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History Final 2/2013
Question | Answer |
The definition of latitude is: | The distance north or south of Earth's Equator, measured in degrees |
The definition on longitude is : | The distance east or west of the Prime Meridian in degrees. |
The definition of hemisphere is | Half the earth |
The Prime Meridian is actually a line of: | Longitude |
What basic questions guide geographers? | Where things are located? and Why are they there? |
The Equator is actually a line of: | Latitude |
How is Earth's rotation connected to the change from day to night? | As Earth rotates, it is night on the side facing away from the sun. As the Earth turns toward the sun, it becomes day. |
What forces inside Earth shape the Earth's surface | Magma and moving plates |
What are the five main types of climate? | Tropical, Dry, Temperate Marine, Temperate Continental, and Polar |
What is population density? | The average number of people living in a square mile or square kilometer. |
What are push factors? | Reasons why people leave a place. |
How does a push factor explain a persons decision to migrate? | Push factors explain why a person would leave their own country. |
How does a pull factor explain a persons decision to migrate? | Pull factors explain why a person would go to another country. |
Who owns the farms, factories and offices in a communist economy? | The government |
What is a country's level of development? | It is based on the numbers of industries and levels of advanced technology it has. |
What is the definition of a state? | A region that shares a government. |
In which types of governments do ordinary citizens take part in decisions? | Direct democracy, Constitutional Monarchy and Representative Democracy. |
What is an alliance? | A group of nations that has agreed to work together. |
What is the definition of prehistory? | The time before writing was invented. |
What do scientists study to learn about prehistory? | They study the remains of , and objects that belonged to , ancient people. |
How was life in the New Stone Age different than in the Old Stone Age? | People settled in areas to grow their own food rather than traveling constantly in search of food. |
What effects did food surpluses have on people and populations? | Populations grew and people could focus on other jobs besides farming. |
What are pull factors? | Reasons why people are drawn to a place. |
What resources were necessary for villages to grow into cities? | Rich soil, dependable drinking water and materials to build shelter. |
How did Mesopotamia's geography help civilizations to develop in the area? | Abundant water and fertile soil encouraged people to settle in the area and develop civilizations. |
How did Sumerians practice religion? | Sumerians practiced polytheism and made sure their gods were properly cared for. |
What is the definition of empire? | Many territories and peoples controlled by one government. |
What were Babylonia and Assyria and where were they located? | They were important Mesopotamia empires located in southwest Asia Minor. |
Who was Hammurabi? | He was the king of Babylon and creator of the Babylonian empire. |
What is the definition of cuneiform? | Groups of wedges and lines used to write several languages of the Fertile Crescent. |
What does the expression "an eye for an eye" mean in relation to Hammurabi's Code? | That the punishment equaled the crime. |
What were some of the uses for the art of writing? | To keep records, like sales, trades,tax payments, marriages, deaths and gifts to the gods. |
Who were the Phoenicians? | The Phoenicians developed an empire through trade along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. |
What religious laws did the Israelites (Jews) follow? | The religious laws set forth in the Torah, including the Ten Commandments. |
What do the laws of Judaism say about the moral values of the Israelites? | These laws show that Israelites were concerned with honoring God above men; with the issues of right and wrong and helping the less fortunate. |
How did the Nile River affect the lives of the early Nubians and Egyptians? | The Nile brought the Ancient Egyptians and Nubians a constant source of water, allowing them to fish, farm, trade, and build communities along its banks. |
How did the cataracts of the Nile River affect Nubian trade? | The cataracts prevented Nubians from trading by traveling on the river, so Nubian trade routes had to be overland. |
Why did Egypt's rulers have more authority than most rulers have today? | The Egyptians thought that rulers had God-like powers and therefore hesitated to question their authority. |
What Characteristics did Egypt's Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom have in common? | All made progress and prospered most of the time; all were led by pharaohs. |
In what ways did the ancient Egyptians use religion to understand nature? | They believed that the Gods controlled nature and that this control explained the workings of nature. |
Why did the Egyptians mummify their dead? | Egyptians believed that a person's spirit would exist in the afterlife and would return to the mummified body to receive food and offerings. |
Why were the pharaohs concerned about the condition of their tombs? | The pharaohs wanted their bodies and possessions to be safe from robbers. They may also have felt that the appearance of the tomb reflected their wealth and power. |
What was the importance of writing in Egyptian society? | Writing enabled the people to keep track of their economy through written records and , later enabled them to communicate more complicated ideas. |
How did the learning achievements of the Egyptians affect later civilizations? | Future civilizations used the information Egyptians learned about medicine and astronomy. |
What was the relationship between Egypt and Nubia? | At first, they were friendly and traded goods. In time they became competitive, struggling over the control of the land. |
What signs of Nubian culture exist in Nubia today? | Nubian culture can still be found in styles of pottery, furniture, jewelry, and fashion. |