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Am. His. Lesson 3

American History 1846-1896

Proposed amendment to the military appropiations bill aimed at banning slavery via the outcome of the war with Mexico Wilmot Proviso
Concept that the settlers of a new territory have the right to accept slavery or not popular sovereignty
Third party that proposed to exclude slavery from federal territories free-soil party
Series of 5 congressional statutes that temporarily calmed the sectional crisis Compromise of 1850
Federal law that for slave owners to recapture runaway slaves and free blacks Fugitive Slave Law
The attitudes, actions, and policies that favor native populations over immigrants Nativism
Repealed the Missouri Compromise, split the Louisiana purchase in two territories, and allowed popular sovereignty Kansas-Nebraska Act
Secret memo that urged the acquisition of Cuba by any means necessary Ostend Manifesto
Also known as the American Party in the mid 19th century Know-Nothing Party
Political party that were opposed to the extension of slavery in the western territories Republican Party
Congress narrowly denied Kansas' entry into the union under this constitution Lecompton Constitution
Southern secessionists who debated two strategies: unilateral or cooperative secession Cooperationists
Leading proposal that would have extended the Missouri Compromise line west to the Pacific Crittenden Compromise
Union strategy that was to encircle the South as an Anaconda squeezes its prey Anaconda Policy
President Lincoln proclaimed that the slaves of the Confederancy were free Emancipation Proclamation
Northern Democrats suspected of being indifferent or hostile to the Union cause in the Civil War Copperheads
Reconstruction plan proposed by President Lincoln as a quick way to readmit the former confederate states Ten Percent Plan
Insisted on black suffrage and federal protection of civil rights of African Americans Radical Republicans
Congress bill for reconstruction that was vetoed by Lincoln Wade-Davis Bill
Prohibited slavvery and involuntary servitude Thirteenth Amendment
Laws passed that attempted to tie freedmen to field work and prevent them from becoming equal to white southeners Black Codes
Agency that provided freedmen with shelter, food, and medical aid Freedman's Bureau
Provided citizenship to the ex-slaves after the Civil War and constitutionally protected equal rights under the law for all citizens Fourteenth Amendment
Divided the south into five military districts and required states to guarantee black male suffrage Radical Reconstruction
Blacks and poor whites accepted grants to work small bits of land in exhange for delivering about half their harvest to landlords Sharecropping
Northerners who moved to the South after the Civil WAr in order to aid in the reconstruction of the South or invest in its economy Carpetbaggers
Memebers of the National Greenback Party who wanted to keep wartime paper money in circulation Greenbackers
Prohibited the denial of the right to vote on the basis of race, color, or prior condition as a slave Fifteenth Amendment
Secret terrorist society whose goals were to disfranchise blacks, stop Reconstruction, and restore the pre-war social order to the South Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
Three "force" attacks that protected black voters in the South from the KKK Force Acts
Democrats accepted the election of Rutherford B. Hayes in exchange for the withdrawal of federal troops from the South and the ending of Reconstruction Compromise of 1877
Representatives of the Old South that took power Redeemers
Laws enacted by states to segregate the population Jim Crow Laws
Set of dances that were believed to cause white men to disappear and restore Native American lands Ghost Dances
Massacre in which about 200 Native Americans were killed in order to stop the Ghost Dances Wounded Knee Massacre
Legislation that aimed at breaking up traditional Indian life by promoting individual land ownership Dawes Severalty Act
The route taken by thousands of travelers from the Mississippi Valley to the Pacific Coast Overland Trail
Legislation granting 160 acres of land to anyone who paid a $10 fee and pledged to live on and cultivate the land for 5 years Homestead Act of 1862
Legislation that used funds gained from sale of public lands to finance irregation projects National Reclamation Act (Newlands Act)
Farming technique that allowed farming in more acid parts of the West Dry farming
Huge farms covering thousands of acres on the Great Plains Bonanza Farms
Provided a social, educational, and cultural outlet for its members to relief the drabness of farm life National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry
Thesis that the existence of a frontier and its settlement had shaped American character Turner's Thesis
Four major railroad networks designed to connect the eastern seaports to the Great Lakes and western Rivers Trunk lines
type of organization in which a single company owns and controls the entire process Vertical integration
Centrally controlled set of monopolies Trust
corporate entities taht own subsidiary corporations Holding company
Excluded Chinese immigrant workers for 10 years and denied U.S. citizenship to Chinese living in the U.S. Chinese Exclusion Act
Labor organization that worked for the abolishment of child labor Knights of Labor
Loose alliance of national craft unions that organized skilled workers by craft American Federation of Labor (AFL)
Protest for the slayings of 2 workers that turned into a violent riot Haymarket riot
Violent strike that was provoked by wage-cutting at Carnegie's Homestead Steel plant Homestead Strike
People who immigrated to the U.S. from Europe who were poor and unskilled New immigrants
Reformers who worked to end corruption in politics Mugwumps
Organization that campaigned for the prohibition of alcohol Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)
Organization that worked to secure women the right to vote National American Woman Suffrage Association
Established the doctrine of "separate but equal" Plessy v. Ferguson
Theory that led to the "laws" of evolution that led to human life social Darwinism
Doctrine focused on improving living conditions as well as saving souls Social Gospel
Community centers established to help the poor settlement houses
Created by: mateya4898
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