery
Branches of the 1st part of the Subclavian Artery Vertebral Artery, Internal Thoracic Artery and Thyrocervical Trunk
Artery which ascends through the transverse foramina of C1-C6 and enters skull via the foramen magnum Vertebral Artery
Which vessel do the two vertebral arteries from opposite sides form in the skull? Basilar Artery
Which vessels form to make the Basilar Artery? Both vertebral arteries from opposite sides
Branches of the basilar artery Pontine, Labyrinthine, Anterior inferior cerebellar, Superior cerebellar and Posterior cerebral arteries.
What does the Pontine Artery supply and where does it come from? pons; branch of the basilar artery
What does the Labyrinthine Artery supply and where does it come from? internal ear; branch of the basilar artery
What does the Anterior inferior cerebellar supply and where does it come from? cerebellum; branch of the basilar artery
What does the Superior cerebellar supply and where does it come from? cerebellum; branch of the basilar artery
What does the Posterior cerebral supply and where does it come from? cerebrum; branch of the basilar artery
Branches of the vertebral artery cervical branches and cranial branches
What are the cervical branches that arise from the vertebral artery? spinal and muscular arteries
What are the cranial branches that arise from the vertebral artery? meningeal a., posterior and anterior spinal aa., posterior inferior cerebellar a. and medullary aa.
Which muscles are supplied by the muscular artery in which arises from the cervical branch of the vertebral artery deep muscles of the neck
What does the meningeal artery supply? meninges
What does the posterior and anterior spinal aa. supply? spinal cord
What does the posterior inferior cerebellar a. supply? cerebellum
What does the medullary aa. supply? medulla oblongata
Which artery runs from the inferior surface of the subclavian artery? Internal Thoracic Artery (mammary a.)
What does the internal thoracic artery supply? mediastinum, pericardium, mammary gland, intercostal mm. and the pectoralis major
Branches of the internal thoracic artery Pericardiacophrenic artery, Anterior intercostals Arteries, Musculophrenic Artery and the Superior epigastric artery.
What accompanies the pericardiacophrenic artery? Phrenic Nerve
What does the Anterior Intercostal Arteries supply? intercostal mm, pectoral mm, mammary glands and skin
What does the Anterior Intercostal Arteries form an anastomosis with? posterior intercostal aa.
What are the two terminal branches of the internal thoracic artery? Musculophrenic Artery and Superior Epigastric Artery
What does the Musculophrenic Artery supply? diaphragm, abdominal muscles, intercostal muscles and pericardium
What does the Superior Epigastric Artery form an anastomosis with and where does it enter to form? Inferior Epigastric Artery; Rectus Sheath
Branches of the Thyrocervical Trunk? Inferior Thyroid Artery, Suprascapular Artery and Transverse Cervical Artery
What does the Inferior Thyroid Artery supply? thyroid gland, larynx, esophagus, infrahyoid mm, anterior scalene m., etc
Which artery which branches off of the thyrocervical trunk that passes ABOVE the superior transverse scapular ligament? suprascapular artery
What passes BELOW the superior transverse scapular ligament? suprascapular nerve
What does the Suprascapular Artery supply? sternocleidomastoid, subclavius, trapezius and supraspinatus mm.
What does the Suprascapular Artery form an anastomoses with? transverse cervical, thoracoacromial, and circumflex scapular aa.
What is an important branch of the Transverse Cervical Artery? Where may this vessel arise from? Dorsal Scapular Artery; Subclavian Artery
What does the Transverse Cervical Artery supply? Levator Scapulae and Trapezius
What accompanies the Dorsal Scapular Artery? Dorsal Scapular Nerve
Which artery runs from the posterior to anterior scalene muscle? 2nd part of Subclavian Artery
Branch of the 2nd part of the Subclavian Artery? Costocervical Trunk
Which vessel arises from the dorsal and cranial surface of subclavian? Costocervical Trunk
What does the Costocervical Trunk supply? 2st and 2nd intercostal spaces, semispinalis capitis and cervicis
Which artery runs from the lateral border of anterior scalene to lateral border of 1st rib? 3rd part of Subclavian Artery
What artery comes off the Subclavian Artery 50% of the time? Dorsal Scapular Artery
Which artery begins at the lateral border of the 1st rib and ends at the inferior margin of the teres major muscles? Axillary Artery
Which artery goes from lateral border of the 1st rib to medial border of the Pectoralis Minor? 1st part of Axillary Artery
Branches of the 1st part of the Axillary Artery Highest Thoracic Artery
What does the Highest Thoracic Artery Supply? Pectoralis Muscles and Thoracic Wall
Vessel that runs posterior to Pectoralis Minor Muscle 2nd part of Axillary Artery
Branches for the 2nd part of the Axillary Artery Thoracoacromial Artery and Lateral Thoracic Artery
What does the Thoracoacromial Artery supply? Pectoral, Deltoid, Acromial and Clavicular areas
Branches of the Thoracoacomial Artery Pectoral br, Acromial br, Clavicular br and Deltoid br
What does the Lateral Thoracic Artery supply? Serratus Anterior, Pectoralis mm, subscapularis, Axillary Lymph nodes and Mammary Gland
Vessel that runs from the lateral border of pectoralis minor to inferior border of teres major 3rd part of Axillary Artery
Branches of the 3rd part of the Axillary Artery Subscapular Artery; Posterior/Anterior Humeral Circumflex Arteries
Branches of the Subscapular Artery Scapular Cirumflex and Thoracodorsal Artery
What is the largest branch of the Axillary Artery? Subscapular Artery
Created by: 1277880004
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